The auditorium in the direction of the west aisle.

  This is where Huashi Doulang and Walpo fight.


  The devastated ground suddenly cracked, and a large amount of rubble flew around.

  Walpo withdrew his right foot that was slamming on the ground, and immediately took a step back, crossing his arms in front of him, blocking Huashi Doulang's straight right fist.


  The jellyfish-shaped air wave burst out at the place where the two sides hit, raising the sand, dust and gravel on the surrounding ground.

  The two were evenly matched, and under this head-on collision, they both stood firmly in place.

   Immediately afterwards, the two launched fierce attacks on their own, their fists and feet collided fiercely in mid-air, bursting out waves of air visible to the naked eye.

   There is no skill at all, it is just the collision of pure flesh and displaying aura.

   "Unable to attack..."

  Hua Shi Doulang's fists have a tiger-head-shaped mental energy looming.

   This is his ability to bite the fist.

  But the opponent is a strengthening system with similar strength level as him, so it is difficult to gain substantial benefits from the power of Tiger Bite Fist, that is, the aura of the move is more obvious.

  If you want to break the balance of power, you can only see whose "flow" is better.

  Or adopt tactics that surprise the opponent, so as to gain an advantage that can snowball.

   "Wait patiently for the opportunity."

  Huashi Doulang mobilized his thoughts and used both fists to attack Walpo like a storm.

   bang bang bang...

  Amidst the continuous sound of dull collisions, Huashi Doulang's attack temporarily suppressed Walpo.

  But when the momentum gradually weakened, Walpo replaced him to attack, and suppressed Huashi Doulang.

  The two sides fought back and forth like this.

   This is the normal state of fighting between two reinforcement systems of similar level.

   But Huashi Doulang has been patiently waiting for an opportunity.

  His Tiger Bite Fist actually has a second-stage variation, a technique Moyu taught him.

   It's just that when Moyou taught him this skill, he specifically mentioned the use of tactics.

  The so-called trump card is not to use it when you see the opportunity, but to create opportunities in battle without anyone noticing.

  Up to now, Huashi Doulang had two chances to use "Tiger Bite Fist · Phase 2" after fighting Walpo, but he held back.

  The first two offensive opportunities could indeed hit Walpo with this trick, but it couldn't become an opportunity for victory.

  What Huashi Doulang wants is to be able to seal the victory with one move.

   Therefore, he implemented the tactics taught by Moyou, and consciously let Walpo get used to his offensive style and ability form in the boring fight with Walpo.

  He wants to create a timing point where he can use the ability of "Tiger Bite Fist · Phase 2" to break the balance of power when Walpo gets used to the rhythm.

  If it doesn't work...

  Then the end of this battle is a competition of will and potential strength.

  Hua Shi Doulang didn't want to delay until then.

  He wants to show his growth during this time in front of Moyu.

   bang bang bang—

  Huashi Doulang and Walpo confront each other crazily.

  The collision between the thoughts turned into a burst of energy and hit the surrounding ground, setting off clusters of gravel.

  The already devastated ground suddenly became even more horrible.

   And Huashi Doulang finally found the best opportunity to attack in this round of confrontation.

  He took advantage of Walpo's old power to exhaust his new power, and suddenly used the ability of "Tiger Bite Fist - Phase 2".


  In the sound of Ling Lie piercing the air, there seemed to be the sound of a tiger roaring.

The thought force condensed between Huashi Doulang's hands stretched forward without any warning, and in an instant it took the shape of a tiger's head, and the opened tiger's mouth full of sharp teeth bit it. To Walpo who is close at hand.


  Seeing that Huashi Doulang suddenly used an attack move that was more inclined to unleash, Walpo's expression was startled, and he hastily shifted his mental power to build a defense in front of him that made him feel at ease.


  Under Walpo's terrified gaze, the tiger-headed Nianli that came rushing towards his face abruptly changed its trajectory, and fell down like a tiger descending the mountain, pounced on the ground in front of him.

   "What, what!"

  Walpo's eyeballs fell quickly, looking at the tiger-headed Nianli who was pounced on the ground in front of him.

   Before he could react, an unspeakable pain suddenly came from his crotch.

  But the moment the tiger-headed thought power hit the ground, it suddenly rebounded and jumped up, slamming between his spans.


  Under the severe pain, the veins on Walpo's face burst out, and he let out a shrill scream.

  The violent force exerted between the two spans caused his strong body to fly into the sky and hit the ceiling.

  Accompanied by a dull bang, Walpo fell from the ceiling and slammed **** the ground next to the entrance and exit passage of the auditorium, raising a puff of smoke and dust.

  Tiger Bite Fist·Second stage, the effect is outstanding!

  The tiger-headed thought force with its head raised seemed to be watching the direction in which Walpo flew out, and then slowly dissipated.

  Hua Shi Doulang withdrew his hands, thinking that what Master taught was really useful.

   Presumably, if this trick continues, even if Walpo still has the strength to resist, it will definitely not be as difficult as before.

   "We must take advantage of the victory to pursue, and we must not give the enemy any chance!"

  Hua Shi Doulang kept Moyou's teaching in mind, and stepped forward to chase the smoke and dust that was raised beside the passage.

  If it weren't for Moyou's teaching, this strengthening department who became famous in the Sky Arena would probably not have thought of such a trick, let alone wait for the opportunity so patiently.

   It is precisely because of his lack of this quality that he was miserably played by Hisoka in the original book, and finally died under the poker shot from the sky.

  Among the smoke and dust.

  Walpo was in a cold sweat from the pain.

  Under the influence of such severe pain, even the easiest-to-maintain "wrapping" seems to collapse, let alone the more difficult "hardening".

   "Damn bastard... that strict manner... is all fake... just to use this trick on me...!!"

  Walpo's facial features twisted.

  Hua Shi Doulang's insidious move directly made him lose the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

  No way, it hurts too much...

   At least stay away from this **** until you recover!

  Walpo's thoughts turned, he stood up enduring the severe pain, and suddenly rushed out of the smoke and went straight to the passage.

  Huashi Doulang, who was chasing after him, frowned when he saw Walpo rushing into the passage.

  He is confident that he can catch up with Walpo, but he may not be able to keep Walpo in this layer.

  If Walpo escapes to another floor and frantically uses the audience as a shield, then the situation will become troublesome.

  Thinking of this possibility, Huashi Doulang speeds up his pursuit.

  No matter what, he couldn't let this happen.

  In the long passage.

  Walpo gritted his teeth and ran wildly in pain.

  If he could get rid of that guy, he didn't plan to come back to find a place again, but would directly stay away from this place of right and wrong.

  The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the passage.

  Walpo frequently turned his head to look at Huashi Doulang, who was chasing after him, and then looked at the entrance of the passage ahead.


  Suddenly, he saw two short figures standing not far from the entrance of the passage.

  Under the backlight, you can't see the other person's appearance clearly for a while, but you can confirm that the other person is a child through the figure.


  Walpo's eyes flashed a hint of murderous intent, and he immediately had the idea of ​​using these two children to hinder Huashi Doulang's pursuit.

  These two children are Xiaojie and Qiya who just arrived here.

  When they saw Walpo rushing straight over, they couldn't help but glanced at each other quickly, and then made preparations to attack at the same time.

   "Qi Ya, how much is this person worth?"

  Xiaojie took a position and asked curiously before Wapole stepped into the attack range.

"have no idea."

  Ki Ya stared at Walpo closely, and his eyes quickly passed over Walpo's rather weird running posture.

   got hurt and chose to run away...

   And the state of "Qi" is very unstable.

  You can try it!

  Qi Ya's eyes sparkled, and he said seriously: "But since he is a wanted A-level criminal, there should be a price of several billion."

"That's great!"

  Xiaojie's eyes lit up when he heard this.

  In order to buy the game qualification of "Greedy Island", the most they need now is money.

the other side.

  Inside the competition venue.

  The departure of Huashi Doulang and Walpo did not affect the other two battles at all.

   Hisoka and Maqi are still entangled.

  Both of them know the details of each other's telekinetic ability, and it is difficult to find an opportunity to change the situation in a short time.

  Moyu took the time to recover his potential energy outside the battle circle. He focused on Feitan who was fighting Bisjit, but occasionally he would take a look at Hisoka's situation.

  Seeing that Hisoka has not been able to gain an advantage, he doesn't know whether Hisoka is enjoying it or Maqi's strength is not weak.

   Moyou thought that he would not disturb Hisoka's interest, but he could do a little favor to speed up the end of this battle.

   It is for this purpose that Xiaodi left Kuroro's head on purpose.

   "Wait a little longer..."

   Moyou was talking to himself in his heart.

   A few minutes have passed since Kuroro was killed.

  In the "absolute" state, the potential energy recovery speed is very fast, but it is still not enough.


  If Xiao Di and Bi Siji were to attack together, it wouldn't take much potential energy.

  Ke Moyou intends to solve Feitan alone, so at least make sure that the potential energy is sufficient, otherwise it is very likely to overturn.

time flies-

   Another two minutes passed.

  The two battles in the field are still in balance.

  Moyou felt that it was almost done, so he took the fully charged Shubao necklace from Xiaodi and put it back on his body.

  Xiao Di looked at Moyou and asked softly, "What should I do next?"

   "No need to do anything, just watch here."

   Moyu bent down and picked up Kuroro's head from the ground.


  Xiao Di responded when he heard the words.

  Moyu smiled at Xiaodi, and held Kuroro's head with one hand, as if holding a bowling ball.

"first of all…"

  He glanced at the battle situation on Hisoka's side, released a little thought power, and surrounded Kuroro's head in his hand.

   "Extreme Speed"

  The mental power gathered in the right hand suddenly turned into a powerful propulsion, wrapped around Kuroro's head and shot out, flying towards the battle circle where Hisoka and Maqi were in the air.

  After sending a surprise to these two, Moyou rushed towards the battle circle in the other direction without even looking at it.

   As for what reaction Kuroro's head will bring to Hisoka and Machi, and whether it will hit Hisoka or Machi, it is none of Moyu's business.

  Moyu came out of Feitan and Bisji's battle circle at the fastest speed.

  His arrival immediately attracted the attention of Fei Tan and Bi Siji.

   "Is everything's very efficient."

  When Bisji saw Moyou approaching, he immediately understood the general situation.

  In order to keep Feitan within a small range of movement, she didn't have much spare energy to pay attention to the situation in other places.

  The arrival of Moyu means that the Phantom Brigade has a high probability of missing and suffered heavy losses.

  From this point of view, little brother Moyou played well.

   On the contrary, there has been no success on my side...

   Bisji didn't think there was anything wrong.

  Although she did not pose a substantial threat to Fei Tan, she made Fei Tan obediently wander around in a circle, unable to go anywhere.

   As far as this teamfight is concerned, her contribution is indispensable.

  Because Feitan, a speed-type mental ability user, may not be as threatening in frontal combat as the enhancement system, but in a multiplayer melee, Feitan's existence must not be ignored.

  If Feitan hadn't been crushed here, Moyou would definitely not have been able to achieve such brilliant results.

   Not to mention the need to always be on guard against Feitan's sneak attack, the impact of the fault tolerance rate alone will greatly increase the burden on Moyou in terms of mental power consumption.

  Bisji has rich experience and can accurately understand the situation, so without Moyou's orders, she took the initiative to take on the important task of containing Feitan.

  In order to press Fei Tan here, she can be said to have done her best in the loli form.

   On the other hand, Feitan is the same. In order to break through the restraint from Bisji, he can be said to be extremely energetic.

  However, he still can't escape the circle set by Bisji.

   Now noticing that Moyou was approaching, Fei Tan's expression changed, and waves of waves arose in his heart.

  Moyou raised his right hand, materialized a black knife out of thin air, and held it tightly in his hand.

   "Ah...sister, leave it to me."

  Ignoring Fei Tanna's obvious change in response, Moyu asked Bi Siji to step down temporarily.

  When Bi Siji heard Moyou's words, the corners of his eyes slightly curved, and he retreated decisively.

  As soon as she withdrew her hand, Fei Tan immediately broke out of the circle. In a sense, he was free at this moment.

  The moment he got rid of Bisji, Fei Tan attacked Moyou without hesitation.

  The black windbreaker rose in the air and turned into a black shadow, covering up the cold edge brought by the slender sword.

   Moyou lowered his eyes, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and slowly raised the blade.

  In order to discover the talent of using a knife...

   Driven by perception, Moyou swung his knife thousands of times for an unknown number of days and nights.

   After persisting in this way, has it become more powerful in terms of sword skills?

   Of course there is.

   But it's just a little more powerful.

  Until today, under the effect of the mask of the Thousand Transformer, Moyou has personally experienced the experience and insights from the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara.


  These perceptions made up for what was lacking in the thousands of times of swinging the knife day and night.

   Breathing, momentum, state, moves...

as well as,

  The speed at which you can precisely focus on one point.

  Moyou suddenly closed his eyes, and the lingering thought power retracted into his body, which actually turned on the state of "absolute".

  Fei Tan who flew over saw this scene, his pupils shrank slightly.

  Bi Siji, who had just withdrawn his hand, also showed a look of shock, and opened his mouth slightly to speak, but it was too late.

  Fei Tan's figure was like a sharp sword, slashing at Moyou who was in the state of "extreme".

  The sharp blade hidden under the windbreaker pointed at Moyou's vitals.

  At this moment when time seemed to freeze—

  Moyou opened his eyes, red light flashed in them.

  The slightly elevated black knife seems to be slashing slowly and quickly, revealing a trace of indescribable charm.

  The senses are clearly telling you that this knife is very slow...

   But when the information was received, the knife had already been cut.

  A jet-black saber glow that came afterward emanated from Moyou's hands like starlight, and passed through the swiftly attacking Feitan in an instant.


   There was a gap in the mask on Feitan's face, and blood spilled out from it.

  Cleaved together, and his slender sharp sword directed at Moyou's vitals.

   There was no sound or movement, and the sharp blade, together with the power of thought that lingered on it, was cut off together.


  Fei Tan could barely catch half of the sword blade flying away from the corner of his eyes, and his face, which was cut with a **** wound, showed an expression of disbelief.

  His figure fell to the ground quickly, and he jumped a distance in an instant, and then turned around suddenly, holding the broken sword in his hand and looking at Moyou's back.

  The long and narrow eyes, which were always filled with a sinister aura, were trembling at this moment.

  From "extreme" to the sword...

   I want to pierce through his dead line!

  (end of this chapter)

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