Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 430: that's all

  Chapter 430 is nothing more than that

   Feitan's ability is called the Unpardonable Man.

  The effect of the ability is to create a small sun with the intention, which can release high temperatures that can burn creatures to death in a short period of time, and the range is quite wide.

  The source of the small sun comes from Feitan's anger, and the damage Feitan himself suffers will become the fuel for this anger.

   Therefore, in order to maximize the power of "Unforgivable Man", Feitan usually only uses this ability after being injured.

   In fact—

   There are not many opponents who can make Feitan use this ability, they can be counted on one hand.

   And it’s worth mentioning that…

  Extreme anger usually makes people lose their minds, so "Unforgivable Man" is an indiscriminate killing ability that does not take into account the safety of companions, and it can be regarded as a reflection of Feitan's style of going his own way.

  When the "blazing sun" that represents the manifestation of anger appears, everyone within the range will be burned by high temperature, including Feitan who summoned the "blazing sun".

  In order to avoid the damage caused by the high temperature, when Feitan uses his ability, he will manifest a set of red and white heat insulation clothing on his body in advance, with only his eyes exposed.

   Now, Feitan has been unable to break through Moyu's death line, and has accumulated a lot of injuries on his body. Finally, he decided to use "Unpardonable Man" to burn everything in the venue.

   This is also his confidence and back move to kill Moyou.

   "The Unpardonable Man"

   Feitan's body suddenly erupted with a surge of thought power, surging around like a torrent of waterfalls.

  The appearance of this aura is even more majestic than that of Wo Jin in the state of full firepower.

  And black lines in the shape of skulls slowly appeared in the aura, revealing a thrilling aura accordingly.

  Bi Siji and Xiao Di, who were watching from outside the battle circle, were slightly startled when they saw Feitan's sudden eruption of aura, and their beautiful eyes showed surprise.

  The black skull pattern that distorts the facial features in the aura, in terms of appearance, is already quite close to the thoughts of the afterlife.

   Just by looking at it, one can tell how extraordinary this aura is.

  Moyou raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at Fei Tan, who was covered in an angry aura.

  He is aware of Feitan's telekinetic ability, but what surprised him a little was the counterpoint relationship between "The Unforgivable Man" and "Through the Mirror".

  When the black knife slashes the target, it will leave "seeds" in the wound that can give birth to black mycelium.

   Multiple wounds and intense emotional fluctuations of the target will speed up the growth of black hyphae.

  According to the effect of this ability, Feitan's irrepressible anger should be the key acceleration medium for the black mycelium.

  However, the black hyphae wrapped around Feitan's body did not absorb any nourishment that marked the anger. Its growth progress only came from the multiple wounds Moyu caused to Feitan.

  Otherwise, even if Moyu will cause the black mycelium to stop growing when he enters "Jue", but under the double acceleration effect of multiple wounds and violent emotional fluctuations...

  Even if the fight takes less than a minute, the black mycelium on Feitan's body is likely to be enough to form an eye of vision.

  But the growth and spread of the black mycelium was slower than expected.

It seems-

   It should be that the passive priority of the ability of "Unforgivable Sinner" is higher than the mechanism of absorbing emotions of "Through the Mirror".

  So the black hyphae cannot absorb the anger from Feitan.

   It’s no wonder that when Feitan was first stabbed, the black mycelium quietly spreading from the wound showed no sign of speeding up.

   It's not that Feitan's emotional control ability is quite good, but that those angry emotions are transformed into fuel for the "unforgivable sinner" one step ahead.

  Moyou originally thought that "Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in Water" could restrain Fei Tan's "Unpardonable Man" to death in a certain sense.

  But now it seems that he miscalculated the priority mechanism in the mind ability system.

  This is like the "first come, first served" achievement condition mechanism of the operating system.

  The manipulator with the ability to control the puppet first does not have to worry that the control of the puppet will be taken away by another man with the control system.

  Although Feitan successfully activated the mind ability of "The Unforgivable Man" with a higher priority, Moyou remained unmoved and remained calm as before.

   In Feitan's opinion, this kind of reaction can only be regarded as the fact that Moyu is completely unaware of what will happen next.

  Wait for the "blazing sun" to take off, and you will definitely see the panic on Moyou's face!

  Fei Tan couldn't wait to see the scene where Moyou was instantly scorched at the center of the blazing sun.

  Following the thoughts, Feitan's turbulent skull pattern aura suddenly shrank, and then tightly attached to the body surface.

   Immediately afterwards, this dangerous thought force materialized into a set of strange red and white attire, which covered Feitan's entire body, revealing only a pair of long and narrow eyes.

   "I want to let you taste the pain born in despair..."

   Feitan chanted a foreign language that others could not understand, and the aura with black lines emerged from his body again.

   But this time the strength of the aura is even more majestic and powerful.

   Obviously, it is not just the manifestation of emotions, but also the adjustment of thoughts.

  At this moment, Feitan was crazily releasing his thoughts, and the aura that came out suddenly became more dangerous.

   "The Unforgivable Thing..."

  Fei Tan suddenly contracted the aura surging above his body surface, and quickly condensed it into a white spark surrounded by a mass of crimson thought power in front of him.

  Moyou looked at the blazing fire condensed by Feitan, and could clearly feel the terrifying energy contained in the fire.

   "Is the fuel maxed out? I mean, is this your 'full power'?"


  Hearing Moyou's words, Feitan's foreign language stopped abruptly.

  Outside the battle circle.

  Bisji's eyes were serious, and he said in a low voice: "This not good."

  Xiao Di also felt the indescribably dangerous atmosphere from the fire, and without thinking too much, he immediately stepped forward and was about to rush over to help.


  Seeing Xiaodi's actions, Bi Siji pressed Xiaodi's shoulder with quick eyes and quick hands, and shouted, "Are you crazy?"


   "As far back as far!"

  Bisji interrupted Xiao Di with a loud voice, and immediately skipped the step of consultation, with a **** of his arm, he threw Xiao Di to one of the entrance and exit passages in the venue.

  Afterwards, Bisji looked at Moyou, and was about to speak to remind Moyou to retreat strategically.

  But I saw Mo Youbi gesture that it doesn't matter.

   "That's no joke..."

   Bi Siji swallowed hard to let Moyou go first.

   Center point of the battle circle.

   Feitan looked at Moyou coldly.

   "You can escape."

  He speaks the lingua franca this time.

  Moyou understood, his expression was unmoved, and he said calmly: "Just do your best."


  Seeing this, Feitan's eyes became even more cold and murderous.

   "Give me charred in endless pain..."

  Before he finished speaking, he complied with the increasingly intense killing intent, and drove the blazing fire condensed with all his strength in front of him, to make it directly trigger the power in front of him...

  Because he couldn't wait to see Moyou turn into coke, he naturally didn't want to wait for the blazing fire to rise into the sky.

   That can maximize the range of the blazing sun, but it takes a second or two to lift into the air.

   Just as the blazing fire swelled and burst into dazzling fire, a hand reached out.

   That was Moyou's right hand, with his thumb and forefinger pinching the sparkling white light wrapped in red thoughts.

  Fei Tan, who was wearing an absolute insulated suit, saw this scene, and his heart was shocked.

   On the other hand, Bi Siji, who was outside the battle circle, also showed a dumbfounded expression.

   Not only because of the flashing red light at that moment caused a wave of heat that swept across the audience, but also because of Moyou's action of pinching the terrifying fire with his bare hands.

What are you doing?

   Think you can't die fast enough?

  Although it was a bit out of date, Bisji and Fei Tan, who had experienced fighting twice, said the same words in their hearts quite tacitly at this moment.

  Fei Tan could almost see the scene where the blazing fire suddenly expanded into a small sun, and then burned Moyu to ashes.

  But what happens next—

   But it made his thoughts nearly shut down.

  I saw that the blazing fire that Moyou pinched in his fingertips, instead of expanding and emitting scorching fire, shrunk rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   Feitan's pupils trembled in disbelief.

  Moyou pinched the blazing sun that was shrinking rapidly, and immediately rubbed his thumb and index finger a little harder.


  The red and white light disappeared in an instant, leaving only a wisp of black smoke curling up from Moyou's fingers.

  The blazing sun, which contained terrifying energy, was wiped out by Moyou in an understatement.

   This scene brought Feitan a shock like heaven and earth.

  Unbelievable, unbelievable.

How can it be…! !

   What the **** is going on here? !

  The cognition possessed by Feitan was crushed into pieces at this moment.

  As the blazing sun turned into black smoke, Fei Tan seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and his figure suddenly became a little hunched.

  The thermal insulation suit on him hadn't played a role yet, and it slowly dissipated because the potential energy was almost bottomed out.

   "This is your best effort? It's nothing more than that."

  Moyou squinted at the pinched thumb and forefinger, deliberately opened it slowly in front of Feitan, and there was not even a little burnt mark on the fingertips.

  If it wasn't for a wisp of black smoke floating up into the sky, one would almost think that the blazing sun just now had never appeared.

   Feitan stood on the spot like a walking dead.

  At this moment, his potential strength has bottomed out, and he has become a fish on the chopping board, and he has no strength to resist.

  He just can't figure it out...

  How did the man in front of me wipe out the blazing fire! ?

  The reason why Moyou was able to easily wipe out the blazing fire was that he used a chance to eliminate thoughts.

  But of course it is impossible for Moyou to explain live.

  In fact, Moyou is very aware of the power and range of this blazing fire, and he can also use the "God Character" set outside the field in advance to leave instantly, so as to avoid Feitan's best move.

   That would allow him to use up nearly all of Feitan's potential energy with negligible energy when his "potential energy" was in a hurry.

  This can be said to be the optimal solution.

   But there are still Xiaodi and Bisji in the venue, so he can only use one chance to eliminate thoughts.

  Moyou looked at Feitan, who had lost the power to resist, and stretched out his right hand to wipe out the blazing sun, and grabbed Feitan's neck like this.

   Feitan's short body was immediately carried in mid-air by Moyou effortlessly.

   "Someone sent me a commission related to you."

  Mo Youping raised his arm, pinched Feitan's neck, making him hang in front of him, and continued: "That person wants to buy your pain, I accepted the commission, and... I took 100 ring nuns from him."

   At this point, Moyou glanced at Feitan's swollen face, then suddenly let go, and before Feitan landed, he moved his right hand laterally and pinched Feitan's shoulder.


  Under the blessing of thought power, Moyou crushed Feitan's shoulder bones with just a little effort.

   Feitan snorted, then fell to the ground.

  Moyu looked down at Feitan, and when he raised his foot, he crushed Feitan's left thumb, followed by his index finger and middle finger...

  The pain in the five fingers made Feitan curl up like a maggot, but still only let out a low muffled sound.


  This man who loves to torture others is also quite good in terms of pain tolerance.

  Seeing this, Moyou continued unmoved: "Understood, you now... are only worth 100 ring nuns."

   Before the words fell, Moyou raised his foot and stepped on the remaining half of Feitan's right palm.


  Only this time, Feitan suddenly let out a tragic scream, as if he was suffering unimaginable pain.

  The reason why there is such a contrast between the front and back is the activation of the ability of "Flower in the Mirror and Water in the Water".

  The double superposition of illusion and reality can maximize the pain that Fei Tan endured.

   This is by no means comparable to the pain of a severed finger.


  Moyou calmly looked at Fei Tan, whose face was distorted and screaming, continuing the previous question.

   "What is 1000 minus 7?"


   "What is 1000 minus 7?"

"haha a!!"

   "What is 1000 minus 7?"

   "9, ah...993..."

   "What is 993 minus 7?"

   "9...986, ah..."

   Feitan's voice full of extreme pain echoed over the venue.

  Being under the power of illusion, while suffering inhuman torture, he was hooked by the problem that existed in the illusion to concentrate.


  The people in the venue, as well as the countless viewers who watched this scene through the live broadcast, what they saw was...

  Fei Tan was so painful that his facial features were distorted into an inhuman appearance. While screaming, he kept talking about math problems that gradually decreased from 1000 to 7.

   After Moyou withdrew his feet, he just looked at Feitan who was suffering unspeakable pain with a blank expression.

  He could see that Feitan was entangled by dense black hyphae at the moment, and an eye of vision lingering with black air condensed on the severed palm.

  But viewers watching the live broadcast can't see it.

  Fitan, who looked like he was in great pain, seemed to them to be burning with an inexhaustible flame.

  (end of this chapter)

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