Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 433: I am very strong (6k, please subscribe)

  Chapter 433 I am very strong (6k, please subscribe)

   Moyu checked the perception rewards for a while, and the dust has settled on Bisji and Qiya.

   Without the protection of Moyou's thigh, the little change department Qi Ya was brutally beaten by the old change department Bi Siji.

   Needless to say, the nose is blue and the face is swollen, and there are several conspicuous large swellings on the head.

  The injury looked worse than that of the tumbler Hisoka.

  Hua Shi Doulang looked at Bi Siji, hesitant to speak.

  He has a little understanding of the relationship between his master and Bisji, and he also knows that Bisji's strength is completely inconsistent with his current age and appearance.

  So even if he wanted to stop Bi Siji from beating up Qiya violently, in the end, he was more than capable.

   What can be done seems to be to provide Qi Ya with some special effects on trauma.

  Huashi Doulang belongs to the reinforcement system, and he keeps in mind Moyou's teachings in practice, not only focusing on mindfulness skills, but also in terms of physical strength.

   Therefore, there are many trauma medicines with good effects.

   Qi Ya stood aside unlovely.

  Xiaojie couldn't help, so he could only look at Qi Ya with apologetic face.

  Sisuo has been ignored by Moyu in various tricks after finishing Maqi, but he has not given up, and is quietly brewing a plan to have an exchange with Moyu in the future.

   But his attention was soon temporarily shifted to Qi Ya and Xiaojie.

  Just now, in order to resist Bisji's violent beating, Qi Ya has tried his best.


  Kiya's resistance had no effect in front of Bisji, but instead attracted Hisoka's attention.

   Hisoka saw the proficiency of Kira's Nen skills when he was struggling, so he simply put Kiya and Kurapika in the same position.

   These two beginners who are new to Nian undoubtedly show amazing talents, which naturally aroused Hisoka's interest.

  Turning his eyes to Xiaojie, Hisoka noticed that the energy in Xiaojie also revealed a sense of power that fascinated him.

   "Where's the fresh little apple..."

   Hisoka, who was aroused by the interest, glanced at Qiya and Xiaojie's buttocks intentionally or unintentionally.

  Because Hisoka didn't hide anything, Qi Ya and Xiaojie could clearly feel the sight from Hisoka's side, and couldn't help but shudder a few times.

  They didn't dare to turn around to look at Hisoka, so they could only run to Moyu's side to seek a sense of security.

  Moyou withdrew from the depths of his consciousness, and he naturally noticed the perverted performance of Sisona staring at Qi Ya and Xiaojie.

  He shook his head slightly, helping Qiya and Xiaojie to block the eye attack from Hisoka, and immediately called everyone to find a place to rest and eat.

   Everyone had no objection, left the dilapidated competition venue, took the elevator to the first floor of the Sky Arena.

  In the elevator, Moyou took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Men Qi.

   After a few seconds.

  Men Qi replied a text message, the content was very concise, to the effect that she was going to cook.

   Moyou readily agreed.


  The elevator descended to the first floor, and just as the double doors opened a crack, there was a din of people coming in from outside.

  Those voices were basically shouting the names of Moyou and the others.

  The shouts grew louder as the elevator doors opened wide.

  Moyou raised his eyes to look at the lobby on the first floor. The dark crowd surrounded the place. Thanks to many security personnel setting up an arc-shaped guard line, otherwise it would be difficult to guarantee whether the crowd would rush over directly.

  Seeing the crowd around them cheering loudly, Moyou had a strange look on his face, and suddenly felt like returning to the competition ring.

   It's just that these people in front of them are more fanatical.

  Other people in the elevator also looked at the crowd that surrounded the hall on the first floor and cheered wildly.

What's happening here?

  Everyone had different expressions for a while.

   Huashi Doulang is used to this kind of scene, so he will be relatively calm.

   Another name for this city is Fighting Paradise. For the citizens, powerful fighters are equivalent to international superstars.

  Huashi Doulang is not like Moyu who left and disappeared for a few years, and he is not as elusive as Hisoka. He has always been active under the spotlight.

  So strictly speaking, his reputation and popularity in the Sky Arena may not be as loud as Moyu and Hisoka, but he is definitely the most popular one.

   But after today, his most popular treatment may be replaced by Moyou.

   After all, the citizens must have seen the famous scene of Moyou killing many members of the Phantom Troupe by himself in the venue through the live broadcast.

   "Moyu! Moyu!"

   "Huashi Doulang, Huashi Doulang!"

  People in the elevator heard the names of Moyou and Huashi Doulang from the deafening shouts.

   "Tumbler! Tumbler!"

  At the same time, a strange name was mixed into the fanatical high-pitched cheers.

  Xiaojie asked in a low voice with some curiosity: "Qi Ya, is the tumbler the mascot of the Sky Arena?"

   "It should be. Many fighting venues will be equipped with mascots to warm up the field, and then sell some peripheral products like pendants to generate profits, and the meaning of the tumbler is quite suitable for the Sky Arena."

  Qi Ya vaguely felt that he had overlooked something, but he didn't care too much, and answered Xiaojie's question casually.

  Xiaojie showed a dazed expression when he heard the words, and sighed:

   "No wonder so many people are shouting, it seems that this mascot is very popular in the Sky Arena, Chiya, I want to buy a pendant and send it to Aunt Mitt."

   "Okay, then I'll buy another one and send it over."

  Qi Ya nodded, agreeing with Xiaojie's proposal.

  The two people who were talking did not notice Hisoka's face in the corner of the elevator, which was gradually covered with black lines.

  Hua Shi Doulang heard the conversation between Xiaojie and Qi Ya, and seemed to think of something, raised his hand to remove the cloak, touched his waist, and said enthusiastically at the same time:

   "Xiaojie, Qi Ya, I have two out-of-print pendants and keychains here. If you don't mind, I can give them to you."

   "Huh? Thank you, Mr. Toro Hanashi!"

  Xiaojie's eyes lit up and he smiled happily.

  Qi Ya glanced at Huashi Doulang, and secretly sighed in his heart: This guy is really a warm-hearted and kind person.

  Hua Shi Doulang said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, don't be so polite."

   As he spoke, he took out a small pendant and a keychain, and handed them to Xiaojie and Qi Ya.

  Xiaojie stretched out his hand excitedly, but after seeing the appearance of the small pendant and the keychain, he froze immediately.

  The pendant and key chain are surprisingly cartoonized Hisoka villains.


  The so-called tumbler refers to Hisoka?

  But why is there a bruised nose and a swollen face?

  Xiaojie's eyes were dull.

   Qi Ya looked at the out-of-print tumbler pendant in Huashi Doulang's hand, subconsciously turned his head to look at himself with a bruised nose and a swollen face in the reflection of the stainless steel plate of the elevator, and fell silent for a while.

  He seems to have remembered the origin of the inspirational image of the tumbler...

  Hua Shi Doulang looked at the strange reaction of the two, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"


   Xiaojie and Qi Ya remained silent.

   If time could go back, they would never have brought up the topic of tumblers!

  Moyou, who stood at the front, almost couldn't laugh out loud.

  He held back his laughter, but couldn't help looking back at Hisoka.

   It happened that Hisoka noticed this glance, so that the black lines on Mr. Tumbler's face suddenly increased.

   Today, Hisoka saw with his own eyes the scene where Moyou used the shadow clone's mimicry ability to instantly kill Kubi, thus confirming that Moyou was responsible for all the scapegoats in the past.

   Even so, he will not confront Moyu about this matter.

   is boring and unnecessary.

  However, regarding the name of tumbler, and the peripheral products released by Sky Arena that are regarded as incentives...

   Sure enough, I still care.

   Hisoka thought in his heart.

   Seemingly feeling Hisoka's resentment, Moyou suppressed a smile, raised his hand and pressed the door close button of the elevator.

  As the elevator door closed and started to go up, it was finally much quieter.

  The road below was impassable, so Moyou pressed the seventh floor casually, and then sent a text message with his mobile phone, informing Men Qi to meet up on the seventh floor.

   Soon, the elevator arrived at the seventh floor.

   Everyone stepped out of the elevator and came to the lobby.

   After a while.

  Men Qi hasn't come yet, but Qi Duo and others are waiting one after another.

   "Let me see the wound."

  Qiduo walked quickly in front of Moyou, completely ignoring the existence of other people in his eyes, frowning and looking at the injury on Moyou's shoulder that had been treated simply.

   This wound was left by Feitan.

  Because it was an attack with thought energy, the wound was quite serious.

  Originally, Bi Siji and Xiaodi had been ordering Moyou to go to the medical room of the Sky Arena to treat the wound, but Moyou refused and simply took measures to stop the bleeding.

   Among the rewards given because of the impression, there is the derivative skill "Extreme Revival".

  The specific effect is not only to speed up the recovery speed of the potential energy, but also has the effect of speeding up the self-healing ability similar to the strengthening system.

  So Moyou wanted to use this wound to test the self-healing effect of "Extreme Recovery".

  But at this moment, facing Qiduo's eager concern and reaction, Moyou couldn't refuse, and cooperated honestly, allowing Qiduo to check the injury, apply medicine and re-bandage.

   "I gave you medicine, you can't touch the water for three days, if all goes well, it only takes half a month to recover."

  Kido ordered while bandaging.


  Moyou is good at what he does.

  During the period when Kido was bandaging him, Pjorn, Kangzai, Sambika, Wright, and Fiona also rushed to the Sky Arena one after another.

  They were already on their way to Guluobo City, but since they watched the whole process through a live broadcast on the way, they were not so worried.

   When they came to the scene at this time, they all quietly watched Qi Duo bandaging Moyou's wound.

   "Why are you all here?"

  Moyu looked up at Pijorn and the others with a smile on his face.

  Kang Zai said bluntly: "I'm not afraid that you will be slaughtered by the Phantom Troupe."


  Beside Pjorn immediately gave Kang Jae a critical blow to the head.

  The kind that entangles the power of thought...

  Kang Zai screamed in pain, and said angrily: "Damn rabbit, why did you sneak up on me?!"

   "Shut up if you can't speak, you stinky tiger head."

  Pyorn looked at Kang Jae with murderous eyes, showing a radical style.

  Kang Jae knew he was wrong, and after muttering a few times, he activated the self-healing ability of "Tiger Stripes" to suppress the severe pain coming from his head.

   Isn't it just saying the wrong thing? If you want to hit someone, don't attach your thoughts?

  You **** mad rabbit, you will be abandoned by Moyu sooner or later.

   At that time, you will cry.

  Kang-jae cursed Pjorn in his heart while touching his head.


   Pjorn suddenly hit Kang Jae's head again.

   It's just that Kang Jae was dispatching his thoughts to heal the trauma this time, so Pjorn's second slap on the chin failed to cause any damage.

   "Why hit me again!?"

  Kang Jae came back to his senses, glaring at Pjorn angrily, with blue veins popping out on his forehead.

  Pyorn put his hands on his hips, and said firmly: "You scolded me in your heart just now!"


  Kang Jae was startled, and there was a reaction of "it was seen through" on his face, and he quickly turned his head to look at the ground next to him, denying: "I didn't."


  The people around looked at Kang Jae silently, and thought in their hearts: It's too obvious...

  Moyou raised his left hand and rubbed his brows, and said helplessly, "Okay, you two stop fighting."

   After stopping the noisy behavior of Kang Jae and Pijorn, Moyu greeted Wright, Sambika, and Fiona one by one.

   Sambika stood quietly aside.

  As long as Moyou is fine, she will be much more at ease.

   Fiona, who is keen on opening a Budokan, gave Moyu a thumbs up.

  Wright looked complicated, and walked over to give Moyu a fist on the left shoulder.

  Although he has already won the title of one-star bounty hunter, he is still bitter about Moyu not calling him to hunt the Phantom Brigade together.

  But before he could make a second punch, he was defeated by Kido's warning eyes.

   Obviously, the behavior of hitting Moyou with his fist caused Qiduo's dissatisfaction.

  Wright really didn't expect Qi Duo to have such a strong protective mentality.

  He originally thought about asking Mo You in a half-joking tone after punching him a few times why he didn't call him for help.

  Now, how dare he say anything more, he can only retreat temporarily!

   A group of people gathered together, considering that there were countless spectators outside the sky arena, they simply went to Huashi Doulang's exclusive floor room.

   "Master, Kurapika wants to be alone, so I will come by myself."

  Men Qi came to Moyu and briefly talked about Kurapika's situation.


  Moyou nodded, and said, "Go and do your work first."

  Men Qi responded and ran to the kitchen to get busy.

   Immediately, Moyou left the task of entertaining guests to Huashi Doulang, and then ran into the room alone.

  He planned to conceive the direction of his ability during the period before the banquet, and figured out how to make good use of the buff effect of the designated practice target of "Training Heart".

   It's just that as soon as he entered the room with his front foot, Pijorn came with his back foot.

  There was a wave of thoughts on the locked door, followed by a click, and Pjorn pushed the door and came.

  Ordinary-sized door locks, in front of her "translation ability", basically have no difficulty at all. It only takes a second or two to "decipher" and open the door lock directly.


  Pjorn unlocked the door without authorization and entered the room, then swooped down and hung on Moyou's body.

   "Recently, a very fun two-player co-op game has been launched, come and play with me!"

   "I have something to do now, next time."

   While refusing, Moyu tried to break Pjorn's hand away.

  However, Pjorn was like an octopus, hugging him tightly, not caring about the zero-distance physical contact at all.

   "Play with me~"

   I haven't seen you for so long, how could Pyorn miss this opportunity, and said coquettishly in a long-tailed voice.

  If the other members of the Twelve Earthly Branches saw this scene, their jaws would definitely drop in shock.

  When did Pijorn, the hawk-like big Yin Yang, act like the girl next door?

   "I don't have time, I have important things to attend to."

  Moyou refused again, but this time his tone was much more serious.

   Seeing that Moyou was serious, Pjorn got off Moyou in disappointment.

   When she is free, she likes to pester Moyu.

  When something happens, she will never trouble Moyou.

   There are priorities, but she can still figure it out.

   "Then I won't quarrel with you."

  Pjorn took two steps back, pouted.

  Moyu smiled at Pjorn and promised, "I will definitely play with you next time."


   Pjorn got Moyou's promise, and didn't ask Moyou what important matter he wanted to deal with, so he simply left the room.

  After Pjorn left the room, Moyou closed his eyes, entered the depths of consciousness, and checked the ability attributes of the memory space · cornerstone.

   "There are quite a few types of mind space ability. An example that can be referred to is Nobu's four-dimensional apartment, which is more functional."

   Moyou thought in his heart:

   "The other thing is the chimeric ant leopard in the original book, and the ability of the woman today, who can pull the target directly into the mind space, and they are more of a fighting type. Which one should I choose..."

   Just as Moyou was thinking, a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

   "It's me, can I come in?"

  Qido's voice came from outside the room.

   Moyou opened his eyes and let out a light breath.

   "The door is unlocked, come in."

   squeak —

   Qido pushed open the door and walked in, then closed the door behind her back.

   "Moyou, you are too messy!"

   Qiduo took a few steps forward, looked at Moyou who was sitting on the sofa, and said sternly:

   "If you want to deal with the Phantom Troupe, there are obviously several low-risk methods you can choose, but you choose the most risky one. Why don't you let us help?"

  Based on information such as the preheating of the event and the fact that spectators were not allowed to enter the arena, she deduced that Moyou was specifically looking for the Phantom Troupe at the competition venue.

   That's why she's angry.

   There were all people outside just now, and she was not easy to get angry, so she waited until now to look for Moyou in the room.

"I was wrong."

   Facing Qido's imminent preaching, Moyou simply bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

   This is the only way to quickly end Kitona's tirade mode.

  Qiduo's aura stagnated slightly, and then he sighed deeply.

  She knows that Moyou's style has always been like this, and he is keen on improving his strength and breaking through himself in the battle of life and death...

  As a senior psychic, she can understand Moyou's approach. In fact, many martial arts psychics use this method to become stronger.

   But she just doesn't want to see Moyu take risks...

   Moyou looked up at Qido, and changed the subject in a timely manner: "Qiduo, I plan to go home and visit Hawke in a few days, do you want to go together?"


   Qiduo was stunned, and lowered her eyes and said: "I have a lot of work at hand, so I may not be able to accompany you."

   "Well, work matters."

  Moyu smiled.

  Qiduo pursed her lips slightly, feeling a moment of hesitation in her heart.

  She was hesitating whether to tell Moyu about Hawke's situation...


   Before getting Hawke's consent, Qido still didn't tell Moyu about the "sequelae of the curse".

   After a while.

  Kido leaves the room.

   Moyou didn't lock the door, sat on the sofa, closed his eyes again and entered the depths of consciousness.

   About half a minute later.

  With a bang, the door was suddenly pushed open forcefully.


  Hearing the sound of movement, Moyou opened his eyes, showing signs of exhaustion.

  The person who opened the door this time was Bisji.

  She strode into the room, hooked her foot, and kicked the door back to its original position.

   Moyou looked at Bi Sijina's resolute appearance, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

   "Greedy Island's game qualification, and the blue planet!"

   Bisji opened his mouth to remind, and immediately sat down on another single sofa.

  Before being called to the Sky Arena by Moyou, she took advantage of the opportunity to throw the troublesome matter of getting the qualification for the Greed Island game to Moyu, and Moyu also agreed.

  At first, she was not in a hurry to enter the game, but today she changed her mind after meeting Qi Ya, a little thorn.

   Get the qualification for the Greedy Island game as quickly as possible, and then walk around in front of that little thorny head to show off a few laps before entering the game.


   That little prickly head is **** to death!

   This is the fundamental reason why Bi Siji came to urge Moyou.

  Of course Moyou remembered the promise to Bisji, but he didn't expect Bisji to be so eager. He nodded and said, "I'll ask for you now."

   As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Jin's number.

   After a few seconds, the call was successfully connected.

   "Kim, do me a favor."


   "I need a game console for Greed Island."

  Moyou vaguely remembered that the medium to enter the Greedy Island game was a game console.


  Hearing what Moyou said, Jin was silent for a moment.

   "Although I don't know why you are suddenly interested in Greedy Island, I'm sorry, but I don't have any extra game consoles."

   "Can't I temporarily open a new account?"

  “It can’t be done. The mechanism of the entire game has been finalized at the beginning of the design. This is a constraint.”


  Moyou didn't take this into consideration.

   But think about it, the Island of Greed is a mind ability game, not a regular game where the game operator can change the data at will.

  The ability to read itself involves vows and constraints. It is really difficult for Jin to change the mechanism within the well-established framework.

   On the other end of the phone, Jin was a little surprised.

  In the past, he even specially promoted the game of Greedy Island to Moyou, but Moyou's thoughts were all on the cultivation of the gods at that time, and he never mentioned Greedy Island at all after that.

   Suddenly interested for some reason.

  Jin shook his head slightly, and added: "I can't help you with the account number, but if you really want to play Greedy Island, you can find a way to buy a game console from the market. It doesn't matter how much you spend, I will reimburse you."

   "No need, I'm not short of money."

  Moyou rejected Jin's proposal, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Jin, can I enter the game by 'smuggling'?"


  Jin raised his eyebrows and said seriously:

   "You can, but my partner will expel you immediately, so my personal suggestion is..."

   "No, because I am very strong."

  Moyou smiled slightly, and the powerful user with the ability to release was flashed in his mind.

  Of course he knows what the so-called expulsion method is, but as long as Jin agrees here, he might as well try it.

  After all, it takes too much time to buy the Greedy Island game console, and then I have to go to the island to collect all the cards, so that I can bring out the "Blue Planet"...

  This kind of thing is a headache just thinking about it. If there is a speed pass method, it would be great.

  On the other end of the phone, Jin drooped his eyelids and said quietly:

   "I know you are amazing, after all, even the Phantom Troupe was taken away by you, but let me say something ugly, if you are expelled by Lei at that time, don't cry to me."

   "Don't worry, if I fail, I will go to Xiaojie and cry."


  Jin rolled his eyes when he heard this.

   "There is something to do, hang up."

   After finishing speaking, Jin hung up the phone directly.

  Inside the room.

  Moyou put down the phone and shook his head slightly.

  At the end, he also wanted to confirm with Jin about the completion of smuggling and the consequences of possible sabotage...

   As a result, Jin died like this.

   Forget it, let’s talk about the next thing.

   Besides, it may not be possible to sneak in.

   6400 words!

   Pull the supporting actors out to show their faces, lest you forget.

   This chapter is over, it is time to think about the follow-up plot.



  (end of this chapter)

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