Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 453: Noah's Ark

  Chapter 453 Noah's Ark

   Night falls.

  The forgotten unfinished buildings are like wasteland, exuding a desolate and dilapidated atmosphere.

  The sudden influx of hundreds of people injected a long-lost popularity into this desolate place.

  Of course—

  Passionate killing intent, exciting emotions, vigorous life.

  All are gradually passing away like withered flowers at this moment.

   bang bang...

  In the arena, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded one after another.

  The two shadow clones controlled by Moyou walked through the crowd like ghosts to harvest.

  The group of people who came here for the 70 billion bounty had no discipline to cooperate at all, and they couldn't resist the shadow clone's attack that accompanied the night.

   It won't take long for them to realize one thing deeply.

  The 70 billion bounty...

   It's basically a chain of ecstasy.

  But people like this will continue to emerge.

  Because money will be their source of motivation.

   While talking to Jin, Moyou manipulated the shadow clone to harvest the vicious gangsters who wanted to take his head.

   "Listen to the good news first."

  Listening to the choice given by Jin, Moyou wanted to complain, but still chose to cooperate.

  Jin heard the words and said seriously: "The good news is that you 'maybe' don't have to smuggle in. In this way, at least you don't have to worry about President Nitro stumbling you."


   "Yes, maybe."

"What happened?"

   Without paying too much attention to the possibility implied by the word "maybe", Moyou wanted to know the reason why there was no need to smuggle.

  Hearing Moyou's question, Jin's voice came from the phone:

   "This is the bad news I'm going to say next. Recently, there have been mass disappearances in various parts of the world, and the number of missing people has exceeded 5,000."


   Moyou was slightly startled.

  Five thousand missing...

  Such a serious incident should have been regarded as heavy news and widely reported, right?

   But he hadn't heard any similar news during this time.

   "V5 blocked the message."

  What Jin said afterwards clarified Moyu's doubts.

   But the next second, Moyou was even more surprised.

   "This matter is related to Mammon, and it is also related to me."

  Jin's tone on the phone was rarely solemn.


  Moyou's eyes changed, thinking how Jin was involved with Mammon, and then suddenly thought of the biological disaster that Jin and Kate had to deal with some time ago.

   Isn't it?

  That biological catastrophe event is related to Mammon?

  Reading this, Moyou wanted to ask, but heard Jin's words again.

   "I'll explain it to you slowly, but I can't make a long story short,'d better deal with the matter at hand first."

  Jin on the other end of the phone could hear the sound of the fighting on Moyou's side, and realized that Moyou's current situation was not suitable for listening to his slow explanation, so he suggested that Moyou take care of the troubles first.

  Moyu also realized that what Kim was going to say next was very important.

   "OK, give me a minute."

  He said into the phone, and immediately put the phone back in his pocket without waiting for a response from Jin.

  The number of people near the unfinished building is about 350 people.

  If you control the shadow clone with one mind and three tasks, considering the scheduling and consumption of energy, it will take at least ten minutes to get rid of everyone.

  This time is too long...

   Moyou temporarily put away his mobile phone, and quickly walked to the edge of the unfinished building. Under Hisoka's sideways gaze, he raised his hand and turned into a black knife.

   Seeing that Moyou wanted to go out in person, Hisoka's eyes showed a strange look, but it was not surprising.

  Because he heard the words "give me a minute" that Moyou just said.

   Adhering to the mentality of watching the excitement, Hisoka has no willingness to help, but just wants to see how Moyu kills hundreds of people around him in one minute.

   You must know that among these hundreds of people, there are many people with the ability to read.

  Although there are a lot of miscellaneous fish, it will not be solved like cutting melons and vegetables.

   Hisoka made it clear that he wanted to watch the excitement, and Moyu never thought about asking Hisoka to help increase efficiency.

  Standing on the edge of the second floor of the unfinished building, Moyou held a black knife in his hand and looked down at the chaos below.

  You can see the shadow clone killing wantonly in the crowd, and you can also see the bad reaction of this group of people in response to the attack.

  Sometimes, gathering a crowd can't show the advantage of numbers, but gives people a sense of sight of a mob.

   It's just too confusing.

  Although individual strength is stronger than the needlemen of Yier fans, when they get together, they are far less threatening than a bunch of needlemen.

  Moyou's eyes were cold, and he jumped into the crowd without any scruples.


  His sudden landing immediately attracted the attention of the group of vicious people around him.

   Moyou glanced at the crowd around him.

  Speaking of...

   It has been a few years since the unlocking of "All Doom".

  However, due to the two and a half years of immersion in the cultivation of divine characters, several years have passed, and they have not been able to rise to the level of "Hundred People Slashing".

  To meet the attacks from the greedy people here today, it is enough to gather the last few heads, so that Jiejin can finally taste the taste of upgrading.


  Moyou intends to use the newly upgraded "All Extinction" to wipe out this group of vicious gangsters from the dark underground world with maximum efficiency.

   Even so, a minute is still extremely challenging.

   Moyou's eyes flashed a sharp red light.

  「Everything is done·Hundreds of people beheaded」

  The shimmering red luster in the night was as conspicuous as the eye of death, and an aura condensed with a huge killing intent spewed out from Moyou.


   Above the ground, sand, dust and gravel rose without wind, and a regular circular cyclone was formed at the center of Moyou.

   Immediately afterwards, this terrifying killing intent rushed towards the surrounding people with an invisible aura.

  In just one glance, more than two hundred people in the arena were enveloped by this aura, and an unspeakable ultimate killing intent invaded their spirits.

  In front of this stormy killing intent aura, those with the ability to protect their body with the energy of the mind can barely stabilize their consciousness, while those ordinary people who don't have the ability to lose consciousness forever in an instant.

   bang bang bang...

  Hundreds of people fell to the ground, but their lives were taken away by the killing intent.

  This is also a portrayal of the natural barrier between ordinary people and those with abilities.

  The aura of "All Extinction" at the level of killing hundreds of people wiped out the lives of hundreds of people in the air, and the remaining psychics...

  A small number of people with strong mind energy can still resist this murderous aura, but those with weaker mind energy are deeply shocked.

  Moyou took this opportunity, waved the black knife in his hand, and slashed a qi blade in the shape of Nian Qi in each of the four directions.

   A small number of mental ability users who were not intimidated by "All Exhaustion" reacted quickly, and made moves to avoid the attack of Qi Blade Nian Qi.

  But those who were stunned by the power of mind failed to evade or defend in time.


  The qi blade-like thought qi sliced ​​through their waists and abdomens.

  As a large amount of blood flowed out from the incision, their bodies were divided into two, and they fell to the ground in a burst of shock.

  From Moyou's leap to the ground, to the release of "all exhaustion" and slashing out four qi blade-like mind energy, there were nearly 200 people in the field, and only a dozen or so not weak mind ability users remained.

   After avoiding the air-blade-like thought energy, they looked at Moyou, who was standing in the middle of the corpses everywhere, in horror or shock.

   It was also at this time that they could intuitively feel the horror of Moyou, and the greed aroused by the 70 billion bounty was also diluted a lot.

   "There are still about forty seconds."

  Moyou raised his eyes to look at the remaining psychic users, without any emotion in his eyes, and immediately manipulated the shadow clone to move, while raising his knife to attack.

  The other side of the unfinished building.

  The shadow clone with Hisoka as a mimetic image is also harvesting other people.

   This can be regarded as the third-line operation that Moyou often does.


   One minute passed.

  Moyou slashed down with a knife, and suddenly turned around and walked towards the unfinished building. The black knife in his hand turned into mottled light spots and disappeared.

  Behind him, a man with a bleeding line on his forehead was looking at his back with a face full of shock.


  The man opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

  The blood flowing quickly from his forehead flooded his eyes...

  The sudden loss of strength could no longer support the combat power of his feet.

  Puff tom!

  The man fell to the ground, and pieces of corpses were reflected in his eyes that still had a gleam of luster.

   At the edge of the second floor of the unfinished building.

   Hisoka lowered his head slightly, his eyes locked on Moyou, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a ray of undisguised excitement.

  In the minute just now, a total of 366 people died in the hands of Moyou in the two battle circles at the front and back of the Lanwei Building.

   After finishing the work, Moyou simply retracted the shadow clone, and didn't care about Hisoka's eager gaze, and took out the mobile phone from his pocket on the way to the unfinished building.

  Jin didn't hang up the call, but when he heard Moyou take out his phone, he asked, "Is it over?"


   Moyou responded.

  Jin Wenyan directly talked about what happened during this period, including the situation when he and Kate chased Mammon.

   But the focus of the narrative is on the root of the disappearance.

   "It's a transfer-type divine character, and it's very ancient."

  Jin's tone reveals a dignified meaning.

  After a period of investigation, Jin, who participated in the survey, discovered a giant transfer **** covering the surrounding area at one of the missing locations.

  Besides, the writing trace of the divine character is quite ancient. With Jin's knowledge, he can barely recognize it as a divine character with the function of transferring.

  The human beings who disappeared out of thin air in the missing area before, can basically be transferred to unknown places by this divine word.

   And then as the investigation continued—

  An unexpected thing happened.

  The Mugulu Hunting Ground in the eastern part of the Ancient Ganyu Kingdom is one of the missing locations. A total of 163 hunters who participated in the hunting season activities disappeared out of thin air in Area B here.

  The investigation team sent here by the government was suddenly attacked by a strange beast that appeared out of thin air during the field investigation.

  Fifty elite soldiers including the defense team, together with 32 members of the investigation team, made a total of 82 people, and no one survived.

  The problem is—

   This strange beast that appeared out of nowhere is a legendary fantasy creature called the Night Watcher with a tiger head, crocodile body, and snake tail.

   Not to mention the territory of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom, even the other five continents, there is no information about the activities of this creature, let alone witness information.

  Due to the appearance of the "Night Watchman" out of thin air, the Transit Permission Office, which is responsible for sorting out and collecting a lot of information on the Dark Continent, immediately sounded the highest level of alarm.

  Jin, who has been participating in the investigation, has established a rather terrifying fact based on the appearance of the "Night Watchman".

  The ancient transfer **** word that includes the location of the missing area is not a one-way type, but—

   Two-way transfer!

"The Night Watcher was born in the imagination of human beings. Strictly speaking, it is an irrefutable fantasy, but it appeared on the Six Continents through the transfer-type **** character. Moyu, where do you think it came from? of?"

   "Dark Continent..."

"Yes, but this is only the hypothesis closest to the truth, because there are too many places where we humans have not set foot, even if it is only near the border sea area, there are many unknown lands, so the 'Night Watcher' may also come from there. "

  Until now, no one can be 100% sure that the "Night Watchman" came from the Dark Continent.

  Because no human being has ever seen such a fantasy creature as the "Night Watchman" on the Dark Continent.

  For humans on the six continents, the vast seas outside the world map, as well as the infinite land, really have countless unknowns and dangers.

  Based on the current stage of human cognition, it is impossible to imagine how many strange things exist in that unknown ocean and land.

  Although it is impossible to determine whether the night watchman is from the Dark Continent, V5 and the Transit Permit Office still set the alert level to the highest.

  All response actions are carried out according to the standard of dealing with "disasters".

   Which means—

  Whether it is V5 or the ferry permit department, they made a decision in a very short period of time to abandon the more than 5,000 missing humans.

after all…

  Compared to the possibility that the world will be devoured and destroyed by disasters, there are only more than 5,000 human lives. In the eyes of those people in high positions, they are as small as a grain of corn.

  Therefore, after V5 and the Ferry Licensing Office received the final investigation report, they issued the death order to find the transfer channel as quickly as possible and destroy it without any hesitation.

  That's why Jin contacted Moyou immediately.

   On the one hand, it is to provide Moyou with a channel to go to the Dark Continent, on the other hand, it is to let Moyou go to the scene to help find the trajectory of the divine character.

  After listening to Jin finish the whole picture of the incident, Moyou also understood why Jin said that they might not need to smuggle.

  An ancient two-way transfer type divine character...

  Although it is impossible to determine where the transfer destination is, it must be outside the known "world map".

  If you want to avoid the many risks that smuggling needs to bear, you can consider using the ancient ability to transfer divine characters in two directions to directly cross the distance of the entire world map...

  Perhaps the final destination is an unknown land near the border sea area, or it may be the coast of the Dark Continent, or even a more dangerous depth.

  But Moyou vaguely felt that the final destination of these ancient transfer **** characters was very likely to be on the coast of the Dark Continent.


   "Noah's Ark..."

  Moyou had a lot of information colliding fiercely in his mind, and then he muttered to himself.


  Jin's questioning sound came from the other side of the phone.

  (end of this chapter)

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