Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 460: it's just the beginning

  Chapter 460 Everything has just begun

   Various terrains that stretch as far as the eye can see.

  After here, and there...

  Continuous, as if there is no end in sight.

  In a sense, this is the natural moat that humans must face when they explore the Dark Continent.

  Based here, and then personally experience the vastness of this world...

  It was only then that Moyou understood why the 149 crossing operations launched by V5 with all the power of a great power ended in failure.

   It is by no means because the army is not elite enough, but the team of hundreds or thousands of people is too bloated.

  The combination of survival supplies and long distances alone is enough to stop the exploration team at the threshold, let alone the ubiquitous danger.

  After all, even Dong Fulishi, whose name was only revealed in the original book, took more than a hundred years to thoroughly explore half of the coastline of the Dark Continent.

   You must know that Dong Fulishi explored alone, and in terms of speed, it is by no means comparable to a large-scale team.


   The principle that a chopstick is difficult to break obviously does not apply to the Dark Continent.

  When Nitro went to the Dark Continent, he only brought Jaeger, who beat the enemy family, and Lin Nie, a gourmet hunter from the association.

  The team is short and capable, which is the basic condition for being able to explore the Dark Continent.

  Moyu's team has less than ten people, so there is no need to worry about the speed of travel and the efficiency of exploration.

   Therefore, even if the endless black hills are included in the eyes, it will not affect the mentality at all.

  And on the way, Moyou let a shadow clone go ahead to explore the way, and keep a shadow clone by his side to change into a space channel at any time. This strategy can greatly reduce the risk on the road of exploration.

  Signing to his teammates to follow, Moyou took the lead on the low sand dunes, and then moved forward at a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour.

  The shadow clone in charge of exploring the road ahead also maintained a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and was separated from the team by about a kilometer.

  One kilometer, this is the longest distance that Moyou can guarantee the accuracy of the operation.

  The team marched in this way on the black hilly area, and there were no other animals or plants in the way they passed.

   It may be because this black hilly area does not have the living conditions for plants, so it is unlikely that a small ecological circle will be born.

   It is not surprising that no animals or plants can be seen.

   This is the same as the white land that I walked before.

time flies.

  The sun sets and night falls.

   One day passed like this.

  Although the team has always maintained a state of high speed, the surrounding environment is still a hilly area with a high degree of similarity, giving people a sense of "standing in place".

  If the will is not strong enough, you may have a mental breakdown after walking for a few days.

  At this time, Saqiu, the two-star trouble hunter of the Twelve Earthly Branches, needs the mindfulness ability for dredging emotions.

  But Moyou and the others don't need it.

  As soon as the Shadow World channel was opened, everyone got in, and their mentality was not affected at all.

  This is exactly the meaning of "refuge".

   There is no need to be afraid at all times, and rest is guaranteed at any time.

   And there are sufficient living materials stored in the mind space, so you don't have to worry about getting out of this harsh environment that can't be seen at a glance.

  Everyone had a full meal in the shadow space without any pressure.

  Men Qi's craftsmanship is as superb as ever, and the delicious food cooked can make everyone feel happy just by the taste.

   It's been almost a week since I came to the Dark Continent, but I still haven't been able to find suitable ingredients, which makes Men Qi a little regretful.

  She really wanted to see how special the ingredients of the Dark Continent could be...

   After a brief rest in the shadow space, everyone left the shadow space and came to the hills.

   Bisji summoned Miss Cookie and asked her to use the ability of "Peachy Breath" on Moyu.

   White and slender fingers gently caressed and pressed Moyou's body.

   After a set of massage techniques as if playing a piano, Moyou immediately fell into a deep sleep.

  The rest of the team are located around, keeping vigilance at all times.

  Although they didn’t encounter any animals, plants, or existences with treacherous abilities during this journey, the team’s vigilance level did not decrease because of this, giving the Dark Continent enough respect.

  Men Qi did not participate in the security mission, but set up a gas stove on the spot and used the ability of "luminous cooking" to help Moyou prepare sandwiches and rice balls.

  After these simple foods have been baptized by the ability of "luminous cooking", they can somewhat help Moyou relieve fatigue later.

   Half an hour later.

   Moyou wakes up on time and is in full condition.

   "Go in, I will continue on my way."

  The bright moonlight shone on the black earth, and Moyou opened a shadow space passage beside him, signaling everyone to go in and rest.

   Everyone has no objection.

   During this period of time, they have been traveling through the white land in this way, which can be said to be full of efficiency.

  Men Qi handed over the pre-made sandwiches and rice **** to Moyou, and then got into the shadow space passage.

   Bisji was the last one to go in.

  Before she went in, she raised her eyes to look at Moyou, and said earnestly:

   "Moyou, I know you're in a hurry, but we don't have the capital to be 'brave'. When it's time to stop, we must stop decisively, and when it's time to slow down, we must never hesitate."

"Ok, I know."

  Moyu nodded towards Bisji.

  Bisji didn't say anything more, and jumped into the shadow space channel, his figure disappeared in an instant.

  With a thought, Moyou closed the shadow space channel, and immediately took the shadow back.

   "Okay, let's continue on our way..."

   Bathed in silver light, Moyou looked up at the undulating hills ahead.

  He had no way to gamble on how much time Hawke had, so he could only try to find Nitolomi as quickly as possible, so from the moment he landed on the Dark Continent, he decided to maintain the "day and night" travel mode.

   And Miss Cookie's ability is the capital for him to practice this model.

   "Mouse treasure."

  Before leaving, Moyou softly called Shubao's name.

   Shubao immediately changed back to his original shape when he heard the sound, squatting on Moyou's shoulder.

   "Chi Chi!"

  It waved its short hand energetically.

  Moyou couldn't help smiling when he saw this, took out a rice ball and handed it to Shu Bao, and immediately stomped on his feet, shooting forward like lightning.

  Leave a shadow of a unit by your side in order to escape danger at any time.

   But due to the fragility of the shadow channel, Moyou needs Shu Bao to be in place at any time to provide him with an extra layer of protection.

no way-

   To enjoy the oath effect of mind ability, one must bear the restriction effect.

  However, reducing the restriction effect is the basic quality that a person with a powerful mind ability needs to possess.

  Moyou thought about letting Shu Bao use his telekinetic ability to open a passage to a safe place, and then he would put the passage in the shadow space in.

  Finally, set a "God Character" with strengthening effect around the shadow space channel.

   Such an operation can basically greatly weaken the restriction effect of the shadow space.

  Comprehensively, it is much more practical than the "four-dimensional apartment".

   As far as thinking about the system is concerned, Moyou thinks he has some skills.

  However, he felt that this black hilly area was a bit strange, so he temporarily shelved the idea of ​​combining the mouse treasure ability and the **** character ability to reduce the shadow space restriction effect.

  There is a shadow clone in front to explore the way first, and the risk of Moyou traveling at night is reduced accordingly.

   Moyou didn't stop until the dim morning light appeared on the horizon.

  He was not sure how far he had traveled, but he must have traveled thousands of miles at night.

   Just looking around in the hazy morning light, as far as I can see, it is still an unchanging black hilly area with ups and downs.

  There are no iconic reference objects along the way, so if you go on the road like this, you will only feel that the road ahead is long and anxiety-provoking.


   Moyou let out a long and exhausted breath, and immediately controlled the shadow to become a channel, attached to the ground.

  Shu Bao squatted on Moyou's shoulders, raised his head slightly and yawned, then jumped directly into the shadow channel and was responsible for shouting out the people inside.

   After a while.

  Everyone came out of the shadow space one after another, looked at the unchanging environment around them, but didn't have much reaction.

  After all, they had been traveling on the same unchanging white land for almost a week before they came to this black hilly area.

   "Moyu, how far did you go tonight?"

   While guarding the surroundings as usual, Kang Jae asked curiously.

  Moyou lay down on the spot without any scruples, feeling the soft touch from under his body, and said casually: "It must be more than 1,500 miles."


   Kang Jae nodded.

   At least 1,500 miles away, it would take a day and a night to arrive by spaceship, but on the Dark Continent, it was just a drizzle.

  Men Qi moved out some supplies from the shadow space, and started cooking on the spot to prepare breakfast for everyone.

  Moyu, who was lying on the ground, still fell asleep peacefully under Miss Cookie's massage.

  When Men Qi got ready for breakfast, Moyou woke up, full of energy again.

   Soon, everyone finished their breakfast and then set off directly.

  No one knows how long it will take to get out of this black hill, and the only thing we can do is to ensure the efficiency of travel at all times.

  The team walked like this day after day for five days.

   But the surrounding environment remains the same...

   "Hey, I can understand why the ancient humans had to work so hard to set up 'pipelines'."

   Near noon, Pijorn raised his hands and put the curtain in front of his eyebrows, looked ahead at the seemingly endless black horizontal line, and let out a big sigh.

  First the white land, and now this black hill.

   Too much mentality...

Not to mention the group of unlucky people who were suddenly sent here by "pipes", even if they were sent here without any preparation, I am afraid that they will be incompetent because of the survival supplies, and eventually starve to death Die of thirst here.

  Pjorn just thought about it a little, and felt his scalp go numb.

   "I really want to play with my phone."

  She put down her hand, thinking lazily in her heart.

  But in order to save her future father-in-law, she then waved her little fist in her heart to cheer herself up.

  The team temporarily stopped to rest.

  Moyu doesn't need to rest this time, he is guarding the surroundings with the others.

  The security area Xiaodi is in charge of is in the west direction. Shubao needs to charge for a while, so he ran to find Xiaodi.

   A man and a mouse wandered around in a small circle, and then stared at a raised hill.

   "That place seems nice."

  Xiao Di looked up at the small hill.

   "Chi Chi!"

   Shubao let out a cry.

   "You think so too, little mouse."

   "Chi, chi, chi!"

   "Got it, I'll charge it for you when you get up."


   "Then let's go there."

  After a short period of unobstructed communication, Xiao Di walked ahead and quickly walked up the raised hill.

   Shubao followed closely behind, and immediately hugged Xiaodi's thigh after climbing the hill.

   This is how it charges.

   Xiaodi first turned around to confirm the location of his teammates, and then mobilized his thoughts to concentrate on his thighs to charge Shubao.

   After finishing this move, she observed the surrounding environment again.


  Suddenly, Xiao Di noticed a faint white gap on the pitch-black ground a few meters away, which should be about two meters long.

  If it weren't for the black terrain, such a slender white gap would be hard to spot.

   "After traveling for so many days, I finally saw a different color."

  Xiao Di looked at the slender gap. Although he was very curious, he did not approach rashly, and even retreated decisively down the hill, staying away from the white gap that was incompatible with the black hill for the first time.

  Her sudden movement interrupted the mouse's charging.


   Shubao followed behind Xiaodi's buttocks, making doubtful noises.

  Xiao Di looked down at her, and said softly: "Hey, I'll charge you later."


  Shu Bao nodded obediently.

  Xiao Di smiled when he saw this, and then told Moyou about the white gap he just discovered.


  Moyou looked at the small hill pointed by Xiaodi.

   "Leave it alone, leave after lunch."

  Based on the principle of action that more things are worse than less things, and this white gap will not affect the path of travel, Moyou has no intention of exploring.

  In an environment like the Dark Continent, excessive curiosity is not a good thing.

  They have only walked through the white land and the black hills under their feet.

   Both belong to the harsh environment that is not suitable for the survival of animals and plants, so along the way, the "risk" encountered is particularly small.

   But Moyo knows...

  As long as there is even a forest or grassland on the road ahead, it means that the "danger index" will soar wildly.

   Right now, everything is just getting started.

  Hearing what Moyou said, Xiaodi could only suppress his curiosity.


   Just then, a dense muffled sound came from a distance.

  The sudden sound of movement caused everyone present to immediately enter a state of combat readiness. At the same time, they all looked for a nearby high place, and then looked in the direction of the sound.


  Everyone stared and saw that at the end of the wave-like terrain, there was a red line across the entire horizon that could be accommodated in the field of vision.


  Kang Jae's stunned voice reached everyone's ears.

  But there was no one to talk to in the field, and they were all staring at the red line in the distance.

   Only a few seconds passed, and the slender red line at the end of the terrain thickened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then appeared in front of everyone in the form of a tsunami.

but it is-

  A torrent of countless unknown creatures is rushing towards them at a very fast speed.


  As the distance got closer, everyone saw the true face of the red torrent, and felt a sudden chill on their backs.

  During nearly two weeks of traveling time, I only saw a real creature called the Giant Night Watcher along the way.

  Already accustomed to the "biological barrenness" attribute of this land, they didn't want to see a biological torrent so exaggerated that it spanned the entire horizon in their eyes.

   Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Or a few million?

   No time to explore this question...

   Moyou's pupils shrank, and he was going to combine Shu Bao's mind ability to open up a safer space underground.

   But before he could take action, the mutation happened again.


  The ground, which has a soft touch, actually began to shake greatly.

   "Huh? Earthquake?!"

   Moyou was startled.

   It's really a leak in the house and it rains all night.

  (end of this chapter)

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