Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 467: for whom the bell tolls

  Chapter 467 For Whom the Bell Tolls

  The world is divided into two types.

  One is the world within cognition, and the other is the world outside cognition.

  Six continents, explored sea area, undeveloped sea area, imaginary continent group, dark sea area, dark continent.

  The real world is made up of these.

   But each "part of the world" will be divided by a line.

  This kind of boundary can represent taboo, danger, or isolation...

  Humanity's cognition of the present world is the result of dividing by boundaries.

  The boundaries can divide the world, and they can also divide regions.

   Just like the boundary-defending plants in front of you, it is the embodiment of some kind of boundary.

its existence…

   Is it necessary?

  Dong Fulishi once thought about this problem, but he still couldn't come to a conclusion.

   Compared to the entire Dark Continent, he is too small.

  It is as small as an inconspicuous cell in the human body.

  He can't judge the significance of the existence of boundary-defending plants, but he knows that the complexity of the ecological circle of the Dark Continent is unimaginable, and the degree of chaos cannot be compared with ordinary theories.

  How to find a trace of order in this chaos, maybe it is the meaning of existence of boundary-guarding plants?

   The answer is unknown.

  Dong Fulishi withdrew his eyes from a certain direction, and turned to quietly staring at the thick tree roots lying on the hillside.

  This boundary can divide regions and even the ecological circle, but it cannot stop the footsteps of human beings and more other creatures with intelligence.

   Tap —

  Dong Fulishi walked to the thick tree roots, raised his hand and tore off a vine that throbbed like a pulse from the "lichen" parasitic on the surface of the body.


   Pausing in front of the tree roots for a few seconds, Dong Fulishi suddenly threw the rattan in his hand into the air.

  In an instant, the roots whose meaning is the boundary suddenly boiled and changed, and tentacles were born in the boiling phenomenon, and then spread to the lichen and vines thrown into the air by Dong Fulishi.

  Dong Fulishi, on the other hand, fearlessly walked towards the root of the tree that had turned into a boiling liquid.

  I saw that the uplifted and boiling tree roots had actively opened a hole for Dong Fulishi to step over.

at the same time.

  The dense tentacles that climbed up and spread devoured the lichen vine, and then retracted to the ground at an extremely fast speed, returning to the original tree root shape.

  At this moment, Dong Fulishi has already crossed the boundary and stepped into the area where many coral-like rocks stand.

  He didn't look back at the root-shaped boundary-defending plants, but walked forward in one direction.

  He wants to meet the group of humans who are traveling this route.

  Walking through many coral-like rocks, you can clearly feel the changing terrain.

   There is a section of the road that is steep and difficult to walk, but a few hundred meters later is another downhill route.

   This kind of route change goes round and round, like a wavy line that keeps up and down.

  Sunlight shines through the hollowed-out caves on the coral rocks, projecting on the rocks with strange lights.

   The team walked through it, and they didn't encounter any creatures along the way.

   Despite this, everyone is always vigilant on the way.

   Now that I have traveled to many places, I have a new understanding of the term vastness.

  The coral rock area that is currently trekking is also an area that may take at least half a month to cross.

   Moyou is already mentally prepared.

   Now, he only hopes to meet a creature with the possibility of communication soon.

  The team moved forward steadily.

  Until dusk, when the team passed a hollow coral-like rock block as high as tens of meters, they suddenly heard a faint ticking sound.


   There was a strange look in everyone's eyes, and they quickly looked at each other.

  Kang Jae asked first: "Did you hear any sound?"


   "It's a small sound, it sounds like a pendulum clock."

   "It does sound like a pendulum clock."

  Everyone, you talk to me.

  They all heard the faint sound of the pendulum clock.

  Moyou frowned and said, "I can't tell which direction it is coming from, so don't be careless."

   "I know, there is no need for you to remind me of this kind of thing."

  Kang Jae's eyes suddenly became serious.

  For them who have seen the horror of the Dark Continent, not to mention the ticking of the pendulum clock, even the sound of a small stone rolling down the hillside is worthy of their attention and vigilance.

  Bisji thought for a while, and suggested: "To be on the safe side, plug your ears first, or go to the space to avoid it."

  He proposed this only after hearing a faint ticking sound coming from nowhere, not because Bisji was frightened.

  But the Dark Continent itself is an unreasonable place, and we must follow the iron rule of being careful and making no big mistakes.

   "Well, go read the space, just take a rest."

  Moyu very much agrees with Bi Siji's proposal.

  Suddenly encountering a sound of unknown origin in a specific environment, this kind of thing requires high vigilance even if it is placed on the Six Continents.

   After all, some people who release or operate mind-type abilities use "sound" as the activation condition...

  For example, the melody in the original work.

  She is a dual-element ability user of the release system and the operation system, and can create the effect of the operation system only by the sound of the instrument played.

  With such vivid reference examples, one must beware of the sudden ticking of the pendulum clock.

   Having read this, Moyou manipulated a shadow unit that was always ready, and soon materialized a passage leading to the "Shadow World" at his feet.


   Moyou hurriedly urged.

  Sangbika heard the words, and immediately walked towards the shadow space channel.

  She is the person who needs protection the most in the entire team, so she is the first to enter the shadow space every time there is an emergency.

  But for some reason, she stopped suddenly after taking two steps, and stood motionless on the spot.

   Also at this time, Moyou noticed that the ticking sound coming from nowhere was much clearer than before, and then saw the strangeness of Sambika, and felt bad in his heart.

   "Is it an ability similar to the operating system..."

  The figure of Melody flashed across Moyou's mind, his eyes changed, and he quickly looked at other teammates.

   But everyone saw the same dull expression as Sambika, standing still.

   This phenomenon suddenly shocked Moyou's heart.

   Just faintly heard a ticking sound, and then fell into this state directly?

  Then such an ability is too domineering, right?

  Do you want to send them into the chant space, or find the source of the sound?

   Or to read...?

   No, except that the number of readings is only three times, which is not enough at all.

   And it is not clear what the effect of this voice is.

   While Moyou was thinking about the countermeasures quickly, Kang Jae, who was standing not far in front of him, suddenly fell to his knees, and then kowtowed to him suddenly!


  Accompanied by a dull sound, Kang Zai knocked out a gap in the hard rocky ground.


   Moyou was caught off guard by Kang Jae's sudden kowtow.

   Before he could react, Kang Jae kowtowed again, and the gravel flew in an instant.

  If it weren't for the protection of mind energy wrapped around his body, Kang Zai's fierce aura when kowtowing would have made a hole in his forehead no matter what.

  Moyu then realized that Kang Jae's kowtow was more like self-harm...

   "It should be the effect of the tick-tock operation system ability. It's just that after the ability conditions are met, the state of the controlled target's mind can't be revoked, and the way of manipulating self-harm is a bit of a joke."

  Watching Kang Jae kowtow several times in a row to self-mutilate, Moyou's fear of the ticking sound was reduced a lot.

   Cannot revoke the mind energy of the manipulated target, which means that the effect of the ability is not mandatory, but more inclined to suggestive.

  Compared with the compulsory operation-type ability that can directly erase the target's consciousness, the hint-type ability has more room for saving.

  Moyu didn't immediately stop Kang-jae from kowtowing.

  Because Kang Jae is harming himself at the moment, but with the protection of Nian Qi, he won't have to worry about his safety for a while.

   While remaining vigilant, he paid attention to the status of the rest of the team.

  Perhaps the ability effect brought about by the ticking sound started to activate, and other people except Kang Jae also started various forms of self-mutilation.

   It's just that everyone has a layer of "hardness" as a protection, and the way of self-mutilation is quite child's play and sloppy, so don't worry about safety for the time being.

  At the same time, Moyu noticed that the ticking sound that echoed in his ears became louder and louder, and the frequency began to become rapid.

Do not know why-

  Moyu felt a rush of impatience from the faster ticking sound.

   "Is it because you saw that I didn't win the bid?"

  Listening to the louder and louder ticking sound, Moyou tried to find out the location of the sound source while paying attention to the state of his teammates.

  He didn't delve too much into the reason why he was not affected by the sound.

   Presumably it should be the mental toughness effect of "When the Human Stars Shine".

   This may be the first time he has enjoyed the benefits of mental toughness.

  The most important thing right now is to find out the unknown object hidden in the dark as soon as possible.

  Moyou decided to take risks, concentrated his mind, and tried his best to distinguish the direction of the sound source.

   tick, tick—

  The voice became more irritable, as if trying to stuff all the dissatisfaction into Moyou's ears.

   But no matter how the voice changes, Moyou is always unaffected.

  186% mental toughness makes him immune to manipulative abilities from the tick.

"found it."

  As the sense of presence of the ticking sound became stronger, Moyou finally confirmed the direction of the sound.

   It's just that he didn't act immediately, but calmly controlled the shadow who used "hidden" to remove the traces and quietly touched the source of the sound.

at this time.

  The last afterglow between heaven and earth covers the coral-like rocks that can be seen everywhere, and a large number of hollow holes shape the orange-red light into strange light balls, obliquely reflecting on the ground.

  A figure flashed through the orange light.

  The figure is about the size of a basketball, and its upper body is a small, simple pendulum clock surrounded by thick branches. There are many gravel-like light spots under the swinging pendulum.

  Below the pendulum clock, there is actually an oval copper base, which is supported by slender mechanical feet.

  If you only look at the second half, you may think it is some kind of special crab.

   The ticking sound that Moyou and his party heard came from it.

  It quickly traveled through the interior of the coral-shaped rock reflecting the colorful light ball, and the pendulum in the pendulum clock on the base was shaking rapidly, and the ticking sound became more and more rapid.

  From the perspective of a bystander, it does appear a little impatient.

   As for why—

   It is indeed as Moyou guessed.

  Because the ticking sound had no effect on Moyu, it became irritable.

  In order to control Moyou, it accelerated the frequency of the pendulum clock and moved closer to Moyou.

   But its move exposed its own position.

  Moyou saw this unknown object that could barely be called a pendulum clock through the vision of the shadow clone, and then manipulated the shadow clone to attack the pendulum clock from behind without hesitation.

  A pendulum clock moves like a crab, and at a fairly high speed.

   But it obviously didn't realize the approach of the shadow clone, and it was only able to react when the attack of the shadow clone approached.

   And it doesn't make sense to react at this time.

  The shadow clone punched the pendulum clock.


  Under this attack, the pendulum clock surrounded by branches suddenly shattered, and many light spots flickering inside it fell to the ground like gravel.

   The elliptical chassis that originally supported the pendulum clock seemed to have suddenly lost power, and it staggered forward a few steps before slowly falling to the ground.

  After manipulating the shadow clone to smash the unknown pendulum clock, Moyou quickly looked at his teammates.

  I saw Kang Jae's forehead hit the ground heavily, and then suddenly stopped moving.

  The same is true for other people, they all stopped their self-harm.

   "It should be lifted..."

  Looking at the changes in the crowd, Moyou could only wait for the final result while thinking.

  But at this moment, a slight wind sound came from above, but it was a human figure falling straight down from the air.

   Moyou's pupils shrank slightly. Although he didn't sense any killing intent, he was still ready to fight back immediately.

  However, that figure did not intend to attack Moyou at all, but landed on its head, like a green onion planted straight on the ground.


  Moyou was startled, and looked at this man who suddenly fell from the sky with full vigilance.

  The opponent's body was covered with dense vines, covering most of his face, except for a pair of eyes.

   But it can barely be seen that the other party is a human being.

   It's just why did this person appear on the stage with his head on the ground?

   Isn’t it a bit novel?

  Suddenly, Moyou thought of a possibility.

   Could it be that this person was also affected by the sound of the pendulum clock, and then resorted to self-mutilation by falling from a high altitude and hitting his head on the ground?

  If he just solved the pendulum clock one second earlier, maybe this person would not have to do this?

   Wrong —

   What should be considered now is the origin of this person.

  Will it be the indigenous humans of the Dark Continent?

  Moyou's thoughts turned quickly, carefully looking at the man who fell from the sky in front of him.

   While feeling vigilant, it was a little pleasantly surprised.

  He needs information urgently now.

  The man who fell from the sky was Dong Fulishi who had been chasing him all the way.

   Indeed, as Moyou speculated, Dong Fulishi, who had just chased here, was also controlled by the pendulum clock, and then adopted a "jumping-style" self-mutilation method.

   Now, he's kind of embarrassed...

   "What am I doing...?"

  Beside him came Kang Jae's blank voice.

  Moyou glanced sideways at Kangzai, and answered enthusiastically, "I'm kowtowing."


  (end of this chapter)

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