Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 470: there will be a period later

  Chapter 470 will come later

  Three months of day and night.

  Thanks to the leadership of Dong Fulishi, the team can always avoid various creatures and disasters in advance along the way, so that they can travel at the fastest speed.

  The ancient passage leading to the "swamp" is located in a huge forest that can't be seen, and the carrier is a moss-covered stone tablet embedded in the tree.

   Without the guidance of Dong Fulishi, if you want to find the carrier of ancient pipelines in this vast forest, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

  The big tree embedded with stone monuments should be more than 100 meters in diameter, and its height is unique in the forest. It is a towering giant tree in the true sense.

  In comparison, the stone tablet, which is only the size of a normal door panel, is as small as an ant on the tree with a diameter of 100 meters. In addition, it is covered with moss and vine branches, so it is really hard to see.


  When Dong Fulishi brought Moyu to this super-large giant tree, even without Dong Fulishi's guidance, Moyou was able to lock the specific location of the ancient pipeline according to the breath of "after death thoughts".

  The ancient pipelines that exist in various parts of the Dark Continent are almost all posthumous things left by ancient humans, so that they can last for a long time without dispersing.

  This means that Moyou can rely on its own special features to lock the ancient pipelines hidden in various environments within a certain range.

   Of course, nothing is absolute.

  Not all the things exuding after-death breath are ancient pipes, and they may also be extremely threatening after-death things beyond various cognitions.

  So in the matter of locking ancient pipelines, one must be cautious.

  The towering giant tree is surrounded by an open space where not a single blade of grass grows, and farther away is a golden lake that is so calm that no waves can be seen.

  The liquid in the lake is not like lake water, but more like liquid gold, with a viscous and soft feeling visible to the naked eye.

  Moyu's center of gravity was on the ancient pipeline leading to the "swamp", and did not interfere with this abnormal golden lake.

  Before leaving, Dong Fulishi reminded again tirelessly:

"Remember, the ability of the Hellbell Twin-tailed Snake is to spread the killing intent, and the infected object will crazily massacre any living beings nearby. Its power is that even the 'Mind Clone' cannot resist the killing intent infection. "

   "Including any living body controlled by the ability of the operating system, it will also be seized by the "killing intent" of the two-tailed snake."

   "In terms of 'control', the killing intent of the Twin-tailed Snake has a very high priority."

   "You don't have the protection of lichen. If you want to get Nitolomi in that swamp, you have to bear the corresponding risk."

   "But your 'mental toughness' may be immune to the killing intent of the two-tailed snake."

   "Finally, I will give you a piece of advice..."

   "If you meet the gatekeeper on your way home, then you'd better follow the gatekeeper's arrangement."

  Amidst Dong Fulishi's seemingly chattering instructions, the ancient stone tablet embedded in the tree body slowly emitted a white light, enveloping Moyou and the others.

"Wish ya'll good luck."

  Before being enveloped by the white light of the pipeline, Moyou vaguely heard Dong Fulishi's last voice.

  The next moment.

   Moyou once again came to the gray still space.

   There are countless streamers of light coming towards you in front of you, passing away from your side like a meteor shower.

   At the same time, the sense of time and space blurred again.

   I don't know how long it took, the vision in front of me suddenly trembled and blurred, and finally fell into silence and darkness.

  When the light flooded into the eyes again, he was already on top of the bones.


  Moyou opened his eyes and quickly looked around the surrounding environment.

   What impresses the eye is an extremely large number of bones of different shapes, all over any corner that can be seen around.

  These bones are either scattered or piled up, some places are flattened into a hill, and some places are piled up to form a hill, which seems to be a veritable burial place.

  If you look far away, you can vaguely see the reeds in the swamp...


   Seeing that the surrounding environment is like the burial place that Dong Fulishi said, Moyou immediately gathered energy in his eyes, and sounded a reminder to the teammates who were teleported together.

   Just as Moyou spoke, Bisiji and the others were already concentrating thoughts in their eyes.

  With the help of Nian Qi, clusters of light blue flames suddenly appeared in the empty midair, like countless balloons floating aimlessly in the air.

   Moyou glanced at the many abnormal phosphorus fires floating in the air.

  According to the information provided by Dong Fulishi, except for bones, anything can become a combustion aid for these phosphorus fires.

  The Nian Qi, which symbolizes life energy, is equivalent to methane in front of these invisible phosphorous fires.

  So when ordinary people touch these phosphorous fires, they will explode instantly because of the thoughts that flow naturally from their bodies, and then turn into a clean skeleton in just a few seconds.

  If this kind of scene is staged in front of ordinary people, you can only see a well-behaved person suddenly spontaneously combusting, just imagining it feels weird.

   "This is too much..."

  Kang Jae looked solemnly at the numerous light blue phosphorous fires floating in the air, which could be seen everywhere even on the ground, spreading around like spider webs.

  In view of the deflagration of Nian Qi on this abnormal phosphorus fire, it is not easy to pass through the Boneyard safely.

   Even entering the state of "absolute" is meaningless.

  Because hair, muscle, and clothes can also become combustible materials for phosphorus fire.

   "Xiao Di, let the popeye try to drive down the road first."

  Moyou withdrew his gaze from the phosphorus fire, and turned his head to look at the little drop beside him.


  Xiao Di nodded when he heard the words, and immediately mobilized his thoughts to manifest the pop-eyed fish.


  Popeye takes form and makes a consistent call.

  Moyou looked at the pop-eyed fish in Xiaodi's hand, and reminded in a deep voice: "Xiaodi, withdraw your hand immediately if you feel something is wrong."


  Xiao Di looked calm, stepped forward to the front of the crowd, then raised the suction port of the popeyed fish, aiming it at the numerous phosphorus fires in front of it.

   "Popeye, **** up these flames."

   She gave an order, and the popeyed fish immediately opened its mouth to inhale.


   But the airflow visible to the naked eye engulfed clusters of light blue phosphorous fires rushing towards the suction port of the popeyed fish.

  When everyone saw this scene, their eyes narrowed slightly, and they were mentally prepared to deal with it.

  But the expected accident did not happen.

  The many phosphorous fires blocking the way were all swallowed by the popeye without any splash.

   "This will save a lot of trouble."

   Moyou murmured to himself.

at the same time.

  Deep in the forest, in front of the giant tree and stele.

  Dong Fulishi stared at the stele for a long time, then slowly turned and left.

  He still has a lot of things to do, so it is naturally impossible to go to the swamp with Moyou and the others.

   To be able to send Moyou and the others here is the utmost benevolence and righteousness.

  The main reason is that the "Ancient Passage" has to cool down for a period of time after being used once.

   If he accompanied Moyu and the others to the swamp, it would mean that he would waste more time on this matter.

   "There will be a period..."

  (end of this chapter)

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