Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 486: fell from the sky

  Chapter 486 Descended from the sky

  In this world, no one will question Nitro's ability.

  As a time traveler, with the "God's Perspective", Moyou will not doubt Nitro's ability to solve the chimeric ant incident.

  In fact, Netero did complete the beheading operation against the Chimera Ant King.

   But at the cost of life.

  That's why Moyu said "I'm afraid you will die" to Nitro.

  Of course Nitro didn’t know the deep meaning contained in Moyu’s words, and now he just felt speechless.

  Professional hunters in the association are strictly prohibited from going to the Dark Continent, but you brat not only violated the regulations, but also abducted two twelve earthly branches, as well as Sambika, a model worker in the association who is regarded as a model of dedication.

   Forget it, the first thing he did when he came back from the Dark Continent was to tear things down.

  I thought so, but Nitro knew that Moyu was not the kind of person who would shoot aimlessly.


  Netero stroked his beard and said meaningfully: "It seems that you know the danger level of 'ants' very well."


  Moyou casually said something perfunctory, and asked directly: "Old man, do you agree with me to join?"

   "The old man think about it."

  Nitero also casually said something perfunctory.

  He actually didn’t expect that Moyou would come back at this time, and he rushed towards him in a “cut first and then play”.

  Although he was already inclined to accept Moyou's offer, but based on the perfunctory words Moyou just said, he didn't mind hanging Moyou a little bit.

  On the other end of the phone, a little black line appeared between Moyou's forehead.

no way-

   After all, there is an "examination department" in the Hunter Association, so before carrying out some kind of commission, after all, it is necessary to go through the process seriously.

  For example, this commission for the chimera ant event.

  Participating members of the association were screened and discussed before being determined. In fact, regarding the candidates of Mo Laowu and Nobu, the review department and some members of the twelve earthly branches disagreed.

   But in the end, Nitero couldn’t help it. In addition, several disasters along the ancient pipeline left the Hunter Association in a state of desperation, so they didn’t waste too much energy on the matter of “selecting candidates”.

   Mainly they know one thing very well...

   That is, once Nitro made a decision on something, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't change Nitro's decision.

  To sum up, even if Moyou wants to participate in the campaign against chimera ants, he must at least get Nitero's nod of approval, so that he can obtain the status of participating in the operation.

   It's just that Moyu was already on his way to NGL before he got the "consent".

   It is indeed a bit of a preemptive act, but no matter from which aspect you think about it, Moyou's joining is definitely a matter of advantages and no disadvantages.

   "Is it worth considering with my 'combat power level'? Old man, I seriously suspect that you are avenging yourself."

  It was not the first day Moyou knew Nitro, so he said bluntly regardless of the identity relationship between the members and the president.

  Listening to Moyou's words, Nitro, who was far away on the other end of the phone, raised his finger and hooked his forehead helplessly.

   "The old man will be waiting for you at NGL, come over as soon as possible, don't wait when it's too late."

   After speaking, Nitro hung up the phone resolutely without giving Moyu a chance to respond, and then put away the phone.

  At the moment he is sitting in the back of a delivery van bound for NGL.

  Besides him, there are Mo Laowu and Nobu in the carriage, as well as several members of Kate's biological investigation team.

  The members of Kate’s team lack combat power, so they are responsible for supporting the combat power outside the NGL.

   At this moment, everyone including Mo Lao Wu and Nobu looked at Nitro who had just put away his phone.

  The call just now was not concealed, and the volume of the mobile phone was not turned down in a timely manner, so the people crowded in the car could vaguely hear the call.

  Seeing that someone dared to speak to President Nitro in that tone on the phone, they couldn't help being stunned.

   On the other hand, the reactions of Mo Laowu and Nobu were quite normal.

   "Is this the famous two-star bounty hunter a few years ago?"

  Nobu habitually raised his **** to push against the frame, and commented: "You're really rude."

   "Hoo hoo..."

  Nitero is also habitually stroking his beard, but he didn't confront him like Nobu did, but he didn't care.

  Mo Laowu had been in contact with Moyou, and now he heard Nobu's targeted words, but he couldn't respond well, so he could only touch his nose.

  As for the other members of Kate's team, they can only be as silent as an ostrich.

   "President, we will arrive at the border of NGL before evening. If the famous two-star bounty hunter fails to catch up, shall we wait for him at the entry point?"

  Nobu pointed out something.

   Nitro groaned when he heard the words.

   Several members of Kate's team sitting on the side looked at each other, and they all hesitated to speak.

   Judging from the characteristics of chimeric ants, it is by no means an easy task to get past the heavy guards and go straight to the queen.

   But the incident needs to be resolved before the Queen gives birth to the Ant King, so it must be resolved quickly...

  If the fighter plane is delayed in order to wait for someone, not to mention that the seriousness of the situation may become higher, Kate and others who are conducting investigations in the enemy's hinterland may also be affected.

   Just when the members of Kate's biological team were about to make a proposal, Nitro made a decision first.

   "Not waiting."

  Although the experts dispatched here concluded that it would take two months for the ant king to be born, Nitro would not waste time because of this.

  So no matter what the mental activity of Nobu was when he sounded the reminder, Nitro will only pay more attention to this action.

   Seeing that the president of his family did not intend to wait for Moyu to arrive at the immigration, Nobu pushed the frame of the mirror lightly again, and said no more.

   Several members of Kate's biological team who were traveling with him also breathed a sigh of relief.

  They were worried about the safety of Kate, Qi Ya and Xiaojie.

  For them, sending reinforcements there quickly is the best result.

  In order to give birth to a powerful king, the chimera queen eats more and more.

  In order to ensure the supply and freshness of food, the chimeric ants in the ant nest will inject neurotoxins into the human body during hunting to make them immobile, and then transport them back to the ant nest for food storage.

   When it’s time for the queen to eat, just make these human beings into meatballs on the spot to meet the queen’s eating needs.

  Currently, the Queen's food intake is 250 human flesh per day.

   It was also during this period that Nephipido, one of the three guards directly under the queen, was born.

  Same as the image in the original book, Neferpito has beautiful ruby ​​eyes, white wavy hair, a pair of highly recognizable cat ears, and a cat tail covered in white fluff.

  She was wearing a dark blue coat on her upper body, and black shorts with orange background on her lower body. Her figure looked particularly slender, but her thighs showing chimeric ant genes were quite strong.

   "Specific human beings...? Sounds interesting."

  The newly born Nephew Peter happened to hear the discussion topics of the division heads, and immediately became very interested and curious.

   It was just her arrival, but it invisibly shocked several chimeric ant division leaders headed by Peggy and Lamoduo who had just taken control of "Nian".

   "How could it be so..."

  Lamodore looked at Nephipido, who was slowly coming out of the darkness, in horror. In his eyes, he could see a surging aura spreading around Nephipido.

  Such a powerful force...!

  Lamodo, who had just awakened and was able to freely control life energy, had not had time to indulge in his innate talent, but was brutally crushed to the ground by the sudden appearance of Nephipido.

   Some beings are so powerful that they are doomed from the moment they are born.

  Just like Nephipito in front of me, he possessed huge life energy from the moment of birth.

  The several division heads present all looked at Nifei Pieduo with unconcealed surprise.

  They have only recently learned about "special human beings", and they have confirmed the fact that they can also learn special abilities based on Ramodo's personal experience.

  But now seeing Nephipito, they suddenly understand that some talents are innate.

"take it easy."

   Nephipido came close, quickly glanced around the division commanders present, and finally fixed his eyes on Lamoduo, the army commander.

  Because among the chimera ants present, only Lamodo has obvious life energy surging.

   "Tell me about the strange human."

  Nifepito raised his sharp nails and lightly touched his chin, his ruby-like eyes revealed an undisguised curiosity.

  Peggy and several other division leaders hadn't answered yet, but Lamoduo, who had been completely impressed by Nifei Pido, took the conversation away and nodded quickly: "Okay, okay..."

  Under Ramodo’s narration, Nephipido had a general understanding of the way to awaken abilities and the fact that special humans can use strange abilities.

   "Human beings are really hard... It takes so much trouble to inspire their abilities."

   Nephew put his arms around him, and seemed to be talking to himself with emotion.

  As the queen's direct guard, she has awakened her abilities since she was born, so she is naturally qualified to say such a thing.

   "Just in time."

  Nifel Petto’s ears moved slightly, and a strong interest suddenly appeared in his eyes.


   Lamoduo asked without knowing why.

   Nephipido ignored Ramodo's inquiry, grinned slightly, and said to himself: "I'm going to check... how strong I am."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Nephipito walked towards the exit of the ant nest under the puzzled and astonished gaze of Lamodo and other chimera ants.

   Soon, Nephibido came to the high wall outside the ant nest, and slowly widened his eyes to look at the forest in the distance.

  At this moment, Kate, Qi Ya, and Xiaojie came to the edge of the forest, observing the towering ant nests from a distance of more than a thousand meters.

  The existence of the three of them was immediately discovered by Nephipido.

"found it."

  There was a gleam in Neferpetto's eyes, and his expression was like a cat who discovered something novel, full of curiosity and temptation.

compare to.

   Kate, who sensed the breath of Nephipido, showed an unbelievable expression, and cold sweat quickly oozes from her cheeks.


   With such a long distance, Kate could still clearly feel the terror of Nephipiedo.

  That powerful and evil aura was definitely the first time he had seen it in his life!

   "Xiaojie, Qiya, hurry up!"

   Without any hesitation, Kate made the judgment to let Xiaojie and Qiya escape first.


  Nifel Pido’s actions at the next moment abruptly killed Kate’s incomparably correct judgment.

  The newly born queen was directly under the guards. With sheer strength of her feet, she suddenly turned into a streamer full of danger, flying over a thousand meters to attack the three of Kate who were at the edge of the forest.

  Kate’s pupils shrank sharply, and quickly reacted in front of Qi Ya and Xiaojie, shouting at the same time: "Get away from me..."

   But the words are not finished yet.

   Nephipiedo's attack was already in front of him.

   Without any fancy skills, just relying on pure speed and display of aura, and then sprinted past Kate's side.


  An arm was wrapped in blood and flew into the air.

   That was Kate's right arm, which was cut off from the shoulder by Nephipido.

   "I was wrong..."

  An arm was cut off, Kate didn't even frown, but stared straight at Neferpiedo who descended from the sky.

  At this moment, he finally understood the source of his uneasiness before.


  A puff of white smoke swung from Kate's left hand, revealing a clown who was laughing wantonly.

   This is Kate's materialization ability, Crazy Clown.

  In the current situation, Kate has no room for reservations, and only one thought in mind.

  He wanted to try his best to hold the monster in front of him before Xiaojie and Qi Ya ran away.

  In his thoughts—

   There is no possibility of defeating Neferpito.

   "Well, this is a special ability, so you can still play like this."

  Nifel Pito did not take a second look at Xiaojie and Qiya from the beginning to the end, but looked at Kate's ability with great interest.

   Xiaojie and Qi Ya also finally reacted at this moment.

  Compared to Xiaojie's anger that had been revealed on the surface, Qi Ya felt a disparity from Nephipetto at this moment that made him so desperate that he couldn't produce any resistance.


   It's like a moat!

  So Qi Ya followed the trajectory of fate and made the same choice.

   Before Xiaojie broke out, he decisively knocked Xiaojie unconscious.

   "Well done, Chiya."

   Seeing Qi Ya's correct move, Kate, who was in the midst of life and death, suddenly calmed down.

   Nephipito still ignored the existence of Xiaojie and Qiya, but faced Kate, and released an extremely evil and terrifying aura in a burst of eagerness.

  High above the sky, a spaceship is flying steadily.

   "Don't you wait for the time...stinky old man."

   Moyou walked to the viewing terrace of the spaceship and looked at the blue sky and white clouds that were close at hand.

  Nitero's promise was too straightforward, which actually made Moyou feel a little unreliable.

   "Well, anyway, from the very 'rushing plan' hasn't changed."

  Muttering to himself, Moyou came to the fence of the terrace.

  At this moment, a beautiful woman in a long red dress came over.

"handsome guy…"

  As soon as the woman started to strike up a conversation, she saw Moyou jumping over the four or five meter high glass fence and flying straight into the blue sky.

   After a short stunned moment, the woman's delicately made-up face slowly showed a look of horror.


   After a few breaths, a woman's terrified screams sounded from above the terrace.

   And Moyu is falling at the moment.

  Through the thin white clouds, you can see the endless sea.

  In order to get to NGL "on time", he chose a very abnormal "falling from the sky" route.

  (end of this chapter)

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