Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover

Chapter 515: Turn over the cards

  Chapter 515 Reveal the hole card

  Even the chairman's hundred-style Guanyin can do it! ?

  What is the difference between this statement and the Arabian Nights?

   It can be said that the person who said this was Kang Jae. Based on their understanding of Kang Jae's character, the possibility of bragging can basically be ruled out.

   Which means—

  Moyu really knows Chairman Netero's Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara!

   "Is it the ability to reproduce the concept...?"

  Nobu was shocked. Reminiscent of the scene when he saw the ability of "Shadow Space" for the first time, he subconsciously felt that Moyou's ability to read might be related to "Re-engraving".

  In fact, there are some logical errors in the thinking and speculation here.

   But Nob was so shocked at the moment that he ignored many things.


  Norbu or Mo Laowu.

  They all had a clearer understanding of Moyou's abilities.

  Compared to the details of Moyou's telekinetic ability, what should be concerned about right now is the situation in the battle circle.

  Although I only watched the battle for less than ten seconds, one thing is certain.

  As Nobu judged at the beginning, this level of battle is no longer something they can intervene in.

  Even Kangzai and Dora, who are reinforcements, can hardly imagine themselves standing there.

  In fact, in front of chimeric ants with human genes and telekinetic abilities, if the enhancement system that is best at frontal combat does not have the level of Nitero, it will only exist like a sewer.

   "That bomb ability should hit the bull's-eye..."

  Nobu suppressed the shock in his heart, and concentrated on looking at the soaring black smoke in the battle circle.

  Although the location is far away from the battle circle, Nobu can still clearly feel the terrifying aura of anger that wants to destroy everything from the three guards directly under him.

   Within the battle circle.

  Thick black smoke billowed, and high temperature remained in the air.

  However, Yupi, Xiaoyapov, and Nephipito, the three direct guards, rushed in without hesitation.

   They were angry and worried.

  But they quickly sensed the breath of the Ant King, which suppressed the boiling emotions in their hearts to a certain extent.

   Nitro, who had retreated to the brink of the explosion, naturally sensed the breath fluctuations coming from the billowing black smoke.

  Compared with the initial state, the fluctuation of the breath has obviously weakened, but it is still stable.

   This shows that the ant king is probably injured, but it is not fatal.


  Nitero noticed this situation, silently looked at a certain position in the thick smoke.

   Couldn't even such a violent explosion suppress the vitality of the ant king?

  From a biological point of view, whether it is the direct guard or the ant king, they are all monsters in the true sense.

   Nitro was silent, but one could imagine the seriousness in his heart.

   He can be said to be the one with the most say in the defense of the direct guard and the ant king.

  Suddenly, Nitro twitched slightly, and looked at the coat in his hand.

   This was thrown by Moyou just before implementing the tactics.

  I saw a wave of thoughts on the coat fleetingly, and then Moyou appeared above the coat out of thin air, and then fell from midair to the ground.

  「Divine Word·Transfer」

  Using the divine character of transfer engraved on the inside of the jacket in advance, Moyou rushed back to the battle circle as quickly as possible.

   To be more precise, rush back to Nitro.

After all, losing the shadow avatar is equivalent to losing vision. In addition, he has no exact concept of the explosive power of the "Voice of Life Kai" injected with 80% of the potential energy, so he is inevitably worried that Nitero will be involved in the explosion. middle.


   Seeing that Nitro was fine, Moyu was slightly relieved.

  Nitero is old and sophisticated, and he immediately saw Moyu's mental activities, and immediately drooped his eyelids.

  Although Moyou is worried about him, but it seems to be saying that you are really old...

  Moyu's focus had shifted to the ant king in the thick smoke, and he didn't notice the subtle changes in Nitro's expression.

   “I didn’t expect much from the start, but…”

  Looking at the thick smoke, feeling the breath fluctuations coming from it, Moyou's eyes were serious, and he sighed: "It's really hard."

   Explosions are not necessarily fatal, but consume most of the oxygen.

   It will not form an anaerobic environment, but for organisms, it is actually no different from anaerobic.

  For those with the ability to read, this suffocation phenomenon may be more deadly than the explosion, such as Hisoka who was killed by Kuroro in the Sky Arena in the original book.

  However, the degree of evolution of the ant king at the biological level is too high, and its adaptability to harsh environments has far exceeded human cognition.

  So in a sense, the Ant King is not only physically strong enough, but even his vitality is beyond imagination.

   "Old man, why don't you withdraw first?"

  After feeling a lot of emotion, Moyou didn't look back, and suggested that Nitro should retreat first.

   Judging from the current situation, without the rose bomb that can make a final decision, any battle against the ant king would be extremely risky and meaningless.

  Because once the battle fails, it becomes impossible to escape the battle and save your life.

   This is the fundamental reason why Moyu wanted Nitro to retreat first.

   "Hoo hoo..."

  Hearing what Moyou said, Nitro narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I am old, but my 'heart' is not old yet."

"I know."

  Moyou stared at the thick smoke intently, and wanted to say some unkind words such as no chance of winning, but he swallowed the words forcefully when they reached his throat.

   "But what if you lose?"

   Throwing out this hypothesis rather tactfully, Moyu turned to look at Nitro at this moment.

   Some things don’t need to be said too bluntly. Nitro, who has already fought in-depth with the Ant King, can see everything clearly from the perspective of “big picture”.

  Can't afford to lose.

   This is the key!

  Nitero couldn't help being silent.

  Yu Gong, he really should retreat, and then make other preparations to ensure that the chimeric ants can be uprooted.

  Being selfish, he was really unwilling to let it go like this.

   Before Nitro could sort out his complex emotions, the breath in the thick smoke became stronger.

  Moyu and Nitero looked over at the first time, and saw the ant king striding out of the thick smoke, followed by three direct guards, Yupi, Xiaoyapov, and Nefepido.

   The expression of the ant king has not changed much from before.

  But the three direct guards behind him were full of ferocious anger.

   All because the body of the ant king suffered burns to varying degrees, the most serious part being the needle-shaped tail, missing a quarter of its parts.

  Looking at the miserable appearance of the Ant King, Moyou suddenly felt that spending 80% of the potential energy was meaningful, and it was no wonder that the guards directly under him showed such a ferocious reaction.

  However, judging from the strength of the aura emitted by the Ant King, the injuries caused by the explosion did not seem to have affected him fundamentally.

   "There are still about 10% of the potential energy left. If you just leave the battle, it will be enough... No matter how bad it is, there will be a transfer of the divine character."

  Moyou calmly watched the Ant King and the direct guards who continued to put pressure on this side, thinking in his heart.

   It is obvious that the remaining potential energy alone cannot support the battle.

  In this situation, it is reasonable to retreat decisively.

  But in order to find the right opportunity, Moyou had to take a risk to stay when he turned over the hole card of Nifei Pido.

  In contrast, Nitero, who does not have the ability to leave the battle, needs to stay away from the battlefield first.

  After that, decide whether to retreat or continue to fight according to the situation.

   "Old man, there is no time, trust me."

  Moyu stared at the ant king, turned his back to Nitro and said quickly.

  Seeing this, Nitro paused for a moment.

  At this time, the ability Moyou has shown so far is more convincing than long-winded explanations.

  Although he didn't know Moyu's plan, Nitro chose to believe Moyu.

   Mainly also because—

   This battle is indeed unbearable to lose.

  Nitromo retreated silently, heading towards one of the entrances and exits of the four-dimensional apartment.

  At this time, he was already mentally prepared for the next death battle in advance.

  The ant king saw Netero's "escape" action, and the aura covering his body did not change at all.

  In his opinion, it is normal for the prey to choose to escape.

   And it is naturally impossible for him to let the prey escape, or he has absolute confidence to keep Nitro.

   As for the source of confidence—

   Of course, there is an obvious gap between the two sides in terms of "moving speed".

   But at this moment, Mo Youyang's thought power fluctuations that showed a black knife in his hand attracted the attention of the Ant King.

   "Speed ​​Gun"

   Moyou activated his ability, and the black knife in his hand immediately shot at the ant king without any power.

  The ant king saw the flying trajectory of the black knife clearly at a glance, then raised his hand lightly, and held the arrow-like black knife in his palm.

  But although the ant king could easily see the super speed force blessed by the black knife, he ignored the shadow that came with the black knife.

   This is not the negligence of the Ant King, but Moyou used "Hidden" in advance to eliminate the power of the shadow, thus creating it as the shadow of the black knife.

  「Shape Shifting」

   As soon as the ant king grasped the flying black knife, Moyou immediately exchanged positions with the shadow, and appeared in front of the ant king in a half-squatting posture with knees bent, and immediately raised his arms slightly.

   Also at this moment, the black knife held by the Ant King turned into a burst of white light, and then flowed like star sand to Moyou's slightly raised palm, and instantly materialized into a black knife.

  The realization system can be retracted freely—

  Moyou has long been familiar with driving, so his speed is faster than Ant King's idea of ​​crushing the black knife with his bare hands.

   It's just that the operation of "shape-shifting" and "black knife retracting" inevitably gave the ant king too much room for reaction.

  The ant king's eyes without any emotion moved down and landed on Moyou who was squatting halfway in front of him.

   Just such a glance, it seems that there are thousands of pressures coming.

  However, Moyou was unmoved, and swung the black knife to slash at the ant king who was close at hand.

   But the ant king counterattacked faster. Instead of using his injured tail, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked Moyou in front of him, obviously wanting to exchange injuries for injuries.


   Judging from the difference in offensive and defensive strength between the two sides, it is impossible to exchange injuries for injuries.

   It's hard to say whether the Ant King judged in a short time that Moyou's slash was not afraid of any threats, or whether he had absolute confidence in his own offensive and defensive power.

  What is the truth in it actually doesn't make any sense.

  Because it was impossible for Moyou to give the Ant King a head-on chance from the very beginning.

  The sudden attack was not only to create space for Nitro to retreat, but also to set the stage for Neferetto's trump card.

  So when the ant king made a counterattack, Moyou's goal had already been achieved.

  「Shape Shifting」

   The moment he caught the flow direction of the Ant King's thought force, Moyou used his ability again without hesitation.


   Position Swap!

   Moyou returned to his original position, and the shadow returned to the front of the ant king.

  Because the shadow is in a two-dimensional state, the ant king's kick immediately fell through.

   But this round of offense and defense is not over yet.

   To be more precise, Moyou's offense is not over yet.

  Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water, start!

Moyu, who returned to the original place, raised his eyes to look at the ant king in front, and after Xiaoyapf and Youpi, who were behind the ant king, reacted, the suppressed anger almost burst out, and immediately released it towards Moyou Strong killing intent!

   Only Nephipido's killing intent was directed at the ant king.

  In her current world, the ant king in front of her looks like Moyou.

  「Heizi Wuxiang」

  The powerful and evil red aura turned into a phantom of a demon, manipulating Nephipito to attack the ant king's vitals.

  「This human is too dangerous!」

  「For the sake of the king, I must finish him here!」

  「Even if it is to sacrifice your life, you will not hesitate!」

  During the gap in which time slowed down, Nephipido's blow contained the awareness of transcending life and death, as well as his supreme loyalty to the Ant King.


   Neferpito could not realize what he was doing.

  That figure, which is wrapped in life and death awareness and supreme loyalty, just pointed at the ant king's death line.

  The sudden change made Yupi and Xiaoyapov's killing intent stagnate, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

  Even the ant king couldn't help being stunned.

  I can clearly feel the loyalty of Nephew Peter, who is willing to give everything, but why should I kill him?

   Before he could think about it, the ant king reacted reflexively.

   But in the end, the opportunity was lost.

  Nife Petona's figure amplified by "Heizi Wuxiang" seems to be wrapped in pitch-black murderous intent, and his folded arms send the sharp claws at the front to the back of the ant king.


  The closed claws lingering in the condensed mind pierced into the back of the ant king, splashing out a burst of blood.

   This astonishing scene was imprinted in the eyes of Yupi and Xiaoyapov, and they had no time to think about why Nephipito assassinated the ant king, and the surging killing intent instantly occupied their heads.

  They were already extremely crazy, but they didn't notice the needle-like tail of the ant king wrapped around Neferpiedo's arms in time at the last moment.

  By relying on the strength of the ant king and his disposition to regard all creatures other than himself as food, it is completely possible to minimize the damage of Nephipido's blow.

  But Moyu's previous attack severely damaged the ant king's tail, causing the ant king to fail to stop it completely even though the ant king wrapped his tail around Nephipido's arms.

  However, Nephipito's attack did not hit the vital point.

  「Shape Shifting」

   At this moment, Moyou returned to the front of the ant king.

   This is the last Apparation he can use.


   Afterwards, Moyou mobilized two-thirds of his energy to condense on the black knife, and then slashed at the body of the ant king.


  Where the blade hits, sparks burst out.

  A bloodstain emerges...

at the same time.

  The ant king suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and looked at Moyou again.

   This time.

  The gazes of both sides intertwined in mid-air.

  The relationship between hunter and prey becomes blurred in an instant.

  In the distance, Nitro and Mo Laowu were full of surprise and doubt.

  Why would the catwoman chimera suddenly attack the ant queen? !

  And why can they cooperate tacitly with Moyou? !

  Many doubts quickly pointed to a guess.

   Could it be because of Moyou's ability? !

   Inserted a picture of Neferbido attacking.

   But this time is too late, the picture will not be reviewed until around ten o'clock tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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