Chapter 526 Defeated

  Where did I ever think that I would fall into such a predicament...

  Owl Yapf looked at the human holding a sharp black knife in front of him.

   Wisdom, Tactics, Abilities—

   Which part is the problem?

  Obviously, I am the stronger and more dominant party!

  But why are they retreating steadily?

  Yapf, who has been accustomed to controlling the situation since he was born, deeply realized the power of Moyu under the gradual retreat, and it was difficult to hold the quicksand tightly in his palm.

   It is not easy to keep the sand with your hands. Once a gap occurs accidentally, the result will only be irreversible.

   This is the ability to fight.

  Although there is always the possibility of a comeback, "first opportunity" is the key factor in determining the outcome.

   The reason why Xiaoyapf was in trouble was not because of the gap in hardware, but because he lost in the initial "choice".

on the other hand,

   It was the pride of being superior to others that led Xiaoyapf to make a wrong decision.

  But such a result actually has some inevitability.

  Character, duty, instinct, and even genes...

   It was these that put Ohnyapf at a disadvantage.

  From the moment he intended to intercept Moyu from a high altitude, something was already doomed.

  Weakness and strength are ultimately defined by the opponent.

  Every time Moyou succeeds in the attack, it is fatal, but he can't take Owl Yapf's life. He can only reduce Owl Yapf's strength by reducing the number of cells.

   But this is enough.

   Judging from the action policy of the entire chimera ant crusade team, he has already overfulfilled the task.

   "The situation is basically clear."

   Cut off part of Xiaoyapf's body with a single blow, Moyou did not rush forward, and firmly controlled the rhythm of the whole battle.

   After achieving the desired results in battle, there is no need to easily give the opponent a chance.

   " there time?"

  Moyou quickly glanced in the direction of the atrium hall, and there was a ray of worry in the depths of his eyes.

  He didn't think Nitro could get any cheap from the Ant King.

   One can only hope that Netero lasts longer.

   At least let their team get rid of a direct guard first.

   Slightly calm down the worries in his heart, Moyou still has the energy to pay attention to the situation in other places during the battle.

   While feeling the violent fluctuations of the breath coming from the atrium hall, Moyou's eyes turned suddenly, and he quickly glanced at the direction of the front yard of the palace.

  There is also a huge sound of movement from the other side, and the battle is expected to be extremely fierce.

   I don’t know whether Mo Laowu and the others can suppress Yupi within a limited time, or kill Yupi directly.

  It is not impossible to have the help of two masters of the Dike family.

   It's just that the content of the entrustment undertaken by Je Nuo and Shiba is restraint, and it is basically impossible for them to go all out.

  Moyou retracted his gaze, and his thoughts turned slightly.

   Xiaoyapf saw that Moyu still had the energy to pay attention to the battle situation in other places, and his face became more and more distorted.

  At a time like this, he knew he had to calm down.

  Even if you can't calm down, you must keep your mentality normal.

   Otherwise his existence would be useless.

   "The human in the hall can't threaten the safety of the 'king', and I... have to find a way to get rid of the human in front of me."

   Xiaoyapf had a hard time suppressing the boiling emotions in his heart.


  Under the current situation of losing many advantages, he will not be able to think of a countermeasure against Moyou for a while.

  The opponent's mobility is too strong...

   And there are quite strong offensive means.

  It is very difficult to defend alone, let alone counterattack.

   "Damn it, my ability can't threaten him..."

   Owl Yapf's eyes were cold.

  Although I have tried my best to adjust, it seems that there is no way to change anything.

the other side.

   Vestibular battle circle.

  Mo Laowuyi and everyone tried their best, and finally let Na Kulu successfully activate the mind ability of "I am the only one who knows nothing in the sky" a minute ago.

  The effect and principle of this mind ability, in a nutshell, is lending usury.

  Nakulu only needs to hit the target, and it can lend its own "Qi" to the target.

  It is equivalent to a usury that can be forcibly lent without the consent of the target.

   Therefore, when the "Qi" is successfully lent to the target, every ten seconds, the loan amount will increase by 10% interest.

  The interest rate continues until the loan amount exceeds the maximum value of the target's "Qi", and the target can be forced to enter a 30-day period.

   That is to say—

After successfully activating the ability of "I'm the only one who doesn't know the sky", Nakulu only needs to circle within 100 meters of Youpi, and then wait for the loan amount to roll over until Yupi goes bankrupt, and it can be easily ended this battle.

  With Mo Laowu's purple smoke mech squadron, and Zeno and Shiba's release attacks, Nakulu can completely implement this tactic.


  As the battle time lengthened, Nakulu soon realized a terrible fact.

  Relying on his rich ability experience, Na Kulu found that the red monster they besieged possessed at least ten times the "Qi" of Mo Laowu.

   If converted into a numerical value, it is about 700,000 gas...

  This fact beyond cognition shocked Nakulan beyond measure.

  Thanks to his tough mentality, he was not affected by this terrible fact in the battle.

   The chaotic battle in the arena is still fierce.

  The existence of Potklin touched Yupi's nerves, making him gradually raged under the drive of nature.

  It is true that anger can take away reason, but it can also make people burst out with more terrifying power than usual.

   Yupi is simply the best.

  In his rage, he crazily vented his attack on the chimera ant team.

  The rampage like a red-eyed pit bull also made everyone in the chimera ant crusade team feel the pressure to a certain extent.

   It seems that as long as you are not careful, you will fall into **** in one step.

   "If this continues, it will take at least fifteen minutes before this monster can go bankrupt..."

  Nakulu did not rush into the arena to attack Yupi, but kept observing the situation from the edge of the battle circle.

  After his ability is activated, he can lend more "Qi" to the target through non-stop attacks, and then make the target's interest roll more, speeding up the bankruptcy.

  But once the loan target attacks him, the effect of "loan repayment" will be triggered immediately.

   Regardless of the loan amount or the loan repayment amount, it depends on the offensive and defensive capabilities of both parties.

  With the terrifying and destructive power displayed by Yupi, I am afraid that it only takes one blow to instantly clear the loan amount that has rolled over for a few minutes.

  The risk is simply too great...

   It is impossible for Nakulu to waste the efforts of the entire team for the sake of efficiency.

  So after he hung up his ability, he resolutely refused to give Yupi any chance to "attack and repay the loan".

  In contrast, the tactics he implemented could only honestly wait for the compound interest to be calculated, thereby prolonging the time of this battle to the maximum extent.

   So now the question is—

   "Can we... can hold on to the last moment?!"

  Based on the results of observation, Na Kulu couldn't help but have such a question in his heart.

  Because Yupi's terrifying strength is beyond doubt...

  So even if they have a numerical advantage, they can't say that they can always withstand Yupi's violent offensive.

   Not to mention that Yupi's momentum in the fight still shows signs of growing.

  From the perspective of Na Kulu, he must have concerns in this regard.

  Those with the ability to read may be able to maintain a long-term "firmness" during daily practice.

  But if it is in a fierce battle full of various variables, the speed of qi consumption will inevitably increase geometrically.

  Maybe you can usually last for an hour, but limited by pressure or other factors in battle, you may only last for ten minutes or even less in the end.

   And Yupi's sense of oppression in the battle, as well as the almost suffocating offensive, will definitely make the defending side's energy consumption faster than normal.

   There is no doubt that this is another tug of war.

  Whether it's here or Moyu's side, as well as Nitro and Ant King who are fighting fiercely in the atrium hall.

   All are so!

   Such a development is actually a matter of course.

  Chimera ants can of course obtain the maximum fault tolerance rate by showing the advantage of strength, but human beings can also try to achieve the victory of the weak over the strong by virtue of their thinking ability and tenacious will.

   Both sides have their own advantages, so this tough battle cannot end in a short time.

  But there will always be a moment of change in the tug-of-war.

  Taking Kulu's ability of "I'm the only one who doesn't know the sky" is equivalent to giving Yupi a negative buff that speeds up the consumption rate in the tug-of-war.

  Theoretically, as long as the side taking the cool kill can maintain the status quo, then they will be able to win this tug-of-war.


   Yupi evolved in battle.

   That's right, this monster born for battle ushered in a transformation in the seemingly helpless desperate situation.

   Realized that the key to destroying Pokling lies in dealing with Nakulan, and being tortured by Zeno and Sheba's unleashing attacks...

  Yuppi changed the shape of his body again, and at the same time realized that letting his emotions out would not bring him any benefit.

  He is a member of the Transformation Department, and it was in this situation that he stumbled upon how to correctly tap the attribute of the mind.

  So he mastered the way to change "anger" into "power" reasonably.

   Not only changes in physical form, but also changes in emotions and abilities.

   All of them instantly raised his combat ability to a higher level.

  The most conspicuous change among them is undoubtedly a gun barrel extending from the mouth of a swollen humanoid head on his left shoulder.

  This change in body structure endowed him with the means of long-range attack.

  The anger accumulated during the battle becomes a powerful ammunition.

   "Ahahaha...I'm going to kill you!!"

   After being kited by the chimera ant team for a few minutes, Yupi gave up the fighting style of large-scale random attacks, and instead allowed the direction of his abilities to become fixed-point attacks under the influence of Zeno and Shiba.


  Having a strong long-range attack ability, he can not only suppress the long-range containment of Zeno and Sheba, but also find opportunities to launch point-kill attacks on Nakulu who is outside the battle circle.

   Facing Yupi's evolution, everyone in the chimera ant subjugation team immediately felt a more obvious sense of oppression.

   "Really... can you hold on until the last moment..."

   But Nakulu, who shouldered the foundation of the entire strategy, really felt the real threat.

  The atrium hall.

   This majestic building that cost an unknown amount of money was finally reduced to ruins in the fierce confrontation between the Ant King and Nitro.

  But the collapse of the wall pillars and the overflow of smoke and dust did not affect any second of the Ant King and Nitro.

  From the moment the battle started, the two sides never stopped attacking each other.

   "Every palm must be struck with great precision."

   "If there is a slight negligence, he will step on my dead line in the next moment."

   "This is a competition of endurance..."

  Nitero slapped palm after palm in an extremely pious and solemn manner.

   The impeccable attack made the Ant King never get close to Nitro in a real sense.

  Among the tens of thousands of punches and palms, the strength and spirit of both sides have not been lost, but have continued to rise.


  The impact of advanced age makes it difficult for Nitro to maintain this state for a long time.

   How many minutes have passed?

  The two parties at the center of the vortex have no energy to care about such things.

   It's just that the aura of the ant king keeps soaring, and Nitro's forehead is already covered with sweat.

  The status gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

   It is also a true portrayal of this battle.

   "This will be my... last battle in this life."

  Although he is very unwilling, Nitro has already begun to feel strenuous.


   See no chance of victory.

  Nitero will not blame his age for his loss just to make excuses...

  If the moves can't achieve results, then what's the point of reaching perfection?

  Nitero's feeling at the moment is just a strong unwillingness.

  Because of the existence of this monster in front of him, it seems to be negating the pursuit of his life.

   "Sorry, everyone..."

  Nitero gradually felt overwhelmed in this ultra-high-intensity confrontation, and could no longer take into account the other comrades who were fighting, and whether the hostages were successfully transferred...

  Facing the ant king whose strength has skyrocketed a lot in a short period of time, Nitro can hold on for less time than expected.

   Not to mention finding the only light from the dark place among thousands of pinholes...

  Nitero's hardware is really far behind Ant King.

   In desperation, Nitro could only make his final struggle at the moment.

  「Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara·Zero Forms」

Netero's eyes reflected the face of the ant king full of excited smiles, and the golden Guanyin standing behind him used his strongest arms to hold the flying ant king into his palm .

  The action of closing the palms together looks clearly gentle and compassionate.

  The force that can be exerted on it makes the ant king unable to move for a moment.


  Netero mobilized the Qi of his whole body to one place.

   At the same time, Baishi Avalokitesvara opened her mouth facing her closed palms.

  In an instant, the qi mobilized by Nitro turned into a dazzling beam of light like a star, which was launched from the open mouth of Baishi Guanyin, completely devouring the ant king in the palm.

  The deafening momentum and the extremely strong aura fluctuations immediately attracted everyone's attention.

   But soon—

  Everyone in the chimera ant subjugation team sensed that Nitero's aura was rapidly weakening.

   "President Nitro..."

   "Did you lose?!"

  (end of this chapter)

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