Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 112 Ed and Sandra

Chapter 112 Ed × and × Sandra

When Joey rushed to the highway, what he saw were three black cars driving quickly.

When he saw the driver's condition through the front windshield, he immediately understood that the person who attacked him was the person who attacked him in front of the association.

In other words, the people in these three cars should all be puppets.

"Yes, it's him!"



The words in the front were uttered by the person in the car, what about the back? It was from Joey.

Because this was different from what he expected. Was there a living person in the car?

But this point is not essentially different to him. The dead and the living are all enemies, and what he has to do is to deal with these guys.

Joey dodged and jumped out, raised his hand and fired out the teleportation bullets, but his eyes saw a large truck loaded with logs, honking its horn and ramming towards the car.

what's the situation?

Joey, who was a little confused, watched as the car hit by the teleportation bomb rushed towards him quickly under the push of the large truck.

Is this also the other party's plan?

So what do these three cars of people do? Pure cannon fodder?

Thoughts kept turning in Joey's mind, but his movements were not slow. The air holes in his body were wide open. The moment the car that collided with each other rushed towards him, the air in his body suddenly spurted out, and even carried his body with it. Suddenly it flew a distance.

Release is one of the basic abilities in the practice of mindfulness. The release of Qi causes short-term suspension or even stagnation in the air.

Joey can't stay in the air yet, but he can do it with a short burst of energy to push himself up.

As he passed by, the first thing Joey saw was the number of people in the car.

Thirteen people, four of whom were under control, were the Sanming driver and a guy holding an assault rifle.

When he was in the air, the opponent's gun turned slightly and pointed towards him.

At the same time, Joey noticed that in the back seat of the second car, there was a woman in a suit looking up in his direction, with air flowing around her body.

The other party is a telepathic person!

Could it be the person controlling the body in the car?

This thought flashed through his mind, and the Qi released from Joey's body began to recover in an instant, and condensed towards the 'hard' form.

But at this time, his eyes also crossed the car and saw the cab of the large truck.

At that moment, a sense of crisis arose in Joey's heart. The figure of Killer Queen quickly appeared in the air, and she raised her hand to block it in front of her.


The sound of blows suddenly erupted from the air.

As if being hit by a dump truck, Joey's body flew away towards the cliff outside the road.

The left arm used by Killer Queen to resist was fractured, and the result of the reflection was that Joey's left arm was also fractured.

And as it flew, the sound of bullets clacked together.

But the sound of bullets only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. The reason for this result was the skeleton chariot that fell down when Joey and Killer Queen were shot away.

The skull chariot that fell was on the car that the gunman was riding in. There was no nonsense, the explosion came as expected.

However, in the process, Joey saw a post-it note leaving with a figure passing by him and sticking to the skin of his fractured left arm.

Joey's eyes narrowed, and an idea appeared in his mind while he was falling.

In the operation system, you control your opponents by posting sticky notes. It turns out that you can’t only control dead people!

Joey, who understood this, felt unable to move as he fell.

But he didn't feel anxious, because Killer Queen turned back and tore off the sticky note from him.

The opponent's ability can only control the person who is targeted. The appearance of Killer Queen should be beyond the opponent's expectations. After all, Joey has not exposed the existence of Killer Queen in several attacks, which results in the existence of the opponent's sure-kill blow. A loophole.

Killer King was not controlled by the sticky note, and he easily tore off the sticky note and let Joey regain his freedom.

The Qi that Joey had briefly recovered spurted out again, supporting his body just as he was about to hit the ground.

At the same time Joey saw three cars and a truck loaded with logs rush out of the cliff and fall towards his position.

Killer Queen grabbed Joey's arm with her right hand and threw Joey away with a sudden force.

During this process, Killer Queen's figure disappeared instantly, but was taken back into Joey's body.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded simultaneously as several cars fell in succession.

However, Joey's gaze was not at the location of the explosion, but instead shifted to the figures who had jumped out of the car during the fall.

One was the woman he had seen before. She was wearing a black suit and looked somewhat similar to the housekeeper who beat up the enemy Hakka. She looked somewhat heroic.

The other person was someone Joey had met, the hunter from the Hunter Association who had made investigation notes for him, and it was also the middle-aged man Ed who Kate introduced to him who had been a bodyguard hunter.

The last four figures are four controlled people.

Joey didn't recognize the first person, but from his temperament, he was more inclined to think that the other person was a mercenary.

That is to say, the other party may be a force suddenly inserted by a third party.

The latter made Joey frown, because the other party's identity was a bit sensitive, and at the same time, Joey also had some thoughts in his mind.

Association headquarters, identity, police department, relations...

However, these relationships cannot be connected until there is more accurate information.

But there is at least one thing that Joey can be sure of when the other party appears, and that is that once he can catch the other party here, he is very likely to get the information he wants.

According to the agreement, Nakoulu and Meleon should be hiding nearby.

As long as the sneak attack is successful, the balance of victory in this battle will tilt towards him.

As if responding to Joey's thoughts, the middle-aged Ed suddenly felt a little unsteady.

Under attack!

A warning signal instantly went up in Ed's mind. He was not injured, but his energy seemed to have increased a bit. What happened?

He couldn't help but look at Sandra on the side, but suddenly he found a bee flapping its wings and slowly approaching Sandra's position.

Sandra not only continued to practice, but from the beginning of the battle, this woman released a murderous intention. In this case, how could there be small animals or insects approaching her? It is most normal to escape. performance!

Ed didn't care about what happened just now. He raised his hand and fired out a mental bomb and went straight towards the bee.

The teleportation bullet easily hit the bee, and the bee was torn apart in the air, but what fell was a coin.

At the same time, the thought bomb that flew out of the bee flashed in the air and disappeared.

Sandra's eyes fell on the fallen coins and she was a little confused. But before she could think about it, she suddenly noticed that Ed's body was suddenly swinging, as if he was in a boxing ring and was being hit constantly. in people.

But Sandra couldn't detect any abnormality nearby, either with her sight or with her sense of energy, which made her expression change.

There is an ambush!

There is also someone who is good at stealth among the opponents.

But the person responsible for surveillance when going up the mountain should have already figured out the current situation, and there shouldn't be anyone else there!

But regardless of the reason, Sandra immediately launched an attack on Ed's location.

The angle of her attack was quite tricky, as she attacked in the direction where she was hit.

The hidden opponent dodged, which gave Ed a breather, and he quickly raised his big hand wrapped in thought in front of him to make a high-five.


The buzzing sound, accompanied by invisible shock ripples, was born from where Ed high-fived his hands, and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

As the ripples swept across, the outline of a human figure was revealed not too far away from Ed.

Over there!

Sandra, who had already made preparations when Ed raised his hand, raised his hand to block the weak shock wave used to detect it, and the four ordinary people controlling it had already raised their rifles at the same time.

The sound of gunfire suddenly sounded in the forest.

It was just continuous shooting but no one appeared in the place where the previous impact was.

After taking a moment to breathe, Ed and Sandra looked at each other and quickly formed a back-to-back confrontation. Four puppets surrounded the two and aimed their guns at Joey at the same time.

Joey stood in the distance without moving. Judging from the current situation, Nakoulu obviously took Meleon and hid far away.

After all, Meleon's ability is very important. It is best not to expose it unless necessary.

And if the other party can pinpoint him so accurately, it must be that they have some means to monitor him.

Xiu Tuo has never appeared, so it is most likely that he will deal with this issue.

However, with the support of Nakuru and Meleon, it would be enough even if he was the only one left at the scene, because in his opinion, Ed and the female mercenary were not really strong.

Moreover, the deterrence caused by hiding Kulu and Meleon will also prevent the other party from escaping easily.

More importantly, when Ed and the female mercenary were in a defensive posture, the heart-piercing attack that had "extinguished" the explosion in the car accident finally arrived belatedly, and they rushed towards them with shouts of "The roast chicken is gone!" Two people.

The female mercenary Sandra reacted very quickly. A puppet pointed a rifle at the chariot and pulled the trigger.

A puppet quickly flew toward the chariot.

Apparently she paid attention to the fact that the rifle could not destroy the tank, so she used people to block the explosion of the tank.

The chariot's attack method has been exposed before, and it is impossible for Sandra to let the chariot get close to her and Ed.

The bullets hitting the chariot had no impact on the chariot at all. The moment the people who rushed to suppress the chariot were directly overturned by the explosion.

When Sandra and Ed saw that the chariot was still moving forward, their expressions could not help but darken at the same time.

Ed raised his hands, pointed them in the direction of the chariot, and suddenly slapped them together. The shock wave born from the collision of a large number of thoughts once again swayed from his hands.

This time it was no longer used for large-scale detection, but the attack range was narrowed, and it accurately rammed towards the chariot.

This greatly increased the power of the shock wave, and all the sand and rocks on the ground were lifted up.

However, when the shock wave hits the chariot, not only can it not destroy the chariot, but it can only slow down the forward speed of the chariot slightly.

At the same time, a pink energy enveloped the chariot, leading it to rush towards Ed and Ed in an even more arrogant manner.

Sandra saw that the chariot was getting closer and closer to the two of them, and gritted her teeth. The remaining two puppets ran towards the chariot one after another.

But at this moment, a large number of bullets emerged from Joey's hand, and the moment they left Joey's hand, they accelerated towards the location where the two were standing, forming a covering blow.

Ed's face was not very good. He raised his hands and struck his palms together again, hoping to erupt another shock wave to knock the thought bomb away.

Just the moment he raised his hand, Pottlin's voice quietly appeared in his ears: "Time's up, start calculating interest!"

Apparently it was Meleon who had deactivated his powers.

The number "3120" appeared on Potter's head, and the number even changed to "3432" as it jumped.

Ed had no idea what Portklin was, but he didn't care at this moment. The shock wave spread out when his hands hit it and hit the teleportation bomb.

But Joey was obviously prepared. The flying telekinesis bombs directly broke through Ed's shock wave in several sudden explosions, and more telekinesis bombs roared straight towards Ed and Ed.

At that moment, Ed's face darkened, and he suddenly stretched out his arm and grabbed the arm of Sandra, who was unprepared for it, and used Sandra to block the impact while exerting force. Come read the bomb.

Joey narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Killer Queen beside him stopped waiting and suddenly dropped his thumb.

As many thought bombs hit Sandra's body, the explosion of the first bomb also hit Sandra's body.

Because he didn't want to kill the opponent, Joey didn't release the first trigger bomb, but even so, Sandra, who blocked this wave of attacks, was covered in blood and fell into a coma even if she used Jian.

The two puppets controlled by her lost control and fell toward the ground when Sandra was unconscious.

It's just that they were too close to the heart-piercing attack, which showed no mercy and exploded the moment the two corpses fell.

However, Joey was also blown away by the explosion and controlled the heart-piercing attack, preventing it from attacking Ed who was still exuding body heat.

At this distance, Joey still has some control over the wither-piercing attack.

Ed was more ruthless. He raised his hand and broke Sandra's neck while Joey was frowning.

Then he threw Sandra's body far away and assumed a fighting stance towards Joey again.

But as soon as Joey glanced at Sandra's body, he already understood in his heart that the other party was not struggling with death, but gambling.

Bet Joey's goal is not to kill him, but to dig out information from them.

This is the choice made by the other party after knowing the outcome of both parties.

If there was only one person, then Joey could only get the information he wanted from him, so he would break the female mercenary's neck so decisively.

"Joy, actually you don't need to be so hostile. The fourth prince just wants to see you and have a chat." Ed couldn't help but relax when he saw that Joey took back the chariot and did not continue to attack him. He spoke at the same time.

"Fourth Prince?" Joey asked softly.

"Are you doubting that your own value is not worth the Fourth Prince spending so many resources against you?" Ed seemed to have guessed what Joey was thinking, and said mysteriously: "No, the Fourth Prince knows more than you think. Much more, like [Ming]!”

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