【Lock of Heaven】

【Quality: Epic】

【Year: Unknown】

【Note: This is the royal vessel forged by the ancient epic master of casting, Enkidu, using meteorite iron and blood sacrifice for Gilgamesh, the fifth king of the Early Sumerian Dynasty.……】

【Note: The Heaven's Chain has the following characteristics: stretching, recovery, and God of Law.】

【The God of Law's characteristic: a warning to divinity! The higher the divinity of the person caught by the Heaven's Chain, the harder the chain will be, making it harder to break free.……】

【Extension and contraction characteristics: The more gas consumed, the faster the extension and contraction speed……】

【Recovery feature: When the chain is broken, it can consume gas to recover……】

【Note: A large amount of [Thoughts] and huge [Resentment] are attached to it, which can absorb……】

Heaven's Chain?

King's Weapon?


Seeing this series of information, Huang Quan, who was holding the rusty chain, looked a little strange.

If he remembered correctly, Gilgamesh should be a heroic king in the world of the Holy Grail, right?

Could it be that in the ancient times of this world, there were also legends left by Jin Shanshan?

And this strange ability of [God of Law]... In this era, are there any creatures with [divinity]?

Or... are there still [divine] creatures living in [Dark Continent]?

Huang Quan's eyes condensed, and he looked at [Heaven's Chain] with a thoughtful look.

In the original work, what exactly [Dark Continent] looks like has not yet appeared, but since long-lived plants like [Nitolomi] can appear, it seems that it is not impossible for something with divinity to appear?!

Thinking of this, Huang Quan's original intention to absorb [Mind] suddenly faded.

As a telepathic device, the characteristic of [flexibility] alone was enough to make him want to temporarily keep the [Heavenly Chain]. Now that he thought of the possibility of divine things appearing in the [Dark Continent], he could not help but completely give up the idea of absorbing it...


Why did the [Demon Lines] show two different [thoughts]?

Looking at the last piece of information in his mind, Huang Quan's mind moved slightly, and he looked down along the rusty chain towards the dark bottom of the volcano. The huge [resentment] that he had felt with the [circle] flashed through his mind.

When the relevant information was combined,

Huang Quan showed a look of sudden realization.

"The only possibility is that the other end of the [Heavenly Chain] is already binding the unknown huge [Resentment] body.……"

"The bound"resentful" body is most likely the"divine" thing described in the information. Otherwise, given the original material strength of the chain, it might have been broken by the erosion of time after so many years.……"

Whether it was the object of the power of mind or the forged mind tool, it could not reach the level of [absolute], but it could constantly approach the concept of [infinity].

Whether it was [Black Magic] or [Heaven's Chain], he could detect the means of evasion used by the casting masters from the information displayed by [Demon's Lines], such as [Reorganization] characteristics and [Restoration] characteristics...


He shook the chain with his right hand, and saw that it was not in a state of tension at all. Huang Quan's expression showed surprise, and then he tightened the muscles of his right arm to pull out one end of it.

However, no matter how he burst out his strength, the chain that was deeply pierced into the rock wall as if it had merged with it showed no sign of being pulled out.

Seeing this, Huang Quan narrowed his eyes slightly, and simply held the chain with both hands and stepped on the rock wall with his feet. Then he moved his mind slightly to manifest [Mirror Body Line Flow], condensing a trace of colorless mind energy like a blade, and cut towards the rock wall around the chain like cutting tofu.

Under the effect of the [Space Cutting] feature, no matter how thick and hard the rock wall is, it will be continuously dug deeper by the colorless mind energy as time goes by.

Finally, at a depth of about 20 to 30 meters in the rock wall, the wedge at one end of the chain was dug.

Seeing this, Huang Quan was covered with mind energy all over his body. He kicked his feet hard, and the muscles in his arms exploded to pull out the chain and the rock that was clinging to it.


Bang bang bang!!

The sound of the collision between the chain and the rock, and the whistling sound of Huang Quan falling suddenly into the volcano, were heard for a while. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The silent and empty volcano was filled with a noisy sound.

Half a while.

Huang Quan, whose falling speed was getting faster and faster, loosened the heavy chain, and the mind energy around him turned light white, and his figure slowed down like a feather.


Not long after, the loosened chain fell heavily on a rock platform inside the volcano, smashing several mummies on the platform to pieces. This scene made the taxi driver standing quietly not far away look very upset.[]

However, even so, these dozens of figures still did not move at all.

It seems that they are all trapped...

On a rock wall above the platform, Huang Quan landed lightly on a protruding rock, observing the environment below with calm eyes.

Below, there is a huge oval rock platform, on which many mysterious patterns are engraved, and the patterns are filled with black blood bubbles. Finally, a strange blood-black mysterious font is formed at the core of the rock platform.......

Is this... [God's Word]?

Looking at the strange blood-black text below, although Huang Quan did not recognize this font, his intuition immediately brought up the summary reaction of [God's Word].

Write it down first, and ask Jin Hou when he sees him...

After remembering the mysterious pattern suspected to be [God's Word] deeply, Huang Quan slightly side-glanced and looked at the other people on the rock platform.

At this moment, in addition to the thousands of mummies, among the dozens of figures still standing, Huang Quan's sight could not help but fall on the figure at the front of the crowd.

The figure is tall and burly, with a face similar to a dragon's hideous and weird, and two white hairs that are like dragon horns...

Just a glance is enough for Huang Quan to confirm the identity of the other party, Porter Bai.

However, the other party is much younger than the appearance in the original book, and there is not so much fat on his face, although the face painted in red and white looks very strange.

Porter Bai should be one of the twelve earthly branches now, right?

Even he was fixed in place and could not move, was it because of the blood-black font that was suspected to be [God's Word]?

When he thought of this, Huang Quan's eyes slightly [condensed], passing over the many figures in military uniforms and black suits, and cast his eyes on the thing in the distance that exuded a huge [resentment] atmosphere.

Standing at a high position in front of the rock platform is a ritual-like sacrificial platform.

On the altar, there is a giant fire column that is tightly bound by chains and burning blood-black. The huge [resentment] atmosphere is emitted from the blood-black fire column. At this time, He 5.7 seems to be absorbing and devouring life energy bit by bit through those invisible blood-black bubbles...

So this is how the unknown virus came from...

Devouring a large amount of life energy, is it trying to revive?

Huang Quan's pupils shrank slightly.

Thinking of the more than 90,000 people who died of hemorrhage in the outside world, and the thousands of people who turned into mummies on the platform below, he couldn't imagine what kind of horrible impact this thing like a fire column would cause once it revived!

Even compared with those [disasters], it is not inferior at all!!

Thinking of this, Huang Quan's face changed.

However, at this moment


Chenlong Porterbai, who was at the front of the crowd below, stared at the bottom of the blood-black fire column on the altar and said in a deep voice:

"Give up! Even if it means sacrificing all of us……"

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