
Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta!

Along with the chaotic and frequent footsteps, gangsters wearing windbreakers and punk clothes surrounded the area with guns and weapons.

Looking around, there were at least four or five hundred people.

Among these gang members, if Huang Quan remembered correctly, many were the indigenous people who had just watched the escape.


There are also snipers...

Glancing at a few places that made him feel a little bit of crisis, Huang Quan twisted his neck and looked calmly at the man in glasses and suit who walked out from the right.

"Are you sure you want to continue attacking me? Once the fight begins, you will bear the consequences at your own risk!"


Hearing this, the man in the suit with glasses stopped walking abruptly, then turned around and walked back to the gang.

"As the direct subordinate family of Elder Enarla, the Ten Old Men, the dignity of the Avocado Family cannot be compromised in the slightest!"

"No matter who you are or what terrible origins you have... I, the fourth son of the Avocado Family, Avocado Nance! I will personally bring your head back to the family!" As soon as the words fell

, hundreds of gang members from all directions pulled the trigger at the same time, as if they had received an order.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

Accompanied by the violent sound of gunfire with sparks flying everywhere, one bullet after another was spinning and shooting down at the location where Huang Quan was at a speed of 800 meters per second.

【[Gate of the Air Technique]!

Using [Concentration] to enhance his vision, at the moment when the bullets were about to fall, Huang Quan's mind moved slightly, and the crystal book with the number [10] printed on it, covered in a white book cover, materialized and disappeared. Immediately, his ten fingers, which were condensed with translucent spiritual energy, pointed in all directions like afterimages.

【Great God's Declaration - Water Array Wall!

Ten air gates opened instantly!

In an instant, the blue-gold water source, controlled by Huang Quan's mind, swarmed out of the ten air gates like a waterfall, forming a fast-spinning circular water wall around him. Boom

, boom, boom, boom, boom - in an instant, thousands and tens of thousands of bullets that were immersed in the high-speed rotating water wall were all forcibly swept away by the undercurrent of the water wall controlled by the mind, and it took only a moment to form a barrage of water walls.

Such a shocking scene.

The surrounding gang members were stunned.

After all, the water that Huang Quan was controlling at this moment was a real substance in the world. As long as they were not blind, they would not fail to see it.

It was because they saw it that they were so shocked!

However, this was not good news for Avocado Nance, who had seen the world. The moment he confirmed that the other party was a powerful mind user, his calm expression immediately changed. He quickly moved back and took out his mobile phone to quickly call his family.

At this moment.

Seeing that he could indeed block the bullets with water flow by relying on the [Liquid Control] feature, Huang Quan nodded secretly and stopped the experiment. He stretched out his right hand and penetrated directly into the thick rotating water array wall.

【God's Declaration-Water Breaks the Waves】!

【[Compulsion] characteristic activated!

The high-speed rotating water flow was compressed sharply, and under the forced control of the mind, an ultra-high-pressure straight water column was formed. It extended to a distance of 100 meters in an instant like a laser, and easily pierced through all the gang members on the right street like skewers.


Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhh—— the screams rang out continuously!

"Can't you bear it? This is just the beginning….…"

Huang Quan said this indifferently, and [forced] held the ultra-high pressure water column in his right hand. When the others reacted and were about to shoot in anger, he turned on his toes and spun around like a waltz.

In an instant, like an ultra-high-performance scalpel, the extremely sharp ultra-high pressure water wave rotated 360 degrees, cutting all the buildings and human bodies along the road in half as easily as cutting tofu.

Hundreds of gang members who had no time to dodge were cut in half on the spot! Puff, puff, puff! Ahh...

""Monster... Monster!!"

As if his spirit had collapsed, the gangsters holding machine guns on the roof pulled the trigger in fear and fired at Huang Quan as if to vent their anger. Huang Quan did not dodge. The air gate defense array opened before was not for show!

In just a moment, it swallowed up the machine gun bullets of hundreds of meters per second! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't worry...it will be your turn soon!"

Huang Quan glanced at him, his mind moved slightly, and the ultra-high pressure water wave in his hand suddenly dispersed into pieces.

【[Great God's Declaration - Hundreds of Sharks]!

The blue-gold mind energy disappeared instantly!

The scattered water flow was controlled by the mind, turning into hundreds of ferocious water sharks, rushing towards the remaining gang members.

Seeing this, the gang members who were close to mental collapse or had already collapsed, either fled in a hurry, or stood there in a daze, or looked at the attacking sharks in despair...

After a moment.


No... Don't!

Gurgle! []

As far as the eye could see, the remaining nearly a hundred people were all hit hard by the water sharks and lost control, and then they were bitten and wrapped around the heads by the water sharks. As the water flow continued to pour in, they were powerless and terrified and drowned in the water flow in their dying struggle.

After a while. Disperse!

Huang Quan waved his hand indifferently.

The ten air gates disappeared instantly, and the hundreds of water sharks that were shrinking in size also lost power and fell on the corpses and the ground, turning into wet traces.


The ultra-high-performance induction radar is turned on.

At this moment, within a range of hundreds of meters, in Huang Quan's perception, only four life forms still exuded the breath of life. Seeing this, he frowned, glanced at the street that was like a blood puddle, and walked towards those hidden life forms.

Not long after, when he stepped on the blood puddle, the blue-gold energy had been injected into the blood from the soles of his feet, and continued to spread to the surroundings.

Gradually, these bloods, like the previous water flow, formed a hideous blood-colored dragon behind him, as if it had consciousness and wandered around.


Walking to a building two or three hundred meters away, Huang Quan looked calmly at the closed door in front of him, and said indifferently:".Come out by yourself... or do I destroy you and this house together?!"


After a moment of silence, the tightly closed door creaked open, and a figure slowly walked out of the house. It was Avocado Nance, who had looked calm before. At this moment, his expression remained calm, but his right hand, which was shaking slightly as he pushed his glasses, had already exposed his current emotions.

Pushing his glasses, Avocado Nance noticed the ferocious blood-colored dragon floating behind Huang Quan and the corpses on the street. His expression suddenly turned pale, and he stared at Huang Quan, maintaining a very reluctant calm, and said,"I admit that you are very strong! On behalf of the Avocado Family, I can apologize to you for the previous incident.……"

"As long as you let me go... the tens of thousands of gang members in my Avocado Family will never cause you any trouble in the future!"


At this point, Avocado Nance became more relaxed, took out his phone and showed the number (Wang Hao) and time.

"I have already informed the family about your appearance, abilities, and intelligence. If something happens to me here, facing the powerful firepower of tens of thousands of gangsters at all costs, even if you are a top-notch Nen user, you will not be able to leave the [Bad Land] alive.……"


Seeing his expression gradually becoming superior, Huang Quan said calmly:"Remember what I said before?""

Hey, hey, hey!!!

What does this guy mean?!

Recalling the conversation a few minutes ago, Avocado Nance couldn't help but want to slap himself in annoyance. He was used to pretending in the Badlands, and never expected that his private firepower unit, which was invincible, would be so vulnerable in front of outsiders. Thinking of this, he looked at Huang Quan and showed a forced smile

"In fact, it is really not necessary! Win-win cooperation is the norm in [Badland]……"

"As the price of my apology, I can pay a ransom of 10 billion ringies…"

Before he finished speaking

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