
Holding the [Black Magic] baton, Huang Quan calmly waved to Nobunaga.

Although after the battle with Uogin, he used [Firmness] and consumed a lot of [Potential Qi], but it did not hinder another battle. Before he finished speaking, [Wrap] covered Huang Quan's body, and a thin layer of [Qi] extended from his right hand, using [Circle] to wrap around [Black Magic].

The reason for using [Wrap] instead of [Firmness] was naturally because Nobunaga was different from Uogin, and the decision he made...

Not everyone can comprehend the application skills of [Firmness] in such a short time like Uogin.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Knowing that Izumi's strength was above his own, Nobunaga did not continue to be polite. His expression became solemn while he manipulated his unskilled [Qi] to cover and wrap around his body. Nearly one-third of the [Qi] wrapped around the knife.

Although Nobunaga did not know what [Zhou] was, he had deeply understood through this period of practice that once the [Qi] was wrapped around the blade, the strength and sharpness of the knife would be greatly enhanced.

Speaking of which.

With a simple response, Nobunaga held the knife in his right hand and quickly closed the distance between him and Huang Quan at a low frequency. When he was within the attack range, a wooden knife light turned into an arc and cut towards Huang Quan's chest at a very fast speed.


The sound of weapons colliding rang out.

I saw that at the moment when the wooden sword was about to hit Huang Quan, [Black Magic] was used by him with a truncation technique, and he stuck it on his forearm with his backhand, and instantly pressed against the weak position of the wooden sword.

The next moment.

While blocking Nobunaga's long sword attack, Huang Quan's advancing figure raised up and prepared to The left hand was ready, and it struck Nobunaga's vulnerable abdomen.

Do you think I'm a jerk?

Seeing this, Nobunaga turned his feet suddenly, and drove the blocked knife in a rotating manner, thus forming a superimposed force acceleration, and fiercely cut towards Huang Quan's head. Interesting...

Huang Quan retracted his left hand, his expression was calm, and his wrist flexibly turned to change the reverse grip of [Black Magic] to a straight grip. At the moment when the wooden sword came, his body suddenly squatted down to avoid the attack, and the [Black Magic] in his hand hit Nobunaga's lower limb muscles directly.


The thick muscles made a sound of blunt hitting.

If it weren't for the [Qi] covering the instantaneous numbness, Nobunaga would have felt that his legs would have weakened and he would have knelt down.

However, at this moment, he was in the middle of a battle.

Resisting the numbness, Nobunaga turned his wrist and reversed the long knife, stabbing Huang Quan with force.

Feeling the crisis, Huang Quan exerted force on his feet, and fell backwards in a half-squatting shape until he was out of Nobunaga's attack range, and then he used [Black Magic] to touch the ground and flip his body to stand firm.

"Haven't you been practicing swordsmanship all this time? Why don't you just compete with me?……"

Nobunaga got back into an offensive stance and looked at Yomi with a frown.

He had seen the other party's strange weapons many times in the past three months, so he knew very well that the other party was best at swordsmanship, not this messy stick technique.

"If you want to see it, that's fine.……"

Hearing this, Huang Quan smiled and stopped restraining the [Qi] to allow it to be absorbed by the [Black Magic]. Suddenly, as his mind moved slightly, the [Black Magic] in the form of a baton reorganized into a reverse-edged black knife with the blade facing inward.

"What an enviable weapon.……"

Nobunaga enviously looked at the weapon in Huang Quan's hand that could be freely transformed. He swallowed his saliva and looked at the wooden sword in front of him that he had personally carved. The difference was really obvious.

"No blade, feel free to play……"

After hearing the other party's envy for a long time, Huang Quan waved his hand without changing his expression, holding the slightly curved reverse blade [Black Magic] in his right hand and pointing it straight to the ground.

"I'll give you one more chance to attack.……" call out——

"Damn... it's great to have a good weapon!"

As he spoke, Nobunaga rushed forward with a knife, stabbing at Huang Quan in multiple thrusts.

Huang Quan's eyes condensed slightly, and while dodging, the reverse blade in his hand cut down diagonally like ripples on the water, aiming directly at the opponent's neck.


At the critical moment, Nobunaga retracted the wooden sword and placed it diagonally on his right shoulder to block the attack, then turned his head around half a circle with the knife and started the fast-cut mode.

One knife... two knives... five knives... ten knives... or cut, or chop, or pick, or cut, or chop... bang bang bang bang bang!

The collision between the knives continued, and it became faster and faster as time passed.

However, what shocked Machi and Wo Jin who were watching was... facing such a dense and fast attack, Izumi didn't mean to dodge at all, but just stood firmly in place, and took every attack of Nobunaga lightly with the black reverse blade in his hand.

No matter what angle it was, he easily resisted it.

"Izumi! Why don't you fight back!!!"

His breathing was a little rapid. Seeing that the other party just defended and blocked all his attacks, Nobunaga shouted angrily and swung his sword faster and faster.

Bang bang bang bang bang!


Huang Quan did not reply to this, but continued to defend calmly and took every blow from Nobunaga. The reason why he did not counterattack immediately was naturally because he wanted to see the results of his swordsmanship training during this period of time.

Although they were just some basic swordsmanship skills, after practice makes perfect, no matter it is derivative or combination, it can produce countless changes.

But for Huang Quan, the most important thing about swordsmanship is... in the end, it is still strength and speed!

As long as you have a speed and strength far exceeding that of the enemy, you can naturally end the battle in an instant.

As for skills... simplifying the complex has always been remembered by Huang Quan.

After all, this is the world of Nen ability users, not some martial arts world.

He naturally understands what is the key point, and he never does things like throwing watermelons and picking up sesame seeds.

At this moment.

Facing Nobunaga's violent offensive, Huang Quan very calmly waved every swordsmanship, whether skilled or unskilled, and quickly absorbed experience and grew under pressure.

Although sometimes very dangerous scenes may occur, Huang Quan is happy to do it and enjoys the crisis he is facing at the moment.

Just like walking on the edge of a steep cliff, he concentrated on turning all kinds of sword techniques into instinctive nerve reflexes for rapid defense.

Gradually, Machi and others were surprised to find that because the two people were getting faster and faster, in the collision of [qi] and [qi], two different air currents appeared between the two people.

If the surrounding area of Nobunaga who was attacking quickly formed a cone-shaped airflow phenomenon, then the surrounding area of Huang Quan who was defending all the time gradually formed a circular airflow defense circle.

For a while, the two sides were like a spear and a shield, and they were always deadlocked.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang...

One minute, three minutes, five minutes, nine minutes...

As time passed by.


With a large amount of [qi] consumed, Nobunaga's sword swinging speed gradually slowed down. Obviously, he was too exhausted and could no longer maintain it. Is it no longer possible?

Huang Quan keenly felt that the opponent's sword swinging speed began to slow down little by little, and shook his head slightly, knowing that this battle would end here.

He simply stopped honing his defense. At the moment when Nobunaga habitually swung his sword, Huang Quan's eyes condensed slightly, and he used the reverse blade [Black Magic] to block the opponent's wooden sword attack, and suddenly exerted a huge force.


In an instant, the right hand holding the sword deviated to the right uncontrollably. Nobunaga's pupils dilated, and his body was about to explode back.


A subtle sound of breaking through the air flashed by.

The edgeless black reverse blade [Black Magic] pressed against his neck artery in an instant, steady and motionless.

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