"Is this SABER's MASTER? This approach is simply insulting to the heroic spirit." The emperor looked at the information coming from the monitor and said with an unhappy expression. This man is so cold-blooded

Meruem's micro-insect reconnaissance aircraft, except for the old guy Matou Zouken who was hiding in some corner and couldn't find him, all the masters in Fuyuki City were under Meruem's surveillance.

Put yourself in their shoes, if you were summoned like this, you might have fallen out with the other party not long after.

Unlike Arturia who rigidly followed the path of chivalry, the Emperor pursued the royal path of conquest and would not be at the mercy of his Master.

"Let's go, the rest of the Emperor has already appeared. It's time for us to set off," Meluem said. Since the old guy Zangyan has been lurking in the dark, he had to take Sakura with him.

Although the Matou family's new house was surrounded by layers of barriers set up by Meluem, he still couldn't guarantee whether it could stop the invasion of Zangyan. **** @Seimei is not an easy opponent. Meruem could feel that this guy had some hidden tricks that he had not used when he fought with him before. If he had not been careless and was approached by Meruem, it would probably have been a hard fight.

And what Onmyoji is best at is the barrier technique.

At the entrance of Einzbern Castle, a man wearing silver-white armor was slowly moving towards the interior of the castle carrying a huge sack.

The man's whole body exuded a strong stench of blood that could be smelled from a distance. The edge of the armor was stained with a dark red color, which was the color of dried blood.

"He's here, but he didn't find the MASTERSABER facing him. Please defeat him." Following Irisviel's request, Arturia ran towards Berserker holding the Sword of the King.

"Maiya, follow the plan. If there is only one Berserker, kill him." Kiritsugu picked up his own sniper rifle.


"Joan of Arc! Joan of Arc!" In the field outside the castle, Bluebeard, who had transformed into Berserker, was extremely excited when he saw Artoria appearing in front of him. However, he could only roar as he almost lost the ability to speak. The name is usually repeated over and over again.

He put down the sack on his back like a treasure.

"Berserker, is that your weapon inside?" Arturia looked at the other party warily. Her sense of smell had not been lost. The fishy smell on the other party's body kept stirring up Arturia's nerves. That's all the blood of innocent people

"Ding-ding-dang-dang." The Noble Phantasm Arturia imagined did not appear, and the sack was actually filled with gold coins.

"Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc" Berserker pushed the gold coins towards Arturia as if to please.

Bluebeard, whose nerves were originally abnormal, had reached the lowest point in history after becoming a Berserker agent. Only when he saw Arturia, who was very similar to Joan of Arc, did he find some hope. Get some sense back.

But currently, it seems that the rationality that has been regained is different from ordinary people's way of thinking.

Probably because there are fragments in his memory of what he did before dying in his previous life, the Midas touch, so he continues to kill children.

Looking forward to using gold coins to please his "goddess".

"Berserker, are you insulting me?" Arturia looked at Berserker angrily. Originally, she was treated differently by her master because she was a woman and her self-esteem was greatly affected because she did not agree with the master's actions. harm.

But what Berserker did now simply stimulated her heart again.

Arturia swung his sword and cut the sack open with Berserker's stupid eyes, and the gold coins scattered on the ground.

And a gold coin happened to roll down to the soles of Berserker's feet.

"Joan of Arc!" Berserker seemed to not believe what was happening in front of him and cried out in grief.

"Say it again Berserker, I am not the Jeanne you say you are!" Arturia pointed at Berserker with a sharp sword. "Take out your weapons or else I will swing my sword at you even though you are unarmed."

"Joan of Arc." Berserker roared in a low voice, and black aura emanated from Berserker's body. Berserker's eyes turned red, and his silver-white armor seemed to be stained with a layer of haze.

The white cross on his chest also turned into pitch black.

A white bone sword with a ruby ​​inlaid in the middle appeared in Berserker's hand.

"Fight in an upright manner! Berserker, you must pay for the crimes you have committed!" Arturia brandished the holy sword wrapped in the Wind King's barrier and attacked Berserker.

"Roar!" At this time, Berserker's body was extremely inflated like a blown balloon, enveloped in black energy.

The originally thin and skinny appearance quickly turned into a black muscular monster. Not only that, the originally slender white bone sword also turned into a giant sword after being wrapped in black energy.

He just waved slightly towards Artoria and blocked Arturia's full blow.

Although Bluebeard, who is not a CASTER job agent, has lost the "Luoyan City Teaching Book", which is a very powerful magic art, at the same time, after being strengthened by the Berserker job agency, his attributes are not very high.

But he has a very powerful skill, Madness: EX, which greatly improves his attributes.

And his current state is the final product of his madness. Of course, the price of going berserk is to lose all reason, leaving only instinct, which will attack all moving units nearby.

It's just that Berserker Bluebeard, who is originally insane and has low sanity, will have no difference even if his sanity is lowered.

"So much strength" Artoria slid on the ground for several meters before buffering the opponent's terrifying attack.

However, the other party just did it casually.

"The wound on my left wrist made me unable to use it." Of course, this was also due to the irreversible wound caused by the inevitable destruction of Huang Qiangwei. In short, in the first confrontation, Arturia was completely at a disadvantage. .

"SABER, I'm here to help you!" At this moment, a scarlet spear joined the battle.

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