After listening to what Men Qi said, Su Ye knew the difficulty of this task, and found that it was actually not as big as expected.

This holy cabbage lotus will produce lotus seeds every three years, so that means that the rarity of this thing is not so high, thinking of this, Su Ye has a plan…

But for now, continue to listen to Menqi explain the task situation.

“Next, we are going to find out where the Holy Caberus in the Eleventh and Twelfth Districts is, and determine the specific lotus seed production time of the Holy Caberus.”

As soon as Menqi’s words fell, Buhara, who was standing at the door, changed his expression, while Su Ye on the side directly gushed out a large amount of pitch-black mental power from his left arm to block himself and Men Qi.

The next moment

An attack directly bombarded the small house where Su Ye and the others were.

On the garbage mountain in the eleventh district, a tall woman waved her right hand, and the sniper rifle under her disappeared instantly, and the blow just now was shot by her.


Explosions rang throughout the neighborhood, and residents a kilometre away screamed in fear, thinking that another attack had occurred.

“Ahem! Cough! ”

The explosion receded, and Su Ye, who was choking on smoke, coughed a few times, and the room where several people were before had been blown through.

At the moment before the attack arrived, Su Ye used the mental power of his left arm to form a shield in front of him, and held Menqi to break through one wall of the house and escape.

As for Buhara being a little away from Su Ye, there was no time to bring him out with him, what was the current situation, Su Ye didn’t know at all, the only thing he could do to him was to pray that he was safe and sound.


A figure fell from the air, and at the same time, the entire body began to expand.

Su Ye naturally also heard the sound, and his eyes condensed his mental power and looked up.

In an instant, Su Ye’s eyes widened sharply.

This is a humanoid thought beast, and judging from the swollen thoughts on his body, I am afraid that there are two door qi.

“Su, Su Ye run! Bring.. Bring door Ki: Run…”

Su Ye was about to run to the left, but as soon as he made a move, he heard the faint voice of Bhara from the ruins that had just been blown up.

“Damn it!”

Su Ye didn’t know who sent these attacks, they had such great power, but there was no movement, so that Su Ye and the others only discovered their existence before the attacks arrived.

But! Su Ye shouted at Buhara to run quickly, and he couldn’t watch him being killed by this attack.

Su Ye didn’t have time to ink, his feet stomped the ground, and he catapulted towards the place where Bhara was making a sound, hoping to reach his side before the explosion in the air.

“Mother’s love!”

“Boom! Rumble! ”

Su Ye successfully arrived at Bu at the last second before the explosion, and the aura in his left arm continued to gush, wrapping Su Ye and the three of them, but Su Ye still used one for safety.

Because the place where Su Ye was located was at the junction of the eleventh district and the second district, the residents on the furniest side of the two districts felt a vibration under their feet.

A huge crater appeared under Sue.


The invisible shield shattered in the air, and Menqi, who he was holding in his right hand, had passed out.

Su Ye, who was protected under the shield, only felt a burning sensation coming to him through his thoughts,

Su Ye knew that this was the residual heat generated after the explosion, and although the damage was not as high as the moment of the explosion, it would produce continuous damage.


In order to sense how many enemies were around, Su Ye directly used the ‘circle’ that he learned today, and the next moment, a pitch-black hood extended a radius of one hundred meters.

Because Su Ye’s amount of thoughts on his body was only half of his usual amount, in order to save the consumption of thoughts, Su Ye simply used only a “circle” with half the distance in the morning

“Three on the left, 12 on the right, three in front, seven in the back.”

Now Su Ye was in a dilemma, on one side were the two seriously injured and unconscious, and on the other side were the enemies who were surrounded here.

“Damn, this…

Su Ye gritted his teeth, stretched out his left hand, aimed at the seriously injured Bhara, and used today’s last medical skill on his body.

“Hope for the dying!”

The pitch-black light flew towards Bhara, this time Su Ye used a Menqi mind, the recovery speed was the same as before, but this time the injury was more serious, I am afraid that it will take more than a minute to recover.

After completing the recovery of Bhara, Su Ye was ready to start running, otherwise with the current situation, if he continued to consume it, he would be planted here.

There were only three people on the left, so Su Ye chose the left to escape.

The mind under his feet condensed, his feet lightly clicked, and he quickly ran.

After running nearly 100 meters, three people in white robes appeared in Su Ye’s eyes, these three white-robed people were two men and one woman.

The two men, one tall and thin, the other short and strong, were simply two opposite existences, but what surprised Su Ye was the same appearance of the two.

The woman, on the other hand, looked cold, and a scar on her face cut from the eye socket, ruining the overall beauty, but adding a bit of fierceness.

“Here comes the goal.”

The fierce white-robed woman stared coldly at Su Ye who was running in her direction.

“It seems to be from the Elder Guard.”

Su Ye recognized the white robes on their bodies, which was the symbol of the Elder Guard.

“Then die!”

Su Ye threw the door Qi she was holding towards the Niantuan on her left arm, and her whole person was wrapped in the reading.

The next moment, a long knife appeared in vain in Su Ye’s right hand, with a large amount of thought qi attached to it.


The fierce white-robed woman’s right hand flung down, and suddenly a dagger appeared in her hand.

Then, the fierce white-robed woman also accelerated and ran towards Su Ye, with the dagger in her hand attached to the Nian Qi, and at the same time, the Nian Qi extended from the dagger and turned into a simple long knife.

The distance between the two quickly decreased, and they collided together in just two seconds.


The moment the two weapons touched, a crisp sound was produced in an instant.

Invisible fluctuations spread out under the feet of the two.

The impact of opposing each other, constantly colliding with each other.

In an instant, a fierce wind was set off on the soles of the two people’s feet.

The fierce white-robed woman’s eyes flashed, and she didn’t expect that her strength would lose to Su Ye at all.

Thinking of this, she secretly exerted her strength and tried to press the dagger in her hand over Su Ye.

And Su Ye was shocked with his right hand, but it had no effect on Su Ye at all, but it stimulated Su Ye’s wildness, and his right hand continued to press hard. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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