Compared to the match between Tianming and Xiaojie, the following battle was much simpler.

Hisoka vs. Boudreau, Hisoka won without a doubt.

Hanzo vs. Leorio. Although the strength gap between the two sides was not as big as in the previous game, Hanzo still defeated Leorio with overwhelming strength.

But the knocked-down Leorio refused to admit defeat, and even lay on the ground, pointing at Hanzo and cursing.

Hanzo is also an "old player in Zaun area". He immediately fought back after being scolded. The two of them quarreled with each other in the venue, which really opened the eyes of everyone.

But in the end, Hanzo was more skilled. He threatened Leorio with his fingers, threatening to cut off one of his fingers if he didn't surrender. If he still didn't surrender, he would cut off another one.

Leorio's dream is to become a doctor. Losing his fingers means that he will lose his dream forever. In the end, he gritted his teeth and admitted defeat to Hanzo and won.

According to the competition rules, the next match should be fought between the losers of the two matches, Boudreau and Leorio. However, both of them were seriously injured, so they reached an agreement to postpone their fight and let others beat them first until they had recovered from their injuries.

The match between the two was postponed, and the next ones to play were Killua and Bakugo.

The previous battle with Tianming caused Bakuer to suffer some minor injuries, but these injuries were basically superficial and did not affect his combat effectiveness, so he did not request an extension like Leorio and the others.

However, his opponent Killua frowned. Bakurou looked effeminate and had suffered some minor injuries before. He always felt that fighting with him was an unfair victory, so he announced to the referee that he wanted to admit defeat.

Everyone was very surprised by Killua's behavior, only Tianming couldn't help but smile. "Boy, you will not have a good ending if you show off. You won't even have a place to cry later."

Killua, who had just admitted defeat, went to the next round. This time his opponent was Illumi, who had a face full of pompoms.

This time he did not pretend to be cool but was ready to do a great job. He had long discovered that this "Gitaragu" was a very powerful master, but he had been standing behind the crowd in a low-key manner and therefore did not attract attention.

Moreover, this guy seemed to know him, and he wanted to use this battle to find out the other party's identity.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee raised his right hand and then suddenly dropped it and announced: "The game begins!"

Killua was ready to attack, when a voice that made his heart skip a beat came from "Gitaragu".

"Killua, it seems you didn't recognize me."

Even if Killua turned into gray, he could still recognize this voice as the voice of his elder brother Illumi.

But how is this possible? Why does this guy have the voice of Ilmi!

Next, under his horrified gaze, Ilmi pulled out the round-headed needles on his face and revealed his true face.

He has long flowing hair hanging on his shoulders, fair skin and delicate features, and a pair of big eyes staring at Killua dully. Apart from looking handsome, he does not have the oppressive feeling of a master.

However, despite his harmless appearance, Killua was sweating profusely and his fingers were trembling.

He uttered two words tremblingly: "Big... Big Brother..."

Xiaojie and the others looked at Killua in surprise and looked at Illumi in confusion. Killua called this guy "Big Brother". Are they really brothers? It doesn't look like it.

And if they are brothers, why is Killua so scared? Shouldn't brothers be in harmony with each other?

Next, the two brothers did not fight but started chatting. Although it was called chatting, in fact only Illumi was talking, while Killua lowered his head and said nothing like a child who had made a mistake.

Through the conversation between the two, everyone understood the whole story. It turned out that Killua really made a mistake.

Before he ran away from home, he beat up his mother and second brother. His family must have been mad with anger after this happened.

"Mother is proud of you for taking decisive action. She said, 'As expected of Killua, you are the pride of our whole family.'"

Leorio, who was recovering from his injuries, almost fell off the makeshift bed in excitement. What a bunch of weirdos this family is. They are still proud even after being beaten. What kind of deformed and sick family is this?

This disease cannot be cured without hundreds of millions of Jie Ni.

Tianming stroked his chin thoughtfully. If you think about it carefully, these people from the Zoldyck family are actually quite strange.

There are 5 brothers in Killua's generation and he is the only one with white hair. The other 4 brothers all have black hair and he is the most special one.

If it were just that, it wouldn't be a big deal. The key point is that Killua's father Silva Zoldyck and grandfather Geno Zoldyck both have white hair. Is it possible that in every generation, only one person in their family has white hair?

Then the problem is coming!

Killua is the third child in the family, neither the oldest nor the youngest.

If it was a fixed bloodline inheritance, it should be the eldest brother Illumi who should have white hair, but the one with white hair is Killua, who is neither too old nor too young. This means that white hair is random and not fixed on which child it appears on. If Killua's mother had no more children after giving birth to the first one, then the white hair would be discontinued.

Then the problem comes again!

If the Zoldyck family follows this inheritance standard, then Silva Zoldyck and even Geno Zoldyck should also have several brothers. It can't be such a coincidence that Silva and Geno are both the eldest sons in the family, right?

Where are those brothers?

Why don't they appear in the entire work? Their strength is definitely not much worse than those white-haired guys like Silva. With so many strong people in charge, the Zoldyck family should be extremely powerful.

However, these people never appeared. My own inference was wrong. Silva and Geno were both single descendants. Or, in other words, those brothers who did not inherit the "white hair" were...

Tianming shook his head to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts in his mind. This is a positive and fresh animation that promotes family, friendship and love. How could there be such a dark and cruel plot? He was thinking too much.

Just as he was daydreaming, Killua also announced his surrender. He was not surprised at all. He might not even be able to defeat Illumi, let alone Killua whose strength was several levels lower than his.

However, Killua's condition seemed a little wrong at the moment. The next round should be the turn of Boudreau and Leorio to fight, but he was standing at the edge of the field with no intention of returning to the audience seats.

Tianming used his Observation Haki to detect that Killua was in a semi-dormant state. At the same time, he felt a faint energy of thought on the other's forehead. It seemed that Illumi had already inserted the thought needle into Killua's forehead to control him.

Although Boudreau and Leorio thought Killua looked strange, they didn't say anything since the referee didn't expel them. They just tried to stay away from Killua during the next battle.

Just when the two were ready to start fighting, Killua instantly came behind Boudreau, put his five fingers together and stabbed his sharp fingertips towards the opponent's heart.

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