In a void space inside his brain, Tian Ming’s shadow floated out of thin air in the center of the world, and in front of him was suspended a Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish pattern.

He touched the surface of the Tai Chi icon with his hand, but his hand went straight through the icon. Obviously, it had no entity and was an illusory symbol.

This is the mental ability that he had finally built up after spending a lot of effort. With this, he can balance the domineering aura and mental energy in his body so that the two can coexist. He can finally use the huge mental energy in his body.

The next direction of training is to use these two forces at the same time in battle. Once this attempt is successful, his combat effectiveness can be said to have doubled directly, which is a huge improvement for himself.

Moreover, mental energy can be used to strengthen the body. The domineering aura in the world of pirates will diminish as the user's physical fitness declines. Once the user is over 60 years old, their physical functions will decline and their strength will be greatly reduced.

Although the physical fitness of people in the hunter world will decline, their mental energy will not decrease. Next, they can use mental energy to strengthen their bodies and then break through their domineering aura. If operated properly, they may be able to break the curse of declining strength after the age of sixty.

Speaking of Tianming’s mental ability, this Tai Chi icon can not only balance the two forces of domineering and mental energy, but also allow the two forces to be converted into each other.

In other words, Tianming can transform his own domineering aura into mental energy, and he can also transform mental energy into domineering aura.

However, the conversion rate is a bit low. If 100 points of mental energy are converted into domineering energy, only about 60 points can be converted. It is impossible to achieve 100% conversion.

Although there is this flaw, Tianming doesn't care. His original goal was just to be able to use telepathic ability. As long as the telepathic ability can allow domineering aura and mental energy to coexist, then his goal has been achieved. If the conversion rate is low, then there will be no conversion and they can just fight each other.

Speaking of which, I should also give this ability a name. What name should I give it?

He stroked his chin and fell into deep thought. In his previous life, he basically did not name his moves when fighting. Like Hawkeye, he used his ultimate move as a basic attack. He never thought of giving them so many awesome and domineering names like Zoro.

After pondering for a moment, he made a decision. Since the Yin-Yang fish icon was created to balance different energies, he would call it the "Yin-Yang Balancer".

After picking a name, he returned to the real world with a thought. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself still sitting cross-legged in the same place as before.

The ground around him was covered with spider-web-like cracks, giving the impression that he was lying in the center of the glass like a pebble that had smashed a window.

He stood up with the help of the ground, and then he realized that he had been unconsciously in a state of "entanglement". Basically, he had mastered the basic application of this mental ability without having to control his body's instincts.

"It seems that your ability has been successfully constructed. I feel a strong sense of Nen in you. Next, as long as you practice according to the theoretical knowledge I taught you before, you will be able to become a qualified Nen user."

Netero stroked his beard while speaking, looking very proud.

Although Tianming did not admit it, he had actually accepted his training and was considered his disciple. Of course he was happy to have taught such a genius with great potential.

At his age, he no longer cared about these false reputations, but he was still very happy to be able to personally train such a future strong man, as if he saw his younger self.

At this time, Tianming looked at Netero and asked, "President Netero, you told me before that a person with the ability to read can create more than just one ability, right?"

Netero nodded and indicated that this was indeed the case. Most Nen users only had one ability, but after years of practice or those with extraordinary talent could create a second or third Nen ability. For example, Hisoka possessed both "Stretchable Love" and "Flirty Illusion" Nen abilities.

After getting the other party's confirmation, Tianming smiled and said, "Then do you know how to build your own abilities with the trait system?"

The trait system is different from other systems. The abilities of the trait system are not fixed and there are various types, so there is no particularly clear direction at the beginning.

Even though he knew a lot about Nen and had watched the Hunter anime, he was unable to create his own special abilities out of thin air through his imagination.

Netero showed a helpless expression when he heard this. Instead of answering, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

About half an hour later, the helicopter carrying supplies flew over again.

This time the staff did not bring food or anything like that, but instead brought a bucket of water and a glass of water.

Netero filled the cup with water, then placed a leaf on it and said to Tianming, "Let's test it."

He was too lazy to give the other party some common sense about the personalities of Nen users, so he used the Suikenshiki to make the other party completely give up and realize the fact that he was not a peculiar type at all.

The so-called water-viewing style is a way for Nen users to test their own attributes. Different systems will have different reactions when injecting Nen into a cup of water.

If it is a fortified water system, the water in the cup will increase and overflow from the cup.

If it is a transmutation type, the taste of the water will change.

The leaves in the operating system water cup will move according to your wishes.

The color of the released water will change.

Impurities will appear in the materialized water, and these impurities that appear out of thin air are entities.

As for the trait system, it is the most special. As long as it produces different changes from the above five types of systems, it all belongs to the trait system.

For example, some people will cause leaves to wither or have traits of other types appear at the same time, these are all considered as trait types.

The reason why Netero asked Tianming to take the test was not simply to attack him. If he really had a special type, he could use the changes that occurred during the Mizumi Shiki period to know the direction of his Nen ability.

For example, he had once seen a special type whose ability was spatial. When using the Mizumi Style, he directly teleported the cup and the water inside to another space.

If it weren't for Mizumi Shiki, it would take that space-type Nen user an unknown amount of time to find the direction to construct his own Nen ability.

However, Tianming didn't know these things. He only saw him put his hands on both sides of the water cup, and then poured his mental energy into the cup.

Netero and Tianming stared at the water cup, especially Tianming, who was looking forward to the effect of his special water-seeing style.

After a while, there was movement in the cup, and the water in the cup gushed out like a fountain. It was obviously the external manifestation of the strengthening system.

Tianming didn't care much about this. It seemed that he should be able to master the special types of the other five types at the same time like Kurapika, and soon the other four types would appear in the water cup.

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