Tianming came back to his senses from his thoughts. Xiaojie still had to walk his own path. After all, he was just an outsider, and it was up to Jinfulis to guide the other party.

He smiled at Xiaojie and said, "I hope so."

Just then, the staff of the Sky Arena came over. It turned out that the time for Tianming's first game had arrived, and the staff came to remind him to enter the game.

He looked at Gon and Killua and asked, "I'm about to go to the game, do you want to come and watch?"

Killua shrugged and said, "Not interested. You can kill those weaklings instantly anyway. Let's just go to the 200th floor and wait for you there."

After Killua finished speaking, Xiaojie smiled awkwardly. Compared to the match where Tianming was bullying the weak, he was more curious about what the match above the 200th floor would be like.

Tianming nodded and did not force it. After parting with Xiaojie and Killua, he followed the staff to the arena on the 50th floor.

The rule of the Sky Arena is that the lower the level, the cheaper the tickets for watching the game. The admission tickets for the first floor at the bottom are even as cheap as admission tickets to the park.

However, the ticket price starts to increase from the 50th floor. If there are still amateurs who can fight their way up below the 50th floor, then from the 50th floor onwards it is the realm of professional fighters, which is no longer a level for ordinary people.

Tianming came to the arena for his competition according to the prompts. His opponent was a big and strong guy. He was huge with broad shoulders and muscular body, and looked very strong.

But for a martial artist like Tianming, the opponent was full of flaws. Tianming was too lazy to go through so many tricks to deal with such a big fool. He simply grabbed the opponent's wrist, shook it lightly, and threw him out of the venue, knocking him unconscious.

The audience was stunned by this operation, and then they broke into thunderous cheers. Before, there were two teenagers who were killing everyone, but they didn't expect that just over an hour later, there was another fighter who could kill his opponents in seconds. This made the audience excited and they said that their tickets were really worth it.

After the referee confirmed that the strong man had fainted, he announced that Tianming had won. Like Xiaojie and Killua, he was arranged to "skip a grade" and reach the 80th floor.

When he was getting on the elevator, he found that there was a large group of people following him, but these people were not there to cause trouble but were fans and spectators of the arena.

He felt very uncomfortable being stared at by these people. Fortunately, he could enter the special passage for fighters, otherwise he would not be able to even squeeze into the elevator if surrounded by these fans.

After successfully reaching the 80th floor, he waited in the lounge for a while, and his game was arranged in less than half an hour.

There is no problem finding a fight in the Sky Arena. Competitors below the 200th floor can arrange a match at any time. There are even spectators available 24 hours a day, and every match is basically packed.

Tian Ming stood on the ring and looked at the packed audience. This place reminded him of Dressrosa in his previous life. The arena there was also held all year round, but the fighters there were much stronger than here.

At this moment his opponent also stood on the ring. He was a boy with a flat head and wearing a white martial arts uniform. He was probably only ten years old and was a head shorter than Gon and Killua.

This boy gave Tianming a familiar feeling. He had a strong sense of déjà vu and felt that he had definitely seen him somewhere.

"Hello! I am Zhixi, a disciple of Xinyuanliu. Please take care of me!" Tianming laughed after hearing the other party's childish self-introduction.

It turned out to be Ji Hee! No wonder she looked so familiar.

Don't be fooled by this boy's young age. He is a genuine Psychic user. This alone makes him one of the upper echelons of the Sky Arena pyramid.

If Zhixi participates in the competition, will that guy also come here to watch?

He glanced around and soon found Yun Gu, who was wearing a white shirt, in a corner.

After the two looked at each other, Yun Gu smiled and nodded, Tian Ming also nodded, and then introduced himself to the little guy Zhi Xi in front of him: "My name is Zhao Tian Ming, you can just call me Tian Ming."

As soon as Tianming finished speaking, the bell for the game rang. Zhixi clenched his fist and punched Tianming's knee.

The reason why I hit him on the knee was because he was too short. I wanted to hit him in the abdomen but couldn't reach it, so I had no choice but to hit his lower body.

Facing such a tiny guy, Tian Ming really couldn't bring himself to attack him. He dodged a few moves of the opponent and then seized the opponent's wrist at the right moment. Then he gently waved Zhixi, who rolled several times in the sky like a flying wooden stick and landed steadily under the ring.

After his feet landed on the ground, Zhixi's mind was still in a dizzy state. When he came to his senses, the referee had already started the countdown.

He tried to climb back to the ring in a panic, but as soon as he jumped back into the ring, Tianming's palm pressed on his forehead, and with a light push, Zhixi flew out again.

This time he was even more dizzy after the fall. After he regained his balance, he did not jump back to the ring in a hurry. Instead, he clenched his fists and stared at Tian Ming on the stage.

Although he is young, he is a Psychic user after all. No matter how strong an adult or how famous a martial arts master was, he would be beaten without any chance to fight back when facing him. He could even easily win without using his Psychic ability.

But he didn't expect to meet such an opponent today. He didn't think that there was a big gap in strength between himself and the opponent. It was just that the opponent bullied him by relying on his age and longer limbs. If he used his mind, he could definitely defeat the opponent easily.

However, Master Yungu once issued an order prohibiting the use of mind power below the 200th floor. Now the other party is still watching from the audience, and he absolutely cannot violate the agreement with him.

Thinking of this, his mood calmed down. Master Yun Gu said that the most important thing to avoid in a battle is being impatient. Although the opponent has a physical advantage, he still has a chance of winning. He needs to fight calmly next.

Just as he was about to jump back onto the stage, Tian Ming on the stage spoke slowly, "You'd better surrender. The gap in strength between us is huge. Even if you train for another ten years, you may not be my opponent."

This is not alarmist but a reasonable analysis. No matter how high Zhixi's talent is, it is still at the level of a normal person. After he becomes an adult, the best he can do is to be at the level of a member of the Phantom Troupe, or even slightly lower than the members of the troupe.

If I were to face the brigade with my current strength, my chances of winning in a one-on-one fight would still be very high. Asking the other party to practice for another ten years is definitely not a blow to their confidence but an objective fact.

However, it was this sentence that made Zhixi furious. Young people are most concerned about their reputation, especially Zhixi, a young man who thinks he is a genius.

Tian Ming's words were a naked humiliation to him. He clenched his fist and the energy in his body instantly wrapped around his body, and he shouted loudly: "Don't look down on me, you guy!"

After a loud roar, he jumped onto the ring. Just as he was about to run to Tian Ming and teach this bastard a lesson, he heard an angry roar from the audience.


The roar was so loud that it seemed to have magical power and penetrated the ears and minds of everyone present.

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