Tianming’s right fist faced off against the palms of Hua Shidoulang’s clone. Although the name of “Tiger Bite Fist” is a boxing technique, the attack method is actually “claw attack”.

After being ambushed, Tianming was forced to fight back hastily, and thus fought on equal terms with Hua Shidoulang's clone.

However, the situation changed immediately after Tianming recovered. He gave up wrestling with the opponent with his right hand, and like a snake, he went around the opponent's palm and grabbed the opponent's wrist.

When Hua Shidoulang's clone found that his wrists were captured at the same time, he immediately tried to break free, but no matter how hard he tried, Tianming's palms remained motionless, like an iron clamp, and he could not extricate himself.

After restricting the opponent's movements, Tianming raised his leg and kicked out a "storm kick". The blue blade swept across the waist of Hua Shidoulang's clone. The clone was cut into 2.5 and halves in horror and then collapsed.

Everything that just happened happened in just a moment. After dealing with the clone, Tian Ming immediately turned around and looked behind him.

Only then did he realize that the place where Hua Shi Dou Lang had originally stood was empty. The other party must have taken advantage of the time when he killed his clone to hide and wanted to attack him from the dark.

After the fight just now, Tianming put away his previous contempt.

Although he had long known that in the Hunter world, the amount of mental energy was not a necessary condition for determining victory or defeat, his naturally huge amount of mental energy also made his fighting style a bit reckless. Now it seemed that he had to be more cautious. Although the opponent's hard power was not as good as his, he also had the ability to break his defense, so he had to deal with it carefully.

Just as he was about to look for Hua Shi Dou Lang's trace, footsteps were heard in the distance.

The footsteps came from far away and soon approached nearby. He realized that it should be the arena search team. Although he was not afraid of these people, he did not want to cause trouble. He still wanted to play in the Sky Arena next, so it would be better not to be discovered by the other party.

After making up his mind, he activated the "Invisibility" move, which can completely conceal his own aura so that he cannot be discovered by the enemy. For enhancement-type ability users, it is one of the advanced skills of Nen that must be mastered.

After hiding his breath, he quickly hid in the dark. As soon as he hid, five figures appeared in his sight.

These five people were wearing the same uniform, but they were completely different from the arena staff. They were wearing black "military-like" uniforms, with walkie-talkies hanging on their bodies and law enforcement recorders hanging on their chests. They were obviously members of the Sky Arena's search team.

After feeling the aura of several people, Tian Ming was a little surprised. These five people were all users of Nen, and their aura did not give the impression of being weak.

The appearance of these people has brought about subtle changes in the situation. Originally, Tianming was sure to win the battle against Hua Shidoulang, but now both of them may be eliminated.

The five search team members are all equipped with law enforcement recorders. If their faces are photographed, they will definitely be disqualified from the competition. Moreover, these people are quite strong, so it will take some effort to deal with them. During this period, there is also the risk of their faces being seen.

What should I do? Should I kill these guys?

As long as he kills these people, no one will know that he was fighting privately. If he destroys the recorder before leaving, there will be no evidence. Even if someone guesses that it was him but has no evidence, he cannot be disqualified from the competition.

However, this thought flashed through Tianming's mind. He had no grudge against these people. If he was discovered, he would just withdraw from the competition. There was no need to kill anyone.

But this is not a solution. These five people will never leave easily after coming here. If a large-scale search is conducted, we will most likely be forced into a dead end.

He wanted to slap himself in the face. He just wanted to mess around and blow up all the surveillance cameras, which led to this. If he had known, he would not have pretended to be cool in front of Hisoka and Hua Shi Doulang.

At this time, he thought of Hua Shi Dou Lang, and he and he were now in the same boat.

He wasn't sure whether Hisoka had left, but Hua Shi Dou Lang was definitely still nearby, hiding in the dark and observing like himself using "Hide".

If they cooperate well with the other party, they will not be discovered and can also deal with these five search team members.

After making up his mind, he decided to go find Hua Shi Dou Lang, but at this moment something strange happened.


A stone fell from nowhere at Tianming's feet. The sound was not loud but it was particularly clear in the empty underground parking lot...

The leader of the five search team members was a man with a crew cut named "Dean". When he heard that all the surveillance cameras on the underground second floor were out of order, he immediately sent people to seal off all the exits and brought several core team members here.

At first he just thought that the data cable of the surveillance camera was cut, but after arriving at the scene he realized the seriousness of the matter.

All the surveillance cameras were destroyed. After a rough inspection, it was speculated that they were destroyed from the inside by some mysterious force. This is a big trouble.

There are at least dozens of surveillance cameras in this parking lot. The fact that they were damaged at the same time was definitely caused by the ability of Nen. Although he doesn't know what the other party's ability is, every Nen user is very dangerous. He is thinking about whether he should continue investigating.

He came to the underground parking lot on the second floor with nothing to do, and the other party was a Nen user, so it went without saying that he came here to have a private fight.

Since it is a private fight, it means that there are at least two people on the other side. They were enemies before, but after our side appears, they will definitely unite against the common enemy. There are two Nen users with unknown abilities, so the risk of this mission is too great.

Dean was also a fighter in the Sky Arena before. After he nearly lost his life in a battle, he gave up fighting and became a staff member of the Sky Arena.

Because I used to be a fighter, I can better understand the madness of these fighters. If I irritate them, they will fight to the death. I am in the open while the enemy is in the dark, and the five of them may not be able to gain the upper hand.

With this in mind, he decided to give it a try. There were nine areas in total in this parking lot, and the five of them gathered together to search the same area, leaving room for the two fighters to escape. Even if their boss blamed them, at most they would just deduct some money from their salary. It was not worth risking their lives for such a small amount of money.

Although he decided to take it easy, he still had to be fully prepared. He spread out his right hand and gathered the energy in his palm, and instantly five pairs of pink handcuffs appeared on his hands.

This is his telepathic ability "Pink Justice". He holds handcuffs and asks the other person a question. As long as the other person tells the truth when answering, the condition is met. Then, he puts the handcuffs on any part of the other person's body, and the other person will be forced into a "dead" state and unable to use telepathic energy.

However, there is a condition: the person being questioned must wear handcuffs within an hour after answering the question. Any answers before this time will be invalidated and the time will be reset.

The reason they took this out was to be on the safe side. In case the two Nen users fighting privately were lunatics who were determined to fight to the death, they could gain the advantage of the first move.

Just as he was distributing pink handcuffs to other teammates, the sound of stones falling suddenly came from the right front corner.

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