Looking at Xiaojie who was about to collapse under his burning, Feitan laughed and felt very happy.

For some reason, he hated this kid the first time he saw him. In addition, his left hand was broken by this kid's sneak attack for no apparent reason. At this moment, he wished he could use all the interrogation skills he had learned on this kid to relieve his hatred.

It’s a pity that his telepathic ability has been activated. Now even if he wants to capture someone alive, it’s impossible. He can only torture the other person to death by the method of “dry burning”. It’s really a pity when he thinks about it.

Xiao Jie's mental energy was getting weaker and weaker. His shirt was almost burned to pieces and his whole body was covered with burns. Even his hair was burning. If he hadn't used his mental energy to suppress it, he would have turned into a bald mummy long ago.

Feitan frowned. It had been such a long time since he was burned to death. It seemed that he was too impatient and used his telekinesis too early. If he had used it a little later, he might have been able to kill the kid instantly.

In order to break the opponent's will to resist, Feitan laughed and taunted: "Are you still not going to give up? If you continue to resist like this, your death will only be more painful. It would be better to give up resistance immediately and suffer less physical pain."

Xiaojie endured the severe pain in his body and looked up at Feitan with a look of determination in his eyes to face death.

"I won't give up, I will definitely defeat you!"

Fei Tan snorted coldly upon hearing this and was too lazy to continue talking to this guy. He hated guys like this who kept talking stubbornly before dying.

Wouldn't it be better to be frank and kneel down to beg for mercy? Why do you have to make such a righteous gesture before you die to disgust yourself?

At this time, Xiaojie, who was holding himself up, finally moved. He grabbed the straps around his waist and pulled them towards him while saying, "When you activated your mind ability just now, I was wondering why you didn't kill me with your sword while I was immobile, but waited for the small sun up there to roast me to death."

Feitan, who was originally calm, suddenly changed his expression. When he found that Xiaojie was pulling him towards the opponent, he immediately wanted to cancel his ability and distance himself from the opponent.

However, it was at this moment that he remembered that he was also within the attack range of "burned by the scorching sun". If he removed this "sun protection armor" now, he would also be injured.

At the same time, Xiaojie's voice sounded in his ears.

"Looking at your calm expression, the armor should be able to completely block out the heat. If that's the case, you could just pick up the sword at your feet and kill me directly. There's probably only one reason why you didn't do that, and that's that you should have made some kind of 'restriction and oath' for the armor. After wearing the armor, you can't use any attacks other than 'burned by the scorching sun', right?"

Xiao Jie is not someone who just forces himself to practice Nen. He has received guidance from both Yun Gu, a "theoretical master", and Tian Ming, a "practical master", and is very familiar with the rules of Nen ability.

According to his analysis, Feitan should be a user of transformation-type telepathic ability, and the small sun above is the other party's transformation-type telepathic ability.

But the armor Feitan was wearing was definitely not a transformation-type ability. According to his speculation, it should be a materialization-type ability.

It is well known that in order to bring the ability of materialization into full play, only materialization and specialization telepaths can be used. Feitan, a transformation telepath, can only use 80% of the power of materialization.

It is very strange that the secondary ability of the same person's mental energy can completely block the main ability.

In addition, the materialization system has a very special rule. The materialized objects of the materialization system's psychic ability users can have certain supernatural rules attached to them, such as the spatial abilities of Owl and Xiaodi, or the ability to detect lies and seize other people's souls.

Only those with materialization-type telepathic abilities can materialize this kind of rules without paying any cost. Even those with trait-type abilities cannot do this. Those with trait-type abilities can only construct rules unique to the "trait-type" rather than materialization-type rules.

However, Feitan's manifestation can now completely resist the scorching attack of "Fighting Sun Burning". It is obvious that the armor has the ability to "completely resist heat attacks". As a transformation-type ability user, he can only use constraints and oaths to do this.

In addition, Feitan had no desire to attack after putting on the armor. Xiaojie speculated that the opponent should have imposed restrictions such as "you can only use telekinesis to attack after putting on the armor", which means that now he can attack the opponent at will and the opponent cannot fight back, otherwise the opponent will suffer the backlash of the ability and suffer greater damage.

With this in mind, Xiaojie gathered tremendous mental energy in his right fist and aimed it at the abdomen of Feitan, who had been pulled in front of him.

Feitan was shocked when he saw this!

He grabbed Xiaojie's left hand with his uninjured right hand and tried to pry it open, but Xiaojie's strength was incredibly great and he couldn't pry his hand open even with all his might.

He wanted to punch but was hesitant to do so. The backlash of restraint was very terrifying. While he was hesitating, Xiao Jie's fist had already landed on his stomach.

Rock, paper, scissors!


A huge force exploded from his abdomen, and the force was transmitted to his internal organs through his muscles. The severe pain attacked his mind and even made him feel faint for a moment.


Feitan spat out a mouthful of blood, but at this time he was hiding in the mind-power armor of "The Unforgivable Sinner", so the blood did not fall on Xiaojie's face but covered his own face.

At this moment, he had almost lost his ability to fight. He knelt on one knee on the ground, coughing up blood. He held the straps tightly with his right hand to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

His mind was blank at this moment. It was the first time in his life that he was so close to death. He was sure that the next attack from the little ghost in front of him would definitely take his life.

However, he was forced into a desperate situation and became ruthless. His mental ability "Burned by the Scorching Sun" increased the burning power according to his own injury condition. At this time, he was seriously injured, and the power of the same mental ability was enhanced countless times.

The scorching sun above his head made Xiao Jie's eyes roll back and he almost fainted from the heat, but he still held on with all his strength and gathered his energy again to play the rock-paper-scissors game.

At this moment, Feitan coughed up a mouthful of blood and laughed crazily: "Do you dare to kill me? Don't forget the characteristics of the ability of Nen."

After being reminded by him, Xiaojie also remembered that there is an extremely special type of telepathic ability, called "stronger telepathic ability after death."

If a Nen user is filled with strong resentment or extremely strong obsession, his Nen ability will not disappear after his death. Instead, it will become stronger than when he was alive.

Feitan's crazy look clearly showed that he was really angry, and his desire to kill Gon was so strong that he would fight to the death. If he killed him now, his Nen ability would not disappear but would become even stronger.

Xiao Jie gritted his teeth and retracted his fist, then carried the other person on his back and ran in the opposite direction of the miniature sun.

He didn't feel relieved until he ran out of the range of the small sun. At this time, his whole body was burned and his hair was burned off, leaving only a thin layer of curly hair close to his scalp. He looked extremely miserable.

Although he looked very miserable, he still had some strength left to fight, while Feitan completely lost his telepathic ability, rolled his eyes and fainted.

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