The height of the World Tree is 1,784 meters, which is hundreds of meters higher than the tallest building in the world.

Every year, thousands of people challenge the World Tree to climb to the top without resorting to any tools.

However, this challenge is not destined to be completed by ordinary people.

Ninety percent of challengers climb to 500 to 1,000 meters because they run out of strength or lose their altitude halfway.

Another five percent died in accidents.

In the end, only five percent of the people will be able to reach the top of the World Tree and look out at the beautiful scenery.

Led by the giant bird, Jin and Xiaojie came to the World Tree.

At the top of the World Tree, Xiaojie and Jin had a father-son conversation.

They talked for a day and a night at the top of the World Tree, and did not leave the World Tree until the next morning.

In this conversation with Jin, Xiaojie got a lot of information.

In particular, there is a greater understanding and awareness of the world in which human beings currently live.

The world is actually vast.

The place where humans currently live is only a small part of this world.

In addition to the continents inhabited by humans, there are other continents.

And the outer continent is very dangerous, a place where human beings cannot survive at present.

From Jin’s mouth, Xiaojie also learned that the chimeric ants they fought before came to the human side from other continents, and the place where the chimeric ants originally lived was called the Dark Continent, which was a super continent that was far more than ten times larger than the human world.

After gaining a new understanding of this world, Xiaojie became curious and yearning for the Dark Continent in his heart.

As a professional hunter, he wants to venture to the Dark Continent.

However, Jin told Xiaojie that it was best not to set foot on the Dark Continent until he was twenty years old, because it was a dangerous place where many strong people would die.

Without sufficient strength, definitely do not get involved.

Even Jin himself was not sure that he could return from the Dark Continent when he went to the Dark Continent.

Xiaojie promised Jin that he would not go to the Dark Continent until he was twenty years old.

He will use these eight years to strive to become stronger and surpass Kim.

After seeing Xiaojie’s determination to become stronger, Jin smiled gratifyingly.

After that, Jin gave Xiaojie a sum of money, and then left Xiaojie his contact information, and then temporarily returned to the Hunter Association, busy with the election of a new president.

Xiaojie, on the other hand, returned to Kate’s villa.

After that, in order to become stronger, he and Killua practiced with Kate.

As for Allen, he lived a casual life.

For him, who has mastered the ability of the law of space, he no longer has to be busy with cultivation.

On the other hand, after a meeting with the Twelve Branches, Nitro formally submitted his retirement report to the V5 side.

V5 is another name for the five major powers, equivalent to the United Nations, and is the world’s highest level of institutional organization.

The Hunters Association, on the other hand, is supported by the V5 organization.

In other words, the hunter association is controlled by V5.

The reason why the hunter license is privileged around the world is because it is backed by V5, which allows the professional hunter profession to be privileged all over the world.

And Nitro’s position as president also needs to be approved by V5 before he can step down, which does not mean that he can leave it if he doesn’t want to do it, that’s not okay.

If V5 does not agree to Nitro’s resignation, Nitro can only continue to serve as president.

Fortunately, the V5 management finally agreed to Nitro stepping down as head of the Hunter Association and allowed him to retire.

When the news that Nitro was leaving his post and retiring was announced, it caused a lot of controversy and discussion around the world.

Many people are talking about Nitro stepping down from the task.

During his decades in office, Nitro can be said to have deeply influenced many people, especially professional hunters.

And now Nitro is stepping down, which makes those who support him unacceptable for a while.

A few days later, Nitro sent a message to all members of the Hunters Association via official mail to elect a new president, asking the Hunters to return and vote.

After that, the hunters who received the mail rushed to the hunter association from all over the world.

Allen, Kate, Killu, Xiaojie and others also received emails, so they also came to the Hunter Association.

In the association, Allen also met Leoli and Kurapika, who had not been seen for a long time.

Seeing Leoli and Kurapika again, the most excited and happy is naturally Xiaojie.

Xiaojie told the two about the crusade against chimeric ants, so that Kurapika and Leoli learned that after their separation, Xiaojie and Killua experienced such a dangerous thing.

In addition to them, even Siso came to the Hunters Association.

Although Xiaojie was surprised by Siso’s arrival, they didn’t say much, after all, Siso also had a hunter’s license.

Siso was pleasantly surprised by the growth of Jie and Killu.

However, because Allen was there, Siso did not dare to attack Xiaojie and Qilu at will.

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