Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 42 Powerful Level 5 Tips

"Man in the stock market, you don't know the horror and difficulty of the blood woman's ability. Do you want to create a god who can easily decide his life and death?"

Nie Wenbai was speechless and could only roll his eyes in contempt.

"I know you have doubts, but it's none of your business. You just need to know that you can't give the blood woman any more material!"


What a doubt, am I doubting?

I really despise you, do you understand!!

Without saying much, the people at the shelter soon left Nie Wenbai's holding room.

No matter how nice they said just now, they still didn’t release the ban on Nie Wenbai in the end.

Nie Wenbai is not clear about this. What is the use of talking so much?

After the containment personnel leave.

Nie Wenbai's eyes flickered for a moment, and then his eyes moved to Kasha Hao.

He used his mind power to control the pure water in front of Kasha and formed the word "continue".

"Continue to 06? Do we still have to trade?" Kaisha said in surprise.

Nie Wenbai "Of course!"

Let the shelter never expect this.

Even if the two are separated, their transaction can still proceed.

Of course he knows that Kai'Sa will be in danger later, and he even knows that Kai'Sa will explode the planet beneath her feet after being confused for a while!

But so what, in the end, didn’t the planet recover?

If this is the case, then what is there to worry about?

Time flew by again, and soon Nie Wenbai completed the simulation of the state that Kaisha's blood would show after swallowing matter.

The final result was that he stopped because he could not get better materials.

However, even so, the strongest blood state simulated by Nie Wenbai is still scary enough.

in this case.

On the contrary, the people at the shelter found no more evidence of Kasha swallowing substances.

Until now, they didn't know that Kaisha's situation had become so outrageous.

There is no other way, according to Kasha's words, what are you going to do outside?

After breaking out, I had no money or a house.

And he has to be hunted down by the people in the shelter.

Looking at it this way, she might as well stay here, not only providing food and accommodation, but also being able to surf the Internet and watch TV series!

Therefore, in addition to absorbing a lot of substances and becoming very strong.

Kasha's daily life has not changed much.

In this atmosphere, Nie Wenbai began to act like a monster.

Nie Wenbai is bound to gain the ability to create a two-dimensional world of his own in the painting.

Although not the real world.

But apart from the lower latitude, this is indeed a means of creating the universe.

The reference significance is also very strong.

Therefore, he applied to go to the world of paintings.

The excuse is to find someone.

"Analyze, what is the purpose of this decision?"

"He went to the world in the painting for no reason. Putting aside that, how did he know about the world in the painting?"

"That's right, from the beginning, we have never said anything about the world in the painting..."

"The blood girl is definitely the information she exposed."

"No, it's not completely confirmed yet. Even if there is a transaction, it won't be this kind of information!"

"No matter what his purpose is, since he wants to go to the world in the painting, let him go. Without external guidance, I don't believe he can ascend the dimension on his own.

Of course the containment personnel have this confidence, after all, there is such a thing as dimension promotion.

They can't do it themselves. Brother is just an original person from the original civilization!

An application for consent that allowed Nie Wenbai to go to the world of paintings came to him.

In this regard, Nie Wenbai was not surprised at all, because he had already seen it.

The time is in a few days!

In order to make your own chips bigger.

During this time, he was busy submitting world exploration missions.

Rely on search skills and telekinesis to collect information and required materials.

Then submit the task in the form of projection.

Although it sounds like cheating, this is indeed allowed by the system.

However, because these scenes are not special scenes, there are really not many truth points obtained.

But the good thing is.

Nie Wenbai finally saved up 10 million truth points.

Successfully clicked on his level 5 prompt skill.

With the addition of level 5 prompt skills, Nie Wenbai was shocked.

He had thought too poorly about this skill before.

I thought that the greatest ability of level 5 prompts was to predict the details and duration beyond the level 4 prompts.

Unexpectedly, this is just an ability that comes with the level 5 prompt skill.

People’s level 5 reminder is that the greatest ability is also the most important ability.

It’s the end of timeline possibilities!

And the branches of the closing timeline!

What's the meaning?

To put it simply, it was when Nie Wenbai observed the timeline.

You can choose one possibility among the many possibilities, and then gather the other possibilities.

In this way, the world where Nie Wenbai lives will only move forward according to the timeline chosen by Nie Wenbai.

There are no other possibilities, the future becomes a fixed value.

Unless Nie Wenbai intervenes, Tian will produce a new 060 branch.

Or maybe someone who also has the ability to interfere with the timeline takes action.


Upon noticing this situation, Nie Wenbai took a deep breath.

This is an extremely terrifying ability.

Whether it's a fight or whatever.

It is impossible to escape the inevitable defeat of the timeline.

Just like now.

Nie Wenbai was originally very doubtful about his ability to simulate the world in the painting.

After all, there are so many possibilities.

But now…………

Oh, he will definitely succeed, and it won't even change because he observes the timeline.

When he thought of this, Nie Wenbai smiled happily.

If he had known that the prompt skill was so explosive, he would have used the prompt skill earlier.

In this way, there is no need to look at the possibilities.

Now, he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to go to the world in the painting.

But, be patient, be patient.

I can't branch randomly at this time, otherwise the timeline will branch out again and it will be very troublesome to find.

Nie Wenbai advised himself to calm down his fiery heart for a while.

Time flies, and it’s time for Nie Wenbai to go to the world in the painting!!

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