
White light flickered continuously in the cave.

The next day, the chieftain who came to the cave entrance to deliver food looked at the constantly flashing light, dropped the basket in his hand and rushed directly into the cave.

When he entered the cave, he saw Rocky sitting cross-legged in the middle, with two hundred swords flashing white light floating around his body.

One of the swords was Rocky's first materialized weapon, but he had never seen the second sword before.

One was even bigger, and could even be called a giant sword. It was even taller than Rocky himself, and the white light emitted by the two weapons actually seemed like the two swords were broken.

From time to time, white crystals like glass would burst out.

It seemed that the state was a little unstable.

"This... this is……"

Why did Rocky materialize a second sword?

What was he doing?

When the patriarch was wondering, Rocky's body slowly fell from the air.

Rocky opened his eyes and looked at the patriarch.

""Grandpa clan leader, I succeeded!"


What success?

Rocky grabbed the Sword of the Wise King, held the sword in his palm, and handed it to the clan leader.

The sword was still the same as before. Just when the clan leader didn't understand what Rocky was talking about, he suddenly found a strange pattern on the sword.

And isn't this pattern the two divine characters in the cave?

One of them is the divine character for strengthening ability, and the other is the divine character called rule text. The application range of this divine character is relatively wide!

You can do some simple things by relying on the will of the person who engraved the divine character.

For example, the iron box that Jin gave to Xiaojie probably used this divine character, and the iron box can only be opened if certain conditions are met.

Otherwise, unless the power is strong enough, it cannot be opened by brute force anyway.

And Rocky used this divine character

"You successfully carved the word God onto the weapon?"

The patriarch now understood what Rocky was saying, but he was even more excited.


"How did you do this?"

Hearing this, Rocky smiled and said,"I discarded my previous weapons. This is a re-materialized weapon!"

Upon hearing this, the patriarch's smile froze instantly, and he looked at Rocky in horror!

"Are you okay?"

After carefully checking Rocky's body and making sure that there was nothing wrong with him, the patriarch breathed a sigh of relief.

"You idiot, don’t you know that if you abandon the things that you have materialized, you will face the backlash of your thoughts, and the extent of the backlash is not something you can control!"

"If it's more serious, you might die directly!" Are the consequences so serious?

Rocky was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there would be a risk to his life. If he knew, maybe Rocky wouldn't dare to try it.

However, the backlash this time seemed to permanently sacrifice a part of his energy.

But this backlash didn't matter to Rocky. It was just like the successful practice of half a day was invalidated.

It didn't count!

But looking at the appearance of the patriarch, it was indeed impossible to do such dangerous operations casually in the future.

"Don't worry! Chief Patriarch, I'm fine!"


The chief wanted to say a few more words, but then he thought that what had happened had already happened, and Rocky was indeed fine.

"Next time, you must not do such dangerous things. Tell me what you think as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Rocky nodded obediently.

"Okay, tell me! Why did you carve the word God on the sword?"

Pick up the Sword of the Wise King and Rocky pulled the chieftain outside.

He just wanted to try out the new ability of the Sword of the Wise King.

When they got outside, the chieftain was confused. What was he going to do?

But Rocky said directly,"Grandpa chief, be careful. I'm going to attack you!"

Hearing Rocky's words, the chieftain frowned. Is he trying out the new ability on himself?

But from what Rocky said before, Rocky's ability should actually be more suitable for surprise attacks. When he knew the other party's ability, it would be difficult for Rocky's ability to achieve the desired effect.

After all, as a person with materialized abilities, the power of thoughts is actually not strong.

The chieftain smiled and said,"Come on! Grandpa also wants to see the actual effect of your ability!"

However, the next second, Rocky's mouth corners slightly raised.

He swung the blade in his hand violently, and the patriarch frowned when he saw this action.

Didn't they say before that weapons need to be thrown out and then Apparition can be performed!

And Rocky is about ten meters away, so swinging the knife is useless!


Suddenly, a faint sound of glass breaking was heard, and Rocky's whole body exploded as if he had instantly turned into a glass man.

In the flash of white light, the cold blade had appeared in front of the patriarch's neck.

The blade stopped immediately afterwards!

The patriarch stared at Rocky with the tip of the sword pointing directly at his throat.

Although he had used Jian as soon as he realized something was wrong!

But Jian is not hard after all. When facing a strike attack, it can save life but cannot avoid injury. What

's more, facing the situation of a sharp blade now, Jian can't stop it!

If Rocky was an enemy, he would be dead now!

Even though his mental energy is much greater than Rocky's, this unexpected ability is enough to instantly kill enemies who are several times or even dozens of times stronger than himself.

"This is the true ability of this sword. As long as my attack is launched within a certain distance, I can move directly to any position I want around the enemy at any moment!"

"The target can only be the enemy!"

Rocky added in his mind that he had to say to the enemy, I am going to attack you!

Just like the bomb demon, it needs to be accompanied by language to complete the prerequisites before it can be activated.

This is the only way for Rocky to develop this ability using the divine word and constraints without sacrificing anything.

"You little brat... you really are... a monster!"

The clan leader looked at Rocky for a long time and then smiled. It was true that Rocky's ability still had flaws. At least before Rocky grew up, his Apparition was not that strong!

But if you add today's ability to Apparition without throwing, the two abilities combined will be even more terrifying.

When the enemy is used to Rocky's Apparition, if Rocky suddenly activates this ability, it will be a sure kill!

But at this moment the clan leader was more curious,"Where is the other sword!"

"Another sword!"

Lokki smiled.

The Yaksha King Sword, this is Lokki's second weapon, and it is also the ability that Lokki developed for the release system.

The main ability of this sword corresponds to the release system, which can release mind bullets and launch tracking attacks on the target.

As long as it is hit by the Apparition once, it can release tracking attack mind bullets!

Although it is a sword, the main means of attack is long-range attack.

Logically, Lokki should mainly develop melee ability to highlight the advantage of ability, and the reason why he chooses to develop long-range ability.

It is because Lokki is afraid of death and saving his life is important. Long-range attack interferes with the enemy and then takes the opportunity to escape.

If he can use the Yaksha King Sword, then it is no longer an enemy that he can defeat.

There is nothing shameful about running away from such an enemy!

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