The blade was out of his hand, and under the effect of invisibility, there was no trace at all.

Unless you use Condensation!

At this moment, Rocky stared at the direction of the tree, and the blade went around the tree directly, turning and flying over the head of the person hiding behind the tree.

And from Rocky's perspective, he seemed to have sensed the opponent's position. At the same time, he seemed to be able to use Apparition to instantly move to the opponent's position.

This made Rocky stunned.

What was going on with this feeling? The blade was still flying, and Rocky controlled the current limit control distance to no more than fifteen meters.

With Rocky as the center of the circle, the surrounding fifteen meters were all places where the blade could fly and control.

Flying to another tree again, it circled around and flew over the opponent's head.

Rocky seemed to sense it again.

This moment made Rocky think of something.


That's right, the blade flew over the enemy's head and could mark others. At the same time, Rocky had a strange premonition.

If the sword was seen, then it could not be marked!

This feeling made Rocky's heart beat faster for some reason. In just seven seconds, Rocky marked all the five people he found.

The next second, the limit distance for controlling the blade has been reached, and the farther the distance, the lower the speed and stealth.

Rocky gently moved the fingers of his right hand, and the next second, the slowly flying blade in the air disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it came into Rocky's hand.

Accompanied by a slight crystal explosion!

Rocky's mouth corners also slightly raised.

He exhaled gently.


This time it was no longer a flash of white light, but a silent black smoke that appeared from the figure left by Rocky, but it lasted less than a second before disappearing!

Compared with other times of apparition, this moment Rocky felt that his apparition did not seem to increase the impact force or other forces.

The moment he appeared again, the sword in Rocky's hand cut directly at the enemy's throat.


A knife easily cut the opponent's neck, and then Rocky suddenly disappeared in the next second.

Only a faint black smoke was left that quickly dissipated.

Five consecutive flashes.

When Rocky stopped, he had returned to his original position again.

Bang bang bang!

There was a collision sound in the forest.

As expected, there was even a strong smell of blood, which made Rocky stunned.

Just now, he had continuously Apparated and appeared instantly to attack.

Those people couldn't react at all. Rocky could even clearly feel that these people couldn't even use mind defense. They were killed instantly by himself!

If he used mind defense, he wouldn't be killed instantly.

This ability is completely different from ordinary Apparition.

It's hard to explain this kind of thing as ability. Because he wanted to kill these people as soon as possible, the ability responded to him and awakened new abilities! It

's not unheard of for new abilities to be awakened on the spot.

The commander of the Leopard Division in the original book awakened new abilities in the battle with Mo Laowu.

It is true that when a certain emotion or idea is strong to a certain extent, the mind will change and respond.

But unlike that unlucky guy, Rocky's awakened ability is obviously much stronger.

And it's very practical

"what happened?"

"This... this guy is dead!"

The other two people hiding in the forest jumped out from the darkness and looked at their companion lying on the ground. They were both shocked.

After all, their companions were killed without any notice. How could this be possible?

Who did it? Who did it?

When did they do it?

With their eyelids lowered, their companions were killed. This was simply too weird.

At this moment, Rocky's sword had already been thrown over, and it was also hidden. However, this time Rocky felt that there was no need to mark it.


Although these people are Psychic users, they are very different from the people in the Phantom Troupe.

Not to mention compared with Wogin.

The two were looking at their companions on the ground, and suddenly a strong wind blew from behind them.

The moment he turned around suddenly, a sword pierced through his head and stabbed out directly from the back of his head. Blood flowers bloomed behind the opponent's head. Exploded.

Rocky's thin figure, like a monkey, pierced the opponent's head with a sword in one hand, grabbed the opponent's hair with the other hand, and stepped on the opponent's shoulders with both feet.

At this moment, his eyes fell on another person.

And this guy seemed to be scared silly, with his eyes wide open and an expression of complete fear.

And the next second, Rocky pulled out the bloody sword, rolled backwards in the air, and the knife in his hand flew out of his hand and flew directly to the opponent.

Seeing the attacking blade, the opponent did not even think about fighting back, and tried his best to escape.

Turned around and ran.

And the next second, a sword appeared on his right side, and he could see from the corner of his eye that the sword almost caught up with him instantly.

But he was still glad that the opponent's attack was off.


White crystals appeared around him.

A hand suddenly Grabbed his hair and pulled it back!

The whole person flew into the air, and Rocky fell down with the sword in his right hand and pierced the opponent's heart.


Blood splattered, making half of Rocky's face splashed with blood.

He let go of the guy and let him fall to the ground.

Rocky looked at the other person coldly, with the sword still stuck in the other person's heart.

The other person stared at Rocky, with fear and surprise in his eyes.

It seemed that he couldn't believe it when he saw Rocky's childish face.

A little kid...

I was actually killed by such a little kid!

Rocky squatted down and fumbled on the other person's body, and soon found a mobile phone.

Opening the address book, ignoring the calls at the back, he found that the latest call was five minutes ago, and a call was made every ten minutes.

There were a total of two different numbers, all of which are communicating with each other according to this time pattern.

It seems that in addition to the group of people here, there are two other places with these assassins.

We must return as soon as possible, and there are two more groups of enemies that must be dealt with, otherwise the survivors of the Kuluta tribe will probably be wiped out in this forest.

Rocky raised his hand out of thin air and threw the long sword that was supposed to be inserted into the enemy's heart. The sword disappeared from the opponent's body and reappeared, already flying rapidly into the distance.

Maintaining the state of shadow, Rocky directly and quickly followed the flashing sword. It took only a few breaths to reach the position of Pairo.

At this time, Rocky did not come out immediately, and controlled the sword to fly towards Pairo.

Pairo stared at the surroundings. As an ordinary person, he could not see anything at all.

And suddenly two words appeared on the ground in front of him!


Pairo was stunned for a moment, and then one word after another appeared.


When he saw this word, Piro didn't know what was going on. However, the next second, two more words appeared.


When he saw the word Rocky, although he didn't know how Rocky did it, he stood up immediately and waved to the tribesmen around him.


His words also made the people hiding in the dark stunned for a moment. They finally started to move, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry to do it...

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