Hunter X Hunter: The Blind Swordsman Of House Zoldyck

Chapter 101 Shock! The Wrath Of Bakhara!

"oh oh......"

The people who had reacted came back to their senses, and rushed to catch the big-nosed mad pig...

Each displayed their own unique skills...  

Snake Envoy Babu blew his flute, called out a poisonous snake, silently bit the big-nosed wild pig, and immediately turned it over...

The martial artist cleared his shoulder and threw the big-nosed mad pig to the ground, and passed out...

Hanzo is worthy of the name of a ninja, he played the ninjutsu of "turning a stone", and easily played with a big-nosed wild pig, causing it to hit the stone, and his head was broken...

When everyone is killing pigs and killing pigs

Gon noticed that Roy watched quietly without moving, and asked curiously: "Uncle, don't you want to catch Zero Three Seven?"

Roy took off the wine gourd, took a sip of the clear mountain spring, and smiled: "Go do your work, be careful not to be picked up by pigs."

"O...Okay." The hedgehog-headed boy leaped into the forest with a fishing rod on his shoulders, aimed at a big-nosed wild pig, and hit its head with ten fishhooks.

Shouted loudly to the scumbag fleeing in a panic: "Leorio~ attack the head, the head is its weak point."

Thanks to Gon, Leorio used a vine to trip over a boar, knocked a briefcase on its head, and successfully completed the kill!

"Oh ho ho ho~ You little brat is not sensible, let me do things like killing pigs for you, Mr. Tianwei."

Hisoka flew out a card and killed two boars, keeping one for himself and dedicating one to Roy.

It's a pity... Roy didn't appreciate it, he glanced at him and said, "I know you very well? Or are you self-righteous?"


Heart-piercing, even more excited, this feeling is even more exciting than the fantasy of being whipped by Mr. Tianwei!

Ah~ As expected of Mr. Tianwei, I really... wish I could chew on you right now~ oh ho ho ho ~

Hisoka lowered his head, put his chin on his chest, and the corners of his mouth were hooked into a deep V shape, trying to control himself and took another look

Roy walked straight past him, gently beckoning to a big-nosed wild pig that was about to escape: "Come here."

The big-nosed wild pig trembled visibly, actually turned its head and walked towards Roy

Its eyes are full of fear, but its body is contrary to its brain, it doesn't obey orders at all, it's unspeakably weird!

It's as's a full-fledged porcupine that roasted itself...what the hell?!

"Could it be that this guy's Nen has something to do with "beast control"?" Men Qi frowned, looking at the big-nosed wild pig who only obeyed Roy's orders, and those who didn't know thought they were looking at a dog.

And to be able to do this kind of thing, in Men Qi's cognition, only the Eudemons Hunter, who was born with a hundred beasts, can do it.

Buhara nodded in agreement: "Perhaps, this is really the only explanation..."

"Big-nosed and mad pig is one of the most vicious, even ordinary "Phantom Beast Hunters" are difficult to control."

"However, this guy can... Can you just say that he is the young master who came out of the Zoldyck's house that raised the dragon?"

In order to catch these boar-nosed wild pigs, Buhara also specially found a "Phantom Beast Hunter" friend and did some tricks.

Now it seems that in the eyes of the second young master of the Zoldyck family, these hands and feet are …

However... "No, he's not the Eudemons Hunter!" Sa Ci clearly saw from hiding in the tree, this big-nosed wild pig was obviously captured by Roy's aura, just like the one who pretended to be him and a group of candidates before. Ape like...

The difference is that one fainted, and the other was deliberately targeted, so that fear dominated the body, so they did such unbelievable behaviors!

"Aww~" the big-nosed wild pig howled, tears streaming down his face, step by step, under the direction of Roy's eyes, he walked to the side of the bonfire set up by many candidates and became the only one. A porcupine who puts himself on the grill

It screamed horribly, and still had a clear consciousness. Compared with the compatriots who died around it, there was an envious look in its eyes.

This weird and intrusive picture is reflected in the field of vision of Hanzo, Babu, Burns, Qingqing, Greta and others, making these people's scalps tingle...

At the same time, a thought flashed in my mind-

One day they won't be thrown into the fire to be roasted by Mr. Tianwei like this pig, right?

Tsk~ No... definitely not... as long as I don't mess with him, wouldn't it be fine?

Several people subconsciously looked at Roy... Roy seemed to be aware of it, and glanced at him lightly. They felt a chill on the back of their necks, and hurriedly lowered their heads.

"Crack~crack~" The bonfire jumped, splashing a few sparks...

The smell of meat is accompanied by the sound of "呲啦~" dripping on the ground, permeating...not to mention how fragrant it is......

Gon and Leorio got together and licked their mouths. After going through all kinds of hardships, they finally got here. They didn’t bother to eat a mouthful of hot food. Now their stomachs are growling, and their eyes are fixed on the whole roasted pig. But it made them hungry...

It's a pity..."Be patient, you can't eat @!" Kurapika glared at the two of them and reminded them.

Buhara is talking about "roasted whole pigs", missing a piece of skin is not complete... In order to pass the test, Gon and Leorio had no choice but to close their eyes, and obeyed Kurapika's words. Already…………….

As a matter of fact, all the examinees who caught the wild boar did the same thing. To suppress their hunger, they had to roast the pig and then pay tribute to Bukhara.

It's a pity... People are hungry, they just want to eat...

Sensing that the pig was almost roasted, a stick knife came into everyone's eyes, with a light pick, a whole roasted pig was skewered away!

Everyone was stunned, turning their necks stiffly [following the power to look——

Roy blew on the "roasted whole pig" that had just been roasted, pointed at the fattest pig, and took a bite!

Everyone: "...

I haven't recovered yet,

Then an angry growl was heard

"Do you dare to eat my pig?!".

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