Cyborg Eighteen, whose real name is Lazuri, is a character in the Japanese manga Dragon Ball and its spin-offs. Originally a beautiful and normal Earth woman, she was later transformed into an artificial human by Dr. Gro along with her twin brother No. 17.

Artificial Man No. 18 has blonde hair and blue eyes, a tall figure, and is a cold and beautiful image.

Like a normal human being, she also likes to dress up and money, and at the same time, she is a kind person who loves nature.

Although No. 18 is an artificial human, she is actually modified from a human body, so she can give birth.

I didn’t expect to show such a role.

Moreover, after the eighteenth was manifested, Roy also received news in his mind.

That is, after the life form in the comic book world is manifested through the ability of mind, the ability of mind will automatically add the worldview of the world to the object of the manifestation, and set up a subconscious such as “he is the most important person in my life”, “he is my master”, “I can’t hurt him”.

This is the basis for ensuring the personal safety of those who are able to do so.

Awesome, my manga reading ability!

Of course, there are still limitations, this is only the subconscious, although it will be useful for the vast majority of life, but what if you encounter those who are unreasonable?

For example, Frieza, not to mention the important people in his life, even his father and brother, as long as he dares to block his way, he will not hesitate to kill the killer.

Not to mention monsters like Sharu and Majin Buu who kill simply for the sake of killing.

It’s okay if it’s fat Buu, if it’s Thin Buu….

Forget it, back to the present.

Roy looked at the absolutely beautiful face in front of him, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

I don’t know if the subconscious of the eighteenth in front of me has a role ~

Moreover, this is the hunter world, and the combat power at that level of the Dragon Ball world is not a grade, I don’t know if the ability can fully show the strength of the eighteenth.

Thinking of this, Roy’s eyes moved.

With his current energy and mental power, it is impossible to have the strongest version of the eighteenth, which is definitely a weakened version.

If you want to maximize the full version of the eighteenth, then only …

Constraints and vows!

Make rules, swear them in your heart, and stick to them, the tougher the rules, the more powerful they will be.

Restraint and oath are double-edged swords, and a bad one may eat away at oneself.

But… Looking at the eighteenth in front of him, Roy’s eyes became firm.

“I want to maximize the original strength of the eighteenth and set the rules:

1. “Dragon Ball” will become the most famous and influential manga the world has ever seen in the future!

2. “Dragon Ball” will change the entire landscape of manga in the world!

3. Dragon Ball will affect two entire generations!

4. “Dragon Ball” will become the world’s highest-selling manga!

5. “Dragon Ball” will become a masterpiece in the hearts of all manga fans, the uncrowned king!

6. I will draw three national manga after “Dragon Ball”!

7. I will finish “Dragon Ball” normally, I will definitely not drag the plot for rewards, and when I finish, manga fans will definitely cry and shout for me to continue drawing “Dragon Ball”!

The above seven rules will definitely happen in the future, and if one of them is not achieved, I am willing to pay all the corresponding costs! ”

Roy did not hesitate in the slightest moment when he made his vows.

Just kidding, this is Dragon Ball!

It has already proven its influence in the original world of Roy, let alone the current barren and backward hunter world of the comic industry!

So Roy is not at all worried that these rule conditions will not be met.

Then, the next second after the rules were set, after the seven rules of the vow were set, a dazzling white light rose from the eighteenth body.

Then, Roy suddenly felt an extremely terrifying aura coming from the eighteenth body!


Dry Mountain, sitting in a rocking chair, a little old man who was watching cartoons opened his eyes slightly.

At the headquarters of the Hunter Association, the unorthodox old grandfather who was drinking fragrant tea and staring at the female employee’s chest raised his head.

Extremely far away from the Six Continents, a dark place.


A man who couldn’t see his appearance clearly, but felt vaguely similar in appearance to the hunter’s protagonists, Jeffrex and Jin Fulix, stopped moving.


This breath appears quickly, and passes away quickly.

Except for Roy, the initiator of all this, and a few masters in the entire world who noticed some clues, the rest of the people knew nothing about it.

At this time, No. 18 had recovered his clarity from the confusion that had just appeared.

Her cold eyes looked around, until when she saw Roy, who had been staring at her, her eyes suddenly softened.

Seeing the change in Eighteen’s eyes, Roy breathed a sigh of relief.

The eyes are the windows of the heart.

Seeing the change of emotion in the eyes of the eighteenth, Roy knew that this wave was stable!

I just don’t know to what extent her strength has appeared.

But feeling the terrifying aura before, it should be no problem to sweep the six continents… up ~

The next moment, No. 18 slowly walked towards Roy with light small steps.

The sound of boots stepping on the ground was soft, and soon, the distance between the two became very close.

Roy could even smell the faint fragrance on Eighteenth!

Looking at the beautiful face of No. 18 up close, Roy was a little lost for a while.

Number Eighteen looked at Roy’s appearance, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly without leaving a trace.

“Yi, I saw a beautiful gem in the mall two days ago and bought it for me~”

Number Eighteen said in a faint, somewhat imperceptible gentle and coquettish tone.

“Gems?” Roy came back to his senses.

The next moment, he understood.

For Cyborg Eighteen, the most important people in her life are only three people.

Twin brother Seventeen, daughter Talen, and her husband Kling, who are also artificial humans.

With this tone, it was clear that in her subconscious, Roy was not a child’s character.

And with the nature of the eighteenth, she obviously would not let her brother buy gems to give her.

You know, in some ways, gemstones are synonymous with love!

Then it is clear that Roy’s role is to take Klin’s place.


Looking at the faint expectation in No. 18’s eyes, Roy accurately found his positioning.

“I don’t have much money on me now, but when the manuscript fee for the comic is sent, I will personally accompany you to the mall to buy it at that time!”

Although Roy is a single dog, it does not prevent him from knowing a lot of love theories.

He knew that at this time, men must not be instigated, and they must slap their chests to the sky.

Sure enough, after getting Roy’s reply, Eighteen’s eyes became softer.


Answering gently, Number Eighteen turned his head to look at the surroundings, and then raised an eyebrow.

“The environment here is so bad, it is not airtight, and the light is not good!”

“The furniture is too old, even if you don’t need luxurious equipment, you still need the most basic sofa in the home.”

“And the space is too small, it may be good to live alone, and two people can only barely squeeze!”

Roy: “…”

“Ahem, this is a studio and dormitory specially equipped for me by the magazine, in fact, it is quite comfortable.”

After touching his empty pockets, he really didn’t have any extra money to change his place now.

If it weren’t for the magazine to manage the meal, he might not even have a problem eating now.

The main thing is that in the past few days, I have only focused on painting “Dragon Ball” to catch up with the draft, and I haven’t had time to earn money.

“That’s not okay, you must change to a better house, at least have a wide room.”

Number Eighteen is very firm about the problem of the house.

“Didn’t you just draw a cartoon for your boss? Let him change one for you? ”

Looking for Old Luke?

People have just arranged a gold plate for the comics they arranged, and now they are going to rush to ask people for a good room, which is really embarrassing….

“If we have children in the future, can you bear to let him live in such an environment?”

Roy: “… Change! I’ll go to Mr. Luke now! ”

It is a matter of one’s own lifelong affairs in the future, and this cannot be sloppy.

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