Mo Lao Wu and Norbu's bet was destined to have no winners, after all, half of the talismans of the disciples on both sides were in the hands of the other party.

If anything, should it be considered a draw?

In this way, Nitro also avoids the result of being a stinky gutter.

Nitro's decision on chimeric ants is indeed the safest way to deal with it when there is enough time.

However, the problem arises in time.

The birth of the ant queen came much earlier than experts had predicted.

Ant nest, the deepest part.

The way a chimeric ant queen gives birth to a chimeric ant is to first conceive in her belly for a period of time, and then give birth to the eggs, waiting for the eggs to hatch naturally.

The queen ant was supposed to be this process as well.

However, the problem lies in the queen's desire to provide more adequate nutrition for her children, and she did not give birth to the ant queen until she was fully conceived.

The ant king woke up from his slumber, and he couldn't wait, and he directly punched the queen in the abdomen.

Tear it apart and walk out of it.

This act of "caesarean section" also caused the queen to let out a human wail for the first time, luring the division commanders who were still in the ant nest.

When the division commander arrived, the first thing he saw was the ant king.

Unlike other chimeric ants, his head is crowned with a cap-like exoskeleton that resembles an ant's head, with blood-red pupils and antennae that descend into earlobes that descend to the collarbone.

The powerful tail hung down behind him like a giant needle, and the exoskeleton was dark green, turquoise, and dark purple.

All chimeric ants could feel the invisible majesty emanating from him.

All the chimeric ants also understood his identity at the first glance of seeing him - the king of chimeric ants!

The commanders of the Ant Dynasty Division gave his first order: "I'm hungry, go and prepare a delicious meal." "

Without waiting for the division commanders to respond, the queen's wail made them look over.

That's when they noticed the queen with her entrails scattered all over the ground.

"Oh no! the Queen's internal organs are badly damaged!"

Peggy said, hurrying to check on the Queen.

However, before he could get to the end, the ant king's tail swept over.

This time, Pei's head was shattered.

"Don't make me say it a second time, go prepare the food. "

The Ant King looked up and added, "Also, it's a little dirty here, take me to a bigger and more spacious 410 room." "

There was no response from the division commander, and everyone was in a cold sweat.

Seeing this, the Ant King pointed at Korudo with Peggy's bloody tail, "Hey, wipe it clean." "

The reason why Korudo was chosen was because the ant king noticed that he was still looking at the queen with concerned eyes.

This made the ant king very unhappy, thinking that he was not being taken seriously.

The old tortoise-form division commander beside Korrudo pulled out a handkerchief.

He flattered and said, "Hehehe, Wang, my subordinates just happened to have handkerchiefs......"

Before he could finish speaking, the old turtle was treated like Peggy.

The division commanders are not stupid, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the ant king is using the deaths of these two division commanders to establish his majesty.

"I said it, don't let me say it twice. It's you, hurry up!"

The form is stronger than the human, and Korrudo had no choice but to pick up the handkerchief dropped by the old turtle and wipe the tail of the ant king clean.

The ant king flicked his tail in satisfaction and asked again, "Where is the food?"

"Here it is. Nephi Pedo's voice rang out from the side.

Turning his head, the three people who were directly in the escort team didn't know when they had been kneeling there on one knee.

"King, the meal is ready for you. "

"From now on, the three of us will be your subordinates. "

Nephi Petos: "Get whatever you want." "

Mengtu Youpi: "I will fulfill all your wishes." "

Tyapf: "Please feel free to give me any orders. "

"Hmm. Let's go, take me to eat. "

For the three of them to swear allegiance, the Ant King just nodded indifferently.

For him, the three people who directly belong to the escort team are just useful tools.

The character of the ant king who was born only has the brutality and domineering of animal nature.

Compared to other chimeric ants that have incorporated human genes, he is more like a pure chimeric ant.

"Master Nephi Pito!"

Korrudo called out to Nephi Peto, and he pleaded, "The Queen's life is in danger, I hope you can help and use your power to repair the Queen!"

Sadly, chimeric ants' belligerent nature makes them more combative when developing their telepathic abilities.

The huge ant nest couldn't find a single aid that could heal the queen.

And Nephi Petto, even though she didn't want to restore Kate's body as she did in the original books, was still inspired by the battle with Kate.

As a result, a "Toy Repairer" has been developed that can be used to repair damaged tissues and organs, prevent the decay of dead bodies, and modify the function and appearance of organs.

After all, cats are naturally playful.

In order to make your toys more playable, it is not surprising that such abilities have been developed.

Korrudo had also seen Nephi Peto's ability, and he thought of it immediately when the Queen's life was in danger.

Unfortunately, Nephi Petus's answer was unexpected.

"The king has been born, and the convoy has nothing to do with her anymore. "

"We've ...... There is no need for a queen. "

Nephi Petor looked back, a smile on his face, but Korudo knew that it was more because of the joy of the king's birth.

And he also read a meaning in Nephi Petero's eyes.

That is, if he continued to force and delay the king's eating, she would definitely kill him without hesitation.

Korrudo said no more.

"Meals are ready on the rooftop with a wide view. Nephi Petor bowed to the Ant King and pointed to the steps upward.

The reason why these escorts came here just now was to prepare for this.

"In that case, it should be faster to go straight up. "

As he spoke, the Ant King slammed his fist into the wall.

I only heard a bang, and the nest of ants several meters thick in the wall was broken, and a large hole with a diameter of several meters appeared in front of the ant king.

The king put his tail on the outer wall of the nest and shook himself hard to reach the top of the nest.

The three guards also showed their abilities and followed closely behind.

Tyapuff spread his butterfly wings, and the disciple did the same, controlling his body to grow a pair of fleshy wings.

Nifer Petor deftly taps on the outer wall of the nest to serve the king at the top.

On top of this, the three guards set up a gazebo, and the meat balls made of humans were placed on the table.

The ant king picked one up and took a bite, and spit it out without chewing twice.

Nephi Pitous asked, "Isn't it to your liking?"

"Well, it tastes so light. The Ant King nodded.

"I'm going to get some seasoning. "

"No, I don't mean seasoning. "

The Ant King tossed the ball of meat in his hand aside and said, "In that woman's stomach, I have eaten food with a strong taste. "

Nephi Petus thought for a moment and said, "You mean rare food, right?"

As she spoke, she passed information about rare foods in her mind.

"That's it, my body craves that indescribable satisfaction, and I'm going to eat that. "

"Then, allow me to go out hunting for you," said Syapov. "

"Don't worry, wait until I have something to eat. "

"However, there is no food here that will satisfy you. "

"Who said that? There's not much down there, is it? (CBFA) isn't pure enough, but it's barely satisfying. "

The Ant King stomped his feet, and the three guards understood what the food he was referring to was - the chimeric ants that had opened their minds.

Do the three guards have any comments on this? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since the birth of the king, they have not been in the same camp as the other chimeric ants.

And the ant queen regards all creatures other than himself as edible food.

After a simple bite to eat, the ant king went out hunting under the leadership of Tyapev.

The Mengtu disciple Yupi, who could also fly, followed behind with Nephi Petus.

And the division commander also launched an operation on his side.

After some consultation, several division commanders close to the queen decided that Korudo should go out to seek the help of the human powerhouses.

The other faction, which already had its own ideas, decided to leave the ant nest and become kings each.

In fact, it is understandable that the division commanders have such thoughts, after all, this is also one of the instincts engraved in the genes of chimeric ants.

When the queen of an ant nest dies, the chimeric ants will scatter and become the new king to reproduce.

And the human mind that focuses on the individual fosters this instinct, so that the division commanders have the idea of becoming kings themselves before the queen is completely dead.

There are at least seven division commanders who have such ideas.

The chimeric ants of the "royalists" are in the minority compared to this.

That is, the queen is not dead, and there is no great rebellion among the division commanders.

Otherwise, there might be chimeric ants jumping out to taste the queen now.

Korudo didn't know that the nest was about to fall apart, but he had a guess about it, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the humans for help.

At this time, he held a white flag and found Mo Lao Wu and Norbu.

Because of the existence of the white flag, the two who originally wanted to hide in the [Fourth Dimension Apartment] decided to stay and check the situation.

As a result, Korrudo opened his mouth and was a king bomb.

"The king has... Born. "

"How is that possible?!"

"It's too fast, it's not what I expected!"

Mo Lao Wu and Norbu were surprised.

Korrudo ignored the disbelief of the two, as if he was still immersed in the fear that the Ant King had brought him.

"He, no, they're all demons!"

Norbu and Mo Lao Wu guarded Korudo and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

Instead of explaining, Korrudo pleaded, "Please, the queen is in danger because of the birth of the king. "

"If the Queen's life is not saved, the limits of responsibility of the division commanders will be completely lifted. "

"At that point, things will go in an uncontrollable direction. "

From a human perspective, Korrudo tries to make Nobu and Mo Lao Wu realize the seriousness of the problem.

Nobu was not gullible about this. []

"Specifically, what will turn out?" he asked.

"They may set themselves up as kings," said Korudo, "and scatter to establish their own kingdom and multiply. "

"Among the division commanders, there are already four or five people who have this idea. "

"Once the chain of command collapses, I'm afraid that there will be many people at the military commander level who will have such thoughts. "

"They will spread all over the world and wreak havoc on the local ecology. "

Soldier ants can also reproduce, which is somewhat beyond the scope of Mo Lao Wu's knowledge.

Mo Lao Wu asked Norbu for confirmation: "Do the soldier ants of chimeric ants also have the ability to reproduce?"

"Yes. "

Nobu's expression was serious, he knew more about chimeric ants than Mo Lao Wu.

So he knew exactly how terrible the situation was that Korrudo was talking about.

"Studies have shown that soldier ants do not reproduce in nests that are generally centered on the queen. "

"But if the queen dies, the soldier ants will leave the nest and scatter everywhere and gain the ability to reproduce. "

"At this time, the soldier ants will forcibly mate with the female xenomorph to give birth to the next generation. "

So, he shouldn't be lying. "

Nobu looked at Korrudo, but he didn't say it all.

Previous studies have only focused on ordinary chimeric ants, which are at most half the size of a knuckle.

And now they are dealing with chimeric ants that have human genes, or at least recognize their size.

Among them are chimeric ants with human female characteristics.

This means that once they leave the nest and establish themselves as kings, they are likely to embark on the path of chimeric ant queens again.

Another wave of chimeric ant plagues in another place.

It's just that none of this has happened yet, and speaking out only adds to the annoyance.

That's why Norbu didn't say it explicitly.

Even so, Mo Lao Wu has realized the seriousness of the problem.

He turned to Korrudo and asked, "You... What's your name?"

"Korudo. "

"Korrudo, right? We'll take you to our president and tell him what you just said. "

"But I don't know if the president will believe you. "

Mo Lao Wu reminded: "Even if he believes you, there is no guarantee that he will let you go back alive." Are you going to come with us in that case?"

Korrudo didn't hesitate: "Of course! the sooner the better!

"Come on, then. "

Nobu lifted his glasses and opened his [Four-Dimensional Apartment].

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