The idea of setting up a porridge stand took shape in he Mai's head. When he Mai told Liu Lang what he thought, Liu Lang could not help clapping his hands and saying, "porridge stand? That's a good idea indeed

Almost none of the people who had drunk the gruel cooked by cereal did not praise her skill. And he Mai's porridge, there is no one who does not miss.

Maybe he Mai can't compare with the chef in the restaurant. But in making porridge, LIULANG has full confidence in cereal.

"However, porridge can be divided into hot and cold as well as taste. Now that the autumn tigers are gone, the cold porridge is too cold to make. But if you make hot porridge, it's difficult to keep it. I'm afraid it's troublesome to carry it with you. " Homado.

LIULANG pondered for a moment and said, "it's easy to do. The locust tree I brought back two days ago has a lot of materials left, just enough to make two barrels. I'll make you four small casks first. Let's try them in the early stage. If there are many guests, I'll give you some big casks again! "

"Good!" He Mai nodded seriously, "is the material enough to make a few spoons?"

"Enough, I'll do it together!" LIULANG readily agreed.

The tree LIULANG took back is a new one, which is different from those old trees. It also has a light fragrance.

He had planned to make a big bath for Hemei, but there was so much material left. This piece of wood is really suitable for making utensils in the kitchen. LIULANG's craftsmanship is exquisite. It's stronger and more beautiful than those wooden barrels bought by the grocery store outside.

Liu Lang made a rough estimate. At present, their plan is just taking shape. If they have to wait until the equipment is ready and the seats are set, then they can sign all the procedures. It will take two or three months.

At that time, it was already in the deep winter, and it was difficult to walk on the road in that cold winter, not to mention taking a few porridge buckets on the road. Even if there was an ox cart, it would be useless. It was strange that the porridge water didn't slip out of the bucket.

So he and he Mai discussed that when the next spring comes, when the ice and snow melt and everything recovers, they can buy this porridge stand again. At that time, it's convenient to go home, isn't it?

He Mai was very talkative and agreed immediately.

She also thinks what LIULANG said is really a problem.

It's hard to walk in the cold weather, not to mention that they are still "apprentices" who have little knowledge of the matters needing attention and tips.

If you want to do it, you have to do it well, step by step, and walk down-to-earth. Only in this way can you avoid detours!

Therefore, they quietly started some preparations and appliances before going out of the porridge stand. They were not anxious, flustered and dry.

When the pace of late autumn is about to stop and the year is about to enter the early winter, another thing happened in Xiaoqing village that everyone likes to talk about.

Zhao and fangbitian fight.

Fight not calculate, two people also will Lin Changxi scolded one meal.

Nearly two months have passed since Zhao's falling into the river and being soaked for a day and a night. After the woman bought the medicine from Xu Jiang, the "black hearted doctor", she recovered quickly without any scar.

When Zhao gets better, the first thing he does is to seek revenge.

Lin Changxi hasn't been home for a while. Zhao's family is taken care of by his mother's family.

Therefore, fangbitian didn't expect that Zhao's family would get better so soon. She could gather a large group of Niang's family and come to her home to "revenge".

Zhao asked his mother's family to surround the front and rear doors of fangbitian's family, while he knocked on her door angrily.

On the day she came, fangbitian just sent her son Changxin away in the morning. When she came back, Ji Ji was ready to have a go home. But unexpectedly, she was blocked at home. When she saw that it was Zhao with a group of people, she was a little flustered.

However, fangbitian is a woman who has been wandering in Xiaoqing village for many years. She can chew her tongue in Xiaoqing village for so many years, but she hasn't been beaten. That's also something she can do.

Seeing that Zhao's men were about to kick her door open and rush in, fangbitian gritted her teeth and went to the roof.

Zhao's house a search, did not see anyone, just about to open smash, see fangbitian yelled on the roof.

"Zhao xiu'e, don't put your nose on your face! You came to my house to smash things. Don't you pay for my things? You think you have a family? I tell you, Zhao Xiue, I have not only my mother-in-law family, but also my mother-in-law family! "

"Pooh! You rotten son of a bitch can not only drill men's crotch, but also climb the house, can't you? " Zhao's face was ferocious, with one hand akimbo, the other hand lit fangbitian on the roof, "do you have a family? Do your mother-in-law and family know that you are going to drill the old man's crotch one by one? Have you been through all the men in Xiaoqing village? Where did you all do that? Field or grass? Tell us, where do you like to steal men? "

"Don't gloat there, Zhao Xiue. Yes, I did that with your elders. Why? Who made you look like a dead fish in bed? If you take care of yourself again, you will feel sick when you look at your face yellow and sticky phlegm. Which man will not feel sick when you look at it? ""You Old Whore have the face to talk about me? Your house is almost a cave! I really don't know how your son opened his mouth to call you a whore. I don't think he's a good thing. He's still studying. I Pooh! "

Swearing is not as good as children. It's an unwritten rule for thousands of years, but today it's broken by Zhao.

Fangbitian also can't bear to show weakness, around Lin He Miao began a dirty attack, the abuse, let people listen to all blush and sigh.

The two children didn't make any mistakes, but when they got the wrong baby and became their children, they could only suffer from this kind of "Feilai Henghua".

Two women who are dazed by anger attack each other with one eye and one word. Outside fangbitian's courtyard, there are many villagers coming to see the scene.

Zhao's usual abusive bullying people are bullying, and fangbitian and her face and heart is not the master, the two never face to face confrontation.

But this time, Zhao's oral skill never got the upper hand. After a few rounds of draw, he only heard Zhao yell, "you rotten eyes and rotten intestines bitch, you don't steal my man, but also do damage to my daughter, Da Fu. Go up and drag her down, Da Yong throw stones to kill her!"

Da Fu Da Yong is a pair of nephews of her mother's family. At the age of 18 or 19, she is very aggressive.

Just now, if it wasn't for the sake of looking at Fang Bitian as a woman, I was afraid that she would have climbed onto the roof and dragged her down.

At this moment, Zhao also opened a mouth, two and a half size guys went to find a basket on the roof, one to pick up half of the stone.

Zhao is not idle, one side and Fang Bitian you a I a of scold don't admit defeat, one side to the yard to pick up stones.

All the women she brought were men. Now there were two big and small men to fight. The rest of them could not go forward even if they hated Fang Bitian.

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