The grocery store is very close to a teahouse near the water in the town. When they come out of the grocery store, they want to go to the teahouse to have a rest, drink tea and listen to books. By the way, they can also spend time here and wait for the trees to go back together.

When you enter the Linshui teahouse, you need to pay ten Wen copper coins per head. After you enter, you can listen to books and drink tea at any time.

He Mai gave the two men's money and was ready to go in with the grass, but he didn't find the shadow of the grass.

He Mai looked around for a circle, thinking that the last time he saw the grass was in a place where he was juggling.

No way, he Mai had to look back quickly.

Although Qinghe town is not a big place, it's not easy to find a person.

Can just turn around, grass did not see, but saw a familiar figure.

Xu Jiang.

He Mai thought that she was wrong. She didn't know that she was wrong until she saw a more familiar figure behind Xu Jiang.

Behind Xu Jiang is LIULANG. They are standing in front of the door of the garden restaurant. They look in a hurry, but they don't see the wheat on the opposite side.

"LIULANG..." He Mai just wanted to open his mouth to call them, but he saw LIULANG and Xu Jiang flash past and enter the restaurant.

He Mai was startled. Through the window of the garden restaurant, he saw the two figures go up the stairs of the garden restaurant and go straight to the second floor.

How did they come to the garden restaurant?

Obviously, when Liu Lang was asked last night, he said he would stay at home.

He Mai doesn't understand, looking at the figure of two people, hesitates.

Seeing that he Mai was standing at the door and didn't go in, the waiter in front of the teahouse came up and asked, "girl, are you going in?"

"I won't go in first..." He Mai said, but suddenly hesitated, then changed his mind, "do you have the second floor facing the east window?"

Xiao ER was stunned. He responded with a smile: "yes, the third private room on the left side of the second floor is the window facing the garden restaurant. However, the cost of tea in that room is more expensive... "

He Mai paid the money. Before he went in, he told Xiao Er, "if you see a girl in blue trousers, please tell her that I'm on the second floor and tell her to come up. Don't watch any more!"

The second child answered, and when he was sent to the teahouse, he weighed the silver in his hand with a smile. "This little girl is not old, but she knows how to hang her son-in-law. Hey, this girl now..."

The second floor of the garden restaurant is often reserved by some rich CHILDES, and many girls will try their best to see these CHILDES and attract their attention.

The second floor of Linshui teahouse is just an excellent location, facing the private room on the second floor of Tianyuan restaurant. As long as the window of the private room is open, the scene inside will be clear.

He Mai went up to the second floor of the teahouse, entered the third room on the left, and let the waiter down.

The benches by the window and the small seats are very good. You can see the private room on the second floor of the garden restaurant. However, the windows of these private rooms are all closed, and I don't know which one LIULANG and Xu Jiang are in?

This private room is very clean. The bead curtain in front of the door is not dense. It will neither block the voice of the storyteller downstairs nor let passers-by see the scene inside.

However, whether the curtain is down or not has nothing to do with wheat.

She didn't spend 50 coppers to come to the private room to drink tea and listen to books.

Just for a moment, she suddenly wanted to know what LIULANG and Xu Jiang were doing in the garden restaurant?

Liu Lang and Xu Jiang discuss something every day. She doesn't know and is not interested in it.

Men always have to do their own things. Women don't have to mix in everything.

But at the moment, LIULANG could not tell Qinghe town clearly before, but he came again and got into the garden restaurant mysteriously, which made him feel curious.

What can make LIULANG and Xu Jiang come together and go straight to the garden restaurant?

Is he going to meet someone, or

More guess, he Mai can't think out, she only knows that she is curious to know the secret of LIULANG and Xu Jiang at this moment.

Maybe, when she goes outside the private room of the restaurant, everything will be clear

Her thoughts were flying wildly, and when she was wondering whether she wanted to pass by, her eyes caught a figure in the front door of the garden restaurant.

A woman with a slim back.

The woman's back slightly raised her eyebrows. When the woman turned around, he Mai's heart jumped.

Why is Lin hemiao here?

She came here alone to For an appointment or for dinner?

It seems that the first one is more likely.

Lin He Miao's face was slightly flying, and he entered the restaurant with a smile.

He Mai's heart was tight, and a thought seemed to rush into his heart: Lin hemiao, isn't he coming to find LIULANG and Xu Jiang?

Before he Mai's heart could recover, he watched the seedlings go up the stairs on the second floor.After she went upstairs to which box, whether she really went to find LIULANG Xujiang or not, he Mai was not sure.

When he Mai hesitated to go to the restaurant to have a look, he suddenly heard a movement downstairs.

I don't know where the grass is coming from. It's passing by Linshui teahouse. The little two in front of the door got the advice of he Mai. Look at the grass in blue clothes and shoes, it should be the girl she was looking for. He came forward to ask, but the grass was worried and didn't give the little two a chance to talk.

"Grass, grass!" He Mai's eyes saw that the grass was in a hurry. He just passed her on the downstairs of Linshui teahouse and yelled.

But I didn't know what the grass was going to do. I didn't hear the cry of wheat.

After the first crossing, the grass turned left and disappeared.

"That girl!" He Mai was so anxious that he didn't care about anything else. He went downstairs in three or two steps and followed the direction where the grass left. However, he found that the crowd had already squeezed the grass away.

This huge sea of people, also don't know this wench in the end where to go?

He Mai searched for it for a long time, and finally found the front of Linshui teahouse.

That small two eyes saw her to come back again, Leng Leng, say: "girl, you this all came out, if go back again, still have to pay a tea money......"

He Mai was angry and funny. "When did I say I was going back?"

Small two flat mouth, see her tired not light appearance, say: "just now I help you see that girl.". That girl is impatient. She can't even listen to me. I can help you. The girl has to go herself

"I see. Thank you very much." He Mai said with a smile, "but I still have to find her. I won't go into the teahouse."

She said, looking at the second floor of the garden restaurant, only to find a window open.

The side of the window just shows Lin He Miao's side face.

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