There were four people coming, but only one of them could go in. He Mai didn't dare to ask Qin to go in.

Qin is old. If he can't bear to see the seedlings suffering, he will have no time to regret!

And she wants to go in, but is stopped by LIULANG.

Li's house is full of villains and ruffians. It's not safe for a girl to go in.

Therefore, the last candidate fell on Helin LIULANG.

He Mai hesitated, bit his lip and looked at Liu Lang, "Liu Lang, otherwise, you'd better go in."

When you enter Li's house, you have to be considerate with those villains. And He Lin is a soft tempered scholar, how to deal with it?

The best candidate is LIULANG!

LIULANG pondered for a moment and nodded.

Then you and Hollin will take care of grandma outside. I'll go first. Liu Lang said to he Mai in a low voice.

With tears in her eyes, Qin handed the parcel to Liu Lang, and said in a trembling voice, "this is the clothes of he Miao, and there are some pastries that she likes most. She must have suffered a lot in these days. Liu Lang, tell her to be obedient and endure for a few more days, and take care of herself!"

"I know, granny," LIULANG agreed, turned around and went out with Li's servants.

He Mai looked at his back, sighed and held Qin's arm tightly.

Before Liu Lang entered Li's house with his subordinates, he was searched all over, while the package Qin gave him was thrown aside and not allowed to be taken in.

"It's just some clothes and cakes. You can check them." LIULANG frowned.

The servant's attitude of body searching was very bad, "no taking is no taking, where are so many words? Go in

And after entering the door of Li's house, someone took a black cloth strip to cover LIULANG's eyes.

Later, someone took him by the hand and stopped at a place for about one hour.

"You can go in." The servant said to LIULANG coldly.

LIULANG took off his blindfold and looked around. Seeing a remote but chic courtyard in front of him, he hesitated and stepped in.

The courtyard was very quiet. The door of the wing room was closed. On both sides of the door stood two elderly women, all of them with fierce faces.

"You only have half an hour. If you don't come out, you can stay in the mansion and be a servant." The woman beside the left door growled fiercely.

When he pushed the door in, there was a strong smell of sandalwood. LIULANG saw a handful of sandalwood in the incense burner in the room, which should have just been lit. His eyes sank.

Entering the room and closing the door, looking to the left, a thin and nervous white figure was sitting on the bed, shivering slightly.

It's Lin He Miao.

A few days later, Lin hemiao's face was more sharp and pale. Now he looked at LIULANG with an expression of grievance and pity. It seemed that tears would flow down the next moment.

It was April, and the room was very warm. But now, Lin hemiao was sitting on the bed in a thick cloak. Her neck and body were tightly covered, but she could still find her shaking body under the cloak.

Is she afraid or expecting?

Looking at the way he Miao dressed up, Liu Lang could not help but understand something, but he also knew that this was expected.

"Brother Yang," he Miao tears down, "why don't you come earlier..."

LIULANG some can't bear, silently stood beside the seedlings, "sorry, we are late."

He Miao rushed into his arms and cried, but he didn't dare to make too much noise.

She hugged LIULANG's waist, and LIULANG did not move.

At this moment, he can't push away Lin hemiao, who is suffering from severe physical and mental problems. Her experience is really a sigh.

"Grandma and Hollin are in the private house outside. They are not allowed to come in, so I have to..." LIULANG didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only say something else.

He Miao was still crying. He cried so much that his cloak slipped down, showing the blue and purple marks on his neck.

Liu Lang opened his eyes and felt a little heavy.

"Don't cry." He sighed and raised his hand to cover his cloak on her neck. "We'll find a way to redeem you."

He Miao's eyes opened, "won't you take me away for a while? Brother Yang, I, I don't want to stay here. Will you take me away? "

"When I sold my house and land at home, I collected more than 300 liang of silver and handed it to Li Zheng. I can only see you once." Liu Lang couldn't bear to say, "if I redeem you, Li Zheng will make a mistake. It will take some time for the money to be collected..."

"It's just some silver. I'll give it back to you when I go out. Brother Yang, I know you can help me out. Please take me now!"

He Miao realized that he would still be left in the courtyard. He trembled all over. "I won't stay here, I won't stay here. You take me, take me!"

She clings to LIULANG and wants to ask LIULANG to take her.

Can six Lang in addition to see her traces of heavy, more is unable to bear."Calm down!" He grabbed the arm of he Miao. "We'll get you out of here!"

He Miao a pair of beautiful eyes, open boss, "you don't let me out now, is to call me dead! Brother Yang, do you only have that woman in your heart, and I don't have a shadow at all? "

"Don't guess. You're too excited," LIULANG tried to stabilize he Miao's mood. "Listen to me, what you have to do now is not to annoy these people in Li's house, so that you can suffer less..."

"I've suffered enough!" He Miao screamed out of control, "you only have Lin He Mai in your eyes. You don't care about me at all! You are like this, grandma is like this, so is Helin! "

"It's nothing to do with him," Liu Lang frowned. "If he didn't want to go to song CAI to inquire about your situation, we would still be at a loss..."

"You lied! Don't say good things for her. I hate her to death! " He Miao's pale skin made his eyes red. "If it wasn't for her, I would marry you! She's the one who should be married to the Li family and be tortured! "

Yang LIULANG could not help but say: "Lin hemiao, be rational! No one wants to see you like this! We all want to get you out of here! "

"You lied!! You only have Lin Hemei in your eyes. You don't care about me at all! I want her to die. I curse her for coming to a worse end than me. I curse her for not dying so well. "

The unscrupulous Lin hemiao makes Liu Lang feel angry. He calmly looks like Lin hemiao is crazy. He is about to say something, but suddenly he sees that the door is pushed open.

Outside the door, a woman yelled at them fiercely: "what's the name of the ghost! That boy, you should go out! "

Lin hemiao trembled violently, grabbed LIULANG's arm and prayed: "brother Yang, don't go Please... "

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