Seeing that he Mai was so excited, Liu Lang couldn't help nodding and praising her idea. "It's really OK to do something in the guise of Buzhao. As long as we can attract some guests in the early stage, it's not a problem that business is booming in the later stage. "

The craft of cereal is here. One person comes to their stall to have breakfast, and then it spreads to the second person. Then it spreads ten, ten, hundred

He Mai didn't dare to imagine how prosperous his business would be, but when he saw LIULANG's support, he was moved and busily managed to make a pretext.

The previous buzhaoqi was made in Qinghe town, but this incident was in a hurry and there was no time to rush. At the same time, he Mai had some rags for his clothes. When he went to Qin's, he pulled some mountain grass to help him. The day was busy.

Qin and Shancao are skillful, and they are responsible for sewing according to the Huabu fonts cut by Hemei. The progress is very fast.

Three people rush to work, finally in the dark will guide the cloth move out.

The long cloth move, the big characters of "congbaopu" in black on the bottom of the flower with arrows, is exactly what he Mai had imagined before. If it is on the wall near the stall tomorrow, it will be very conspicuous.

He Mai was very satisfied with the move.

"Mountain grass, thank you so much." She said to the grass with a smile, "I'll go to my house for dinner later."

The grass didn't care and waved, "thank you! It's not a big deal for sesame! I don't need dinner. I know you have to get up before dawn. How can you bother you? When you earn money, you can invite me to eat good food before it's too late! "

After a few words with he Mai, Shan Cao rushed back to dinner.

Qin ordered he Mai to be careful when she went to the stall tomorrow. If there is no business, don't be sad. Where can a business start?

He Mai answered one by one and told Qin Shi not to worry about her and take good care of his body.

At present, although he Mai has to go back and forth to Qinglu village every day, it's not far away. It's too early to go out, and it's not noon to come back every day. In addition to preparing the food for the next day the night before, he still has a lot of spare time in one day.

When he got home, he Mai saw that Liu Lang was already helping her prepare the things she needed for the next day.

Rice, red beans and peanuts, which need to be soaked and cleaned, have already been laid in the wooden basin. Cabbage and radish have also been cleaned and peeled. Even the bamboo rat meat has been chopped into meat stuffing, only seasoning is needed.

The steamer on the stove has already heated a simple but delicious dinner.

Seeing what LIULANG had prepared, he Mai was deeply moved.

LIULANG is the man behind her, silent and great, always at the right time to help Hemai, no matter what she is doing, LIULANG will always try to reduce her burden.

Liu Lang has done these silent but warm things many times. But in the eyes of he Mai, Liu Lang this time moved her most.

She first proposed to open a porridge stand, which is obviously a hard work for people who are not sure whether they can earn money.

Once upon a time, Liu Lang refused to do it for fear that she would work too hard.

After he agreed to set up a porridge stand, Liu Lang did the most: asking for help, making porridge casks and carts, and buying utensils with her. He was not good at cooking, but he was always afraid that he would work hard to help.

She had experienced life and death with him, and also experienced the smell of firework in ordinary days. He was one of the few men she knew, and also the man she had made up her mind to accompany all her life.

She has long believed that LIULANG is her support and will be the warmth of her life.

"I'm back. Is the flag ready?" LIULANG came out of the inner room and saw that he Mai came back with a smile on his face.

The sleeves of his arms were slightly rolled up, showing his strong arms, carrying a pair of dishes and chopsticks, with a relaxed and warm look.

"It's done." He Mai gently replied, but he grabbed Liu Lang's arm and refused to let him go.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to have a big meal, "Liu Lang thought that he Mai was playing with him, and he reached out and scraped her nose." I can't go to bed until I finish my meal early. You'll cook the porridge in a moment, and I'll watch the fire for you. "

"No, you go to bed. I'll watch." He Mai lovingly hugged Liu Lang and put his chin in his neck socket. "The porridge stall is my own business. Why do you have to do everything now? It's no use to me. "

"What nonsense again," LIULANG laughs, "I can't help you do so much. I can't do such things as making steamed buns, cooking porridge and adjusting the heat. Where can I help you with everything?"

He tapped on the head of he Mai and said, "you little girl, if you have the ability to think wildly, it's like sitting in the room to have a rest. Well, go back to the room and sit down. I'll take the meal. "

He Mai obediently answered, went into the inner room, and saw LIULANG bring up all the food. He picked the food from the bowl and poured hot water for her.

Liu Lang is so careful that he Mai can't help thinking, how good would it be if such a day could last forever?

Even if you don't want to be rich and noble, such everlasting and plain warmth is enough to make people cherish their whole life.……


A few hours later, when he Mai was sleepily washing and preparing to cook hot porridge, Lin hemiao quietly got up from his bed in Lijiazhuang, Yong'an Town, dozens of miles away.

She glanced at Li Zheng, who was snoring like thunder and sleeping like a dead pig. Her eyes were as indifferent as ice.

Dressed in the ground, her crescent white robe outlined by gold thread sets off her incomparably graceful and beautiful. Her face without powder adds two points of flattery, and her actions have a full sense of beauty.

Out of the door, in front of the mahogany gold table in the small hall, the maid whispered something in her ear after serving tea. Then, a short man came in.

Lin hemiao looked at the short man's taut body, frowned, and hooked his fingers to signal him to come forward.

The short man looked very uneasy. After hesitating, he slowly stood beside Lin hemiao.

"Come on, what you found out." Lin He Miao's red lips light open, light way.

"That's right. Yesterday morning, Lin Hemai and Yang LIULANG went to Qinglu village fair. They seemed to want to set up a stall early, but they heard that they didn't say hello to the street secretary, and they came back with incomplete procedures..."

The short man creaked and said everything. He said that he was a little thirsty. After swallowing his saliva, he said, "that's all. There's nothing else."

Lin hemiao shakes the tea in the cup and asks coldly, "what about the woman who came to the Yang family before?"

"It's gone." The man replied.

"Have they been to the drugstore in town these days? Have you ever bought those medicinal materials? "Lin hemiao's voice is deep and greasy, like the birds singing in the forest on a flat day.

"No, not to mention buying medicinal materials, they haven't even been to the door of the drugstore. Besides, Lin Hemei looks healthy, and it doesn't look like What's wrong with your head? People who take those pills. " The short man replied, thought about it, and then said, "but now the doctor in the village is very close to them. Do you want to..."

"All eyes!" Lin hemiao coldly issued an order, "send a few people to stare at Lin Hemai's porridge shop. When appropriate, they can give some 'care'!"


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