At the stall, he Mai warmed the porridge barrel as usual, and the boiler started to fry the steamed buns.

The guests came one after another and left early.

In the early morning breeze, he Mai stood at the stall, feeling the fresh air of the wind blowing on his cheek, and he felt very comfortable.

She looked at the clean and tidy stalls behind her. The small tables were placed in perfect order. The steaming of food on the porridge bucket and small pot of the boiler made her fragrant and attractive in the bright morning light.

It's not a bad day. I'm busy every day. With this small business alone, I can get more than three or two silvers a month. Cereal is very satisfied.

However, this is far from her goal of buying a house in the town.

But after all, everything has to be done step by step. If you want to be fat, you may have to burp.

When he Mai was feeling the beautiful morning wind at the gate of the stall, a man rushed forward in front of the intersection. It was Li Chang'an.

"Ah, where's your man?" Li Chang'an asked in a hurry.

"Go to town," he Mai was too lazy to correct his rudeness. He asked, "old three?"

"What are the old three? Our boss will come to you to collect the protection fee soon! He said yesterday that he would go to Lijiazhuang today. I don't know why he would come to you to collect the protection fee first! "

Li Chang'an was very anxious. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said in a low voice: "you go quickly. Our boss is a little angry. We have to bring several people here! Maybe I'll smash your stall! "

He Mai thought about it and asked, "how many of you?"

"Thirteen," Li Chang'an replied, adding, "maybe five people will come in a moment."

"Including you?" He Mai asked.

"Count me in..." Li Chang'an replied, "I can't help you..."

"I didn't want you to help me," he looked at him calmly. "Can you tell me that I'm very grateful to you. Didn't you eat? Today is my treat

Li Chang'an opened his eyes anxiously, "what else do you want to eat? Why don't you go now? "

He Mai shook his head. "I've just put things away, but steamed buns and porridge haven't been sold yet. Where do you want me to go?"

"How can you be such a girl?" Li Chang'an cried, "after a while, the boss will come and smash your stall. You should cry!"

"How can I be the one crying?" He Mai smiles and shakes his head. "You go back quickly. If your people see you coming to tell me later, it's time to be beaten again."

He Mai reminded Li Chang'an that his face changed. He stamped his feet and muttered a few words. He had no way to leave as soon as possible.

The voice of their conversation was not very loud, and the guests who came to eat steamed buns didn't hear much.

At this moment, several more guests came to the stall, and he Mai quickly went to greet them.

After a wave of guests came, he Mai was very tired.

He Mai just sat down to catch his breath, but he saw a slender palm slapping her in front of her, and under it was a piece of silver, "steamed stuffed bun, porridge."

Before he could raise his eyes, he explained, "my guest, I have one Wen for plain steamed buns, two Wen for meat steamed buns, and one Wen for porridge. I can't find your silver."

The man's body was motionless, and even his palm was lying across his chest in an extremely lazy posture. His face was full of color, and his eyes were peach blossom. He looked at the wheat with a smile, and his mouth was playful.

"Constable Zhang?" He Mai was surprised to recognize that this man was Zhang Kuo.

Zhang Kuo was dressed in a dark blue robe, and his handsome face was a little loose, with a smile on his lips.

"Little girl, you're all right." Zhang Kuo lazily swept around the porridge buns, "is this your stall? What about brother Yang? "

"He's in town. Why are you here?" He Mai was surprised.

He Mai had seen Zhang Kuo before. Although he was not familiar with Zhang Kuo, he also knew that although Zhang Kuo was amorous, he was still a good constable.

He didn't come to Qinglu village in the town, didn't he You're here to investigate?

Zhang Kuo looked at he Mai and sneered.

"Give me something to eat first." He said lazily.

"There are turnips and cabbages in steamed stuffed bun, and there are meat ones..."

He Mai is introducing, but see Zhang Kuo interrupt her words, "meat of vegetable each come two, two bowls of porridge."

How delicious! He Mai said to himself.

Zhang Kuo is elegant and leisurely. After breakfast, he takes out his handkerchief, wipes his fingers, holds the bowl and takes the last bite of food.

He Mai looked at him, "at least we know each other. I won't accept your money for this bun."

She estimated that there would not be any copper coins on this man. Instead of trying to find his silver, it would be like giving him a personal favor.

Zhang Kuo laughed and said, "you'd better take it. I'll eat steamed stuffed buns later. I'm afraid that piece of silver is not enough. "

He said, "it's delicious."No matter whether he is talking or eating, he exudes a playful temperament from the inside out.

In particular, that pair of smiling and affectionate peach blossom eyes is particularly attractive, but he Mai recognized the key point of his words.

"Back? Does your family live here? " He Mai asked in surprise.

Zhang Kuo said with a smile, "yes, I will live here from now on."

He Mai didn't know what he was laughing at, but he saw a group of people from outside.

At the beginning was a fat man with a fierce face, followed by a few men who were not good at all.

Finally, Li Chang'an, who was afraid of his hands and feet, pointed to the fat man in front of him with a worried face and said "boss" to he Mai.

He Mai knew that the fat man in front of him should be Li Heigou, the "eldest" in Li Chang'an's words.

He Mai looked at Li Heigou and thought, sure enough, he is just like his name, just like Xiao Hei's big brother.

"Who is the owner of the porridge shop?" When Li Heigou came up, he lifted the curtain of the porridge bag with a stick and asked the only wheat and Zhang Kuo.

Zhang Kuo looked at he Mai and Li Heigou with misty water. He stepped back two steps consciously, shrugged and said, "it's not me."

Li Heigou squinted at the quiet plain wheat, and some accidents flashed in his eyes, "are you the stall owner here? She is such a beautiful little lady... "

He just looked at and said, but also came a few steps closer, with a pair of colorful eyes up and down looking at the wheat, showing a smile.

"If I had known that the stall owner here was you, I would have come early? Why wait until today? " Li Heigou licked his lips, "little lady, do you want to pay the protection fee, or do you want us brothers to come and protect you in person?"

When he finished, the gangsters behind him burst into a burst of laughter.

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