Although the location of the shop is good, there is not much space inside. LIULANG picked two buckets of water and dragged it inside and outside. Within an hour, the shop was much cleaner.

He Mai put all the boiler pots and porridge barrels in the shop and excitedly said to Liu Lang, "in this way, we can put all the boiler tables in the shop and save the trouble of moving around every day."

LIULANG nodded and said with a smile, "it's just so convenient. It's more economical for you to get caught in the wind and rain."

After a while, he put the key Zhang Kuo gave him to the wheat and went to find Zhang Kuo.

He Mai knows that Zhang Kuo is obsessed with martial arts, so she pesters LIULANG to compete in martial arts. Naturally, she won't say anything more.

The shops have been cleaned up as clean as new, and the boilers and porridge buckets have been put in order. Although there is no spare space for tables and chairs in the house, it is enough to put the tables and chairs in the house at the time of closing the stall, saving the daily moving.

After putting the boiler in place, he Mai fried the steamed buns in the small pot. She looked at the cloth flag lying on one side and laughed. She was very happy.

I think this cloth flag can be replaced by a large plaque.

Her stall, also to be worthy of the name of the porridge shop.



The scene that he Mai moved into the shop was seen by many people on Changting street. The vendors looked at the young girl with envy.

When the room was clean and the pot was on, he Mai put out all the tables and benches.

The woman who had helped her before came. Seeing her busy outside, she came to help her.

He Mai knew her husband's family name was Wang, and called her Wang's sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law of the Wang family, do you come here to help me? Is the elder brother in the stall alone?"

"Yes Wang's hearty smile, "I've packed all the wheat. It's not difficult for him to put all the drawers on the stove! If you have to burn and brush fried buns here, that person will be too busy. "

He Mai put the rag in his hand on the round table outside the shop, went out to look at Wang's stall, and said with a smile, "in the future, we will become neighbors, Wang's sister-in-law. Maybe we can work together in the future!"

Wang said, "I'm not sure! What's that saying? Win win cooperation, isn't it? "

"Yes, that's it," he said with a smile

From the beginning to the end, Wang also talked with he Mai about trivial things, and did not mention anything happened in the porridge shop these two days.

After that, several people came to eat breakfast, and he Mai was very busy. It was Wang who came to help her, until he Mai didn't know how to thank her.

Wang grinned: "thank you! We are so close back! Previously, I thought you were very popular, but you were too far away from me. Now it's close. Isn't it convenient? "

He Mai said with a smile, "yes, it's much more convenient. Wang's sister-in-law, if you need me in the future, just ask. "

Wang answered with a smile. After a while, he watched the guests disperse, wiped his sweat, and asked he Mai, "who is Zhang jiejie's secretary?"

"Well?" He Mai was picking up steamed stuffed buns one by one from the small pot. He was stunned, and then he said, "it's just an ordinary acquaintance, he..."

She wanted to say that Zhang Kuo was originally a constable in the town, but she thought that this was a brief introduction of his demotion to ge cha. If Zhang Kuo knew about it, wouldn't she blame her for being so talkative?

She hesitated and didn't know what to say. Wang's smile shook his head, said some side interruptions in the past, but he Mai was relieved.

When Xiaoshi was about to close the stall, he Mai was relaxed. He packed the low tables and benches outside the stall into the shop and stacked them up. He only collected the two porridge barrels and the cage drawers for buns and put them in front of the door. He was ready to go to the barn for a while to pick up the donkey cart and then put them up.

LIULANG and zhangkuo don't know where they have gone. They haven't come back yet.

He Mai stood in front of the door for a while, and he saw that the vendors had collected the stalls and went home one after another. Suddenly she thought of herself. She closed the door of the stall and went to the west corner of Changting street.

I haven't seen Li Chang'an all morning. What's the boy doing?

Before long, he Mai found the pawnshop at the second crossing in the West.

The pawnshop was empty, and there was a layer of dust on the receiving desk. He Mai yelled inside, but no one came out.

This should have been the place where Li Heigou's group gathered. In the morning, they left Qinglu village and thought that no one would come to this place.

But what about Li Chang'an?

He Mai's heart suddenly flashed an idea, Li Chang'an yesterday in front of Li Heigou openly attend to her, should not be hit by Li Heigou, can't get up?

Thinking about this, he Mai felt as if he was hanging a big stone. He was worried about the safety of Li Chang'an.

The backyard is as empty as the front yard, but in an open room in the backyard, he Mai sees a pair of blue and gray cloth shoes that Li Chang'an wore yesterday.

He Mai hesitated, picked up the shoes and went outside.……


Lin Changxi has spent countless days in hunger and pain.

From that day Lin hemiao heard the truth of Zhao's "scolding" outside the door, he shut him and Zhao in the Chaifang.

A daily meal, two bowls of dry rice full of paste flavor with sour leftovers, eating and drinking Lhasa are all in this room, the taste of the room can be imagined.

In addition to the smell of smoked excrement and urine that Lin Changxi can't accept, there is a Zhao who seems to never stop swearing, which makes him feel desperate and angry.

Zhao seems to have accepted the fact that Lin hemiao learned the truth of his life. What he most confides every day is the curse to Lin hemiao, rather than the coercion and inducement that he begged the housewives to let her go.

"Lin hemiao, you have to die! I'll send you to Li's house. Are you doing this to me? Crows know how to feed back. What are you? Little bitches, better than pigs and dogs! " Zhao's voice is as dry and hoarse as a gong. He cries and laughs like a ghost howling.

"I was really blind at the beginning, and I was blinded by the excrement and urine! Why raise you this bastard, a feed unfamiliar wolf! You should be scalded to death by boiling water and sold to brothels, just like your bitch! A thousand people riding on the crotch of ten thousand people can't die well! "

Zhao yelled at the top of his voice for fear that people outside the door would not hear her vent her anger.

Lin Changxi couldn't bear it, "you can do it! If you scold us like this, will she let us go or will she let us go? This is Li Fu, not your jujube village! "

"My brother is still from yamen! If I don't see you these days, won't he come to me? " Zhao's blood red eyes, began to scold the object of transfer to the body of Lin Changxi, "where round get you this coward waste talk?"? Get out of the way

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