When the diners were a little less, he Mai looked at the quiet street across the street and asked Li Chang'an, "did you see Zhang Kuo when I was drawing water in the morning?"

"Brother Zhang? I haven't seen you Li Chang'an shook his head. He tilted his head and recalled, "well, I haven't seen brother Zhang for a while. Where is he?"

He Mai lowered his head and sneered, "I'm not sure where I'm going to get promoted and get rich."

That day, when Liu Lang was repeatedly questioned by Lin hemiao and Hong Daquan, Zhang Kuo just looked on coldly, and even took out the shackles to take Liu Lang back.

In vain, he and LIULANG still know each other, and he always pesters LIULANG to compete with each other. As a result, when something happened, he didn't talk about his feelings at all. He Mai glared at the street Secretary angrily and cursed Zhang Kuo in his heart.

"Well, isn't that brother Zhang? Say he's coming Li Chang'an's voice rang. He Mai followed Li Chang'an's voice and saw that a man and a horse were running outside the street department. When he heard Li Chang'an's voice, the people immediately turned their heads and their eyes fell on the porridge shop.

"Brother Yang!" Zhang kuochong immediately saluted LIULANG with his fists.

"Brother Zhang is back." LIULANG also threw his fist at him and nodded.

He Mai is not as enthusiastic as he used to be when he saw Zhang Kuo. He glared at Zhang Kuo and continued to fry steamed stuffed buns.

"It's the pretty big brother I saw that day!" Summer flower small voice excited up, "he wheat elder sister, he is not a Constable?"? How is it in the street

"He's been nagging. Who knows what he does?" He Mai put down his spade and took a look at the street department. He carefully told the two girls around him, "you don't have to look at other people like dogs. In fact, they have no conscience! Turn a face and don't recognize people! Otherwise, people who work in Yamen are cold-blooded. Zhang Kuo is an example. "

"How can I hear people speak ill of me?" Zhang Kuo didn't know when he came to the shop. He took a pair of chopsticks and looked at the three women's house.

Summer flower and spring flower's face suddenly red, as if by the person scene caught the bag, embarrassed to spread.

Zhang Kuo glanced at he Mai lightly and turned to say, "brother Yang, I don't know how to provoke your wife. How can she look at me like an enemy?"

"White eyed wolf!" He Mai muttered, "what are you doing here?"

"Eat steamed buns." Zhang Kuo calmly handed the dish in his hand, "five steamed buns and a bowl of porridge!"

"Eleven Wen!" He Mai said rudely.

Zhang Kuo raised his eyebrow. "Didn't I pay money in advance here before?"

"It's all gone!" He Mai said angrily, "you usually take ten or twenty people from the street department. The money you paid in advance has already been spent. I haven't had time to tell you!"

Zhang Kuo laughed, "I'll give you credit first, and I'll give it to you later."

He Mai didn't agree. He shook his head and said, "only acquaintances can get credit. Constable Zhang, we're not familiar with each other. You'd better pay off on time."

Zhang Kuo was stunned, "you..."

"He Mai," LIULANG took Zhang Kuo's bowl and shook his head at him, "give it to him."

LIULANG made a speech, he Mai always hard to refute his face, the boss reluctantly picked up the bun for Zhang Kuo, not willing to look at Zhang Kuo.

Zhang Kuo didn't care. He took the steamed stuffed bun to an empty seat and began to eat it.

"It seems that your little lady has a grudge against me." While eating, Zhang Kuo said to Liu Lang beside him.

Liu Lang said with a smile: "women's home, things remember clearly, care about the inevitable longer."

Zhang Kuo swallowed a mouthful of steamed stuffed bun, "in fact, it's really not his fault! If it were me, I'd like to have such a heartless person in my heart. Hey... "

"Brother Zhang, don't care. If someone goes to the Yamen to report a case, the Yamen will naturally accept it. If brother Zhang hadn't been there, I would have been handcuffed and taken to the Yamen. " LIULANG road.

Zhang Kuo glanced at him and sighed lazily: "do you really think so? Brother Yang, I'm afraid you think too well of me! The reason why I took this case is related to our friendship. However, it is precisely because of our friendship. Because of my understanding of you, I have the selfishness to see what's going on

LIULANG was not surprised. He said with a smile, "what do you want to see me

"I also want to know who you are." Zhang Kuo looked at LIULANG and said truthfully.

The two men looked at each other silently for a while, until Li Chang'an noticed the strangeness between them, Zhang Kuo took the lead to take back his sight.

LIULANG cloud light breeze light smile, "Zhang elder brother now know?"

Zhang Kuo's elegant smile said, "I know half of it!"

"What do you mean by knowing half?"

"Now my understanding of brother Yang's identity is limited to the ones that brother Yang showed us. If I say I know half of it, I'm afraid it's more than that." Zhang Kuo said with deep meaning.

"So brother Zhang still doubts me?" LIULANG asked not unexpectedly."That's right!" Zhang Kuo's reply was frank and generous. "In fact, it's strange. The basis of my doubt about you It's my intuition. My intuition tells me that your identity is not as ordinary as you show. With such skill, such shrewd mind and enigmatic military background, you can deceive the fool of Li Jiazhuang, but you can't deceive me. "

"But I'm not from Lijiazhuang after all," LIULANG said in a slow voice.

"Yes." Zhang Kuo nodded, "I know this, so today I dare to tell you my doubts about you - you don't have to guard against me, because I no longer have malice against you. Besides, my doubts about you are based on intuition, and there is no clear and direct proof."

"So, brother Zhang is not suspicious of me now, but curious?" LIULANG asked with a smile.

"Yes, curiosity!" Zhang Kuo narrowed his eyes, looked at LIULANG's face carefully, and sighed: "I believe our adults are human. If he can give you such an order, it can prove that you are a good man, but it is more proof of your complex background."

"If you have a choice, who doesn't want to be a good man with an innocent life? A lot of things, but I can't help it. " Liu Lang's tone seemed a little regretful, so he stood up and said, "brother Zhang, take a seat. I'm busy."

"Brother Yang!" But Zhang Kuo opened his mouth and called LIULANG.

"What else can I do for you, brother Zhang?" Asked LIULANG.

Zhang Kuo's eyes slowly moved from LIULANG's body to Taichung Hemai's body behind him. "Brother Yang, some things are true or false, false or true, but I want to ask you again, are your feelings for Lin Hemai true or false?"

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