"How did the refugees get into the village?" Shanmu Niang was the first one to see the refugees in the room. She cried out in panic.

He Mai Wen Yan turns his head and looks out of the window again. He sees that Yamaki and LIULANG have come to the door.

She was so nervous that she ran out.

The refugees didn't act out of the ordinary. They just kept staring at the direction of the kitchen and swallowing their saliva.

When he Mai passed by, he heard the sound of mountains and trees sinking and asked, "what are you doing here?"

The refugee was a little hungry and silly. He said dryly, "our family hasn't eaten for several days. Give us some steamed bread and we'll go."

"The county magistrate has settled the refugee's porridge shed in Qinglu village and Qinghe town. Why don't you go to the porridge shed to drink porridge and come to the village?" Yamaki was a little more angry when he spoke.

"I don't have enough porridge," the refugee shook his head stiffly. "That's a bowl of water mixed with a few grains of rice I want to eat steamed bread. My baby is starving to death. "

Yamaki sneered: "why give it to you?"

"If you give us steamed bread, we won't leave." The refugee just broke the jar and took a few people behind him to sit in front of Qin's MaoYuan. It seemed that he didn't achieve his goal and was not ready to leave.

In the struggle, Qin came out of the room.

As for the refugees, Qin and Chunhua only heard about it, but never saw it with their own eyes.

The Qin family was kind-hearted. When they saw the refugees begging at the gate, they were reluctant to give up. Now they came out and said, "just, just, Shanmu, they have been hungry for a long time. If they had any way, they would not come out to beg for food in the spring Festival. Ho Mai, go and get some... "

"Granny Lin!" Yamaki accidentally interrupted Qin's words. Regardless of the public's consternation, he shook his head and said, "I dealt with these refugees when I was in Qinghe town earlier. At first, I pitied them and gave them alms. But later, I learned that they were selling miserably and relying on the sympathy of others in the town. It was only a few days since they begged for food to openly ask for food. Their faces changed very quickly. A few steamed buns might not matter, but the important thing is that they would scold you secretly after they ate. I wish we were dead! "

He Mai has a deep understanding of what yamamu said.

When she was in Qinglu village, she was pestered by the refugees for several days, and finally she couldn't even open the stall?

If Huang County had not sent officers and soldiers to suppress it in time, I'm afraid those refugees would have smashed and robbed all the stalls in Xiaoshi!

But the Qin family couldn't understand what Shanmu said, and Shanmu Niang, who just watched the refugees come around and panicked, couldn't understand it.

"It's just a few steamed buns, yamamu. Forget it..." Qin gently shook his head at Shanmu, and went to the kitchen with he Mai to get steamed bread.

Yamaki has no choice but to give up.

In addition to the hot sugar steamed bread, Qin fortunately took some of the remaining half roast chicken from yesterday and gave it to the refugee.

The refugee family gratefully gave thanks to the Qin family. They didn't even have time to take the food away. Just at the gate of the Qin family's Maoyuan, several people wolfed down their food. After thanking the Qin family again, they left.

Although they didn't care what the Qin family wanted to eat, they glared at Shanmu when they left.

"A few steamed buns can send people away. What conflicts do we have with them?" Qin said to Shanmu mildly, "Granny Lin heard that you've worked hard this time. How's your homework going?"

Yamaki's face was already a look of respect. "Although he has been doing odd jobs in the town, his lessons have not been left behind. His parents' expectations of Shanmu are not to be let down. After two years, Shanmu must be honored and return to his hometown. "

"Good, good!" The wrinkles of Qin's eyes were stretched out, and he patted Yamaki on the shoulder to show encouragement.

The Yamaki family didn't stay in the MaoYuan for dinner, so they left soon.

Seeing off Shanmu's family, he Mai came to ask LIULANG: "did you just ask Shanmu what?

LIULANG seemed very puzzled, "ask? What are you asking? "

"Ask Ask him what happened in town

He Mai learned from Liu Lang what Shanmu Niang had just said in the room, "don't you see how much he has changed this time?"

"A little bit." LIULANG nodded, "I have a lot of The momentum of the bandits? "

"Can't it be true that people in Songshan have any disputes?" He Mai can't help worrying.

LIULANG pondered for a moment and said, "I think the change on Yamaki is not a bad thing. You see what Yamaki said just now in front of the refugees. He should have given alms to the refugees, just like us, but later he found that they were insatiable and changed their attitude. Isn't his transformation a weapon to protect himself? "

"Yes, but..." He Mai murmured, "who changed that gentle and gentle mountain wood..."



Yamaki didn't go home much this year.Since his father Lu Changming found a beekeeper surnamed Wang in Xiangyang Village for Shancao, he seldom went home.

One of the few times I went home was the day my sister married a jerk named Wang. Another was last year's new year. Another was the day my sister married ma er.

In addition, Yamaki felt ashamed to go back to meet the eager and close eyes of his father, mother and sister.

These days, the most famous and respected people are those who read the famous books.

The most useless and helpless one is the poor scholar who has not yet got the title.

He belongs to the latter now.

When he saw that his sister was publicly insulted and abused by the Wang family, he rushed up and got nothing but fists and insults. He had no ability to protect his sister.

The grass growing up around him from childhood is no less than his heart and flesh. He is so stigmatized that he even has the heart to kill the son of a bitch named Wang, but what?

He is a weak scholar. He is not much better than an old woman who has no power to bind a chicken. If he wants to kill someone, he is afraid that he will be killed if he wants to die with him.

When he was in despair, the grass was saved. Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen.

A false alarm is a very good word.

Later, Shancao married ma er. Although ma er seemed ignorant, he was the nephew of General Ma Zhilong!

I'm afraid this is more than 100 times better than the family background of those men selected by my father before!

The nephew of general Wei lie Ma Zhilong, who brought a little glory to their hometown!

After Shancao's marriage, Shanmu returned to Qinghe town in the name of going back to the academy to study. In the empty dormitory of the Academy, he fell into confusion.

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