Lin hemiao, with the same smile, ignored Zhang Kuo, but when Zhang Kuo wanted to turn around, he called, "sister, why are you not happy to see me?"

He Mai looked at Lin He Miao and said, "sister? Are you calling me

Lin hemiao thinks that today's Hemei is a little strange, but she only thinks that it is the reason why Hemei hates her and annoys her and doesn't want to talk.

"Elder sister doesn't recognize he Miao, but he Miao must recognize his elder sister." Lin hemiao was annoyed and walked out slowly to Hemei

"Don't move Zhang Kuo gave a sharp drink.

He clearly feels Lin hemiao's hypocrisy and hypocrisy. This woman has long hated he Mai. What can she do to appear in a pair of sisterhood to disgust people?

Lin hemiao's face remained unchanged, smiling softly. He still wanted to go and hold the hand of he Mai. "Elder sister, we haven't seen each other for a long time. We have to sit down and talk about the past together..."

"You don't understand me..." Zhang Kuo is trying to stop Lin hemiao, but Zhu catches him by the arm.

"You don't have to worry about the little lady's reminiscence with her sisters, do you?" Constable Zhu said with a smile.

Zhang Kuo felt that the situation was different. He shook his hand away and stopped his Constable Zhu, protecting Lin hemiao in the rye yard. He said in a cold voice, "Lin hemiao, what are you going to do?"

Lin hemiao was already impatient. "Zhu Kuo, don't you catch them yet?"

"Yes Constable Zhu waved his arm, and the roof of the wing room had already flown down to several ambush men.

"Constable Zhang, it's none of your business here, but you have to step in. If there's any result, I'm not to blame!" Lin hemiao no longer covered up his hatred in his eyes, "hands on!"

"Why did you do that?" Zhang Kuo, struggling to meet the enemy, roared.

"No why!" Lin hemiao replied in a hateful voice, "I hate this woman. She doesn't deserve to be Lin's daughter at all! Why are so many people protecting her? Why? "

"Because of this?" Zhang Kuo helps he Mai block his hand, but he is hit on the shoulder. He feels the pain and says: "if you hate her because she is the daughter of your Lin family and is loved by many people, it's unnecessary! She is not the daughter of the Lin family at all

Lin He Miao's eyes were stagnant, and she looked unbelievable. "Isn't she Lin's daughter? And who is she? "

"In a word, she is not the daughter of the Lin family!" Zhang Kuo said sternly, "if you have the energy to be jealous of Wo Mai here, it's better to clean up yourself! Last time I saw you, you still have seven points of beauty. This time I see you, but my eyes are bulging, my eyes are sunken, and my face is sallow. Oh, I'm afraid it's the consequence of overindulgence! "

"Shut up Lin hemiao got angry and said, "get him!"

Seven or eight people started together, but Zhang Kuo had no choice but to draw with him.

But Zhang Kuo knew that if he couldn't go on, he would be tired to death if he was delayed.

"Lin hemiao, give the order to let us go! We are going to meet a general in Northern Xinjiang. If you waste your time like this again, you will be blamed. I don't care! "

"Nonsense Lin hemiao looked at him bitterly, "take it down!"

Attack more dense, Zhang Kuo raised twelve spirit to fight, but see behind the wheat face some pain.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Kuo asked.

"Head Headache... " He Mai holding his head, his mouth has been slightly pain sing out.

While speaking, a man attacked HOMA, pressing her abdomen.

Zhang Kuo didn't even think about it. He hugged he Mai and immediately heard the sound of broken bones.

With a dull hum, Zhang Kuo fell to the ground.

Lin hemiao smiles triumphantly, "arrogant! Still want to commit a crime in the county government, hum

She turned to see Constable Zhu, "what are you waiting for? Those murderers who attack the county government are not going to jail yet! "


Constable Zhu went forward according to his words. Before he came near Zhang Kuo, he was shot in the throat by a cold arrow.

Constable Zhu didn't even struggle, so he fell down and swallowed.


Flying arrows, like meteors, shoot at those hands. Without blinking of an eye, those people have been killed by cold arrows.

"Ho ho..."

Nansan jumped in from the outside of the side yard, followed by several assassins in black, "Miss Zhong, I saved your lover's life. In return, do you want to follow me?"

"Who are you?" Lin He Miao was shocked.

This situation took a turn for the worse. Just now, Constable Zhu and his entourage, who had just taken advantage of the situation, suddenly stopped breathing.

There was no one who could protect her beside Lin hemiao. He cried out desperately, "come on! Somebody! Someone's breaking into the government at night! "

"What's your name!? I cut your tongue South three fierce colors threaten a way.

Nan San squinted at he Mai and sneered: "Miss Zhong took the medicine. Now she should have remembered her identity, right? Miss Zhong, when you look at me like this, don't you remember who you areIn the face of Nan San, he Mai is not panic.

"You can tell me who I am." He Mai looked at him quietly and said.

Nan San raised his eyebrows, stopped and said, "the only daughter of general Huben of grand Zhou, Yan Xing, is very well loved. She is very skilled in martial arts, especially in lightness. Miss Zhong - Oh, you should be called Miss Yan. Your surname was five years ago when Da Zhou was fighting with Northern Xinjiang. General Yan changed your surname with his mother for fear that you might be used. Miss Zhong, you have such excellent martial arts I don't know how many people admire the parents who are famous all over the world. "

Zhang Kuo looks at he Mai anxiously, his face is gloomy.

He didn't know whether it was good or bad to tell him these words at this time.

She can't remember the past. The trauma to her head hasn't healed. She was forced to separate from her lover. Now she is pregnant again.

As if some unfortunate things were piling up on this woman, Zhang Kuo felt sad and only hated that he could not help her bear half of the pain.

"He mai..." He got up and held Hemei's shoulder and said in a low voice, "general Yan sent you thousands of miles away to protect you If you have parents who love you so much, you should thank them... "

"Naturally." He Mai was stunned. He murmured and nodded, "as the daughter of a general, I can't share my worries for my parents, but I'm followed by these leaders to threaten my parents. That's not the truth."

She shook her head. "You people in Northern Xinjiang keep saying that you want to take me back and ask me for credit. But have you ever thought that the court you are loyal to will make the world unstable, make life miserable and separate your wife and children in order to fight for one side of the territory? If these things happen to you, would you like to?"

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