The woman and several children ate noodles and regained some strength. The first thing they did was to kneel down and salute HOMA and Acacia.

In a daze, he quickly picked up a woman and child and said, "get up! What are you doing? "

The most sallow faced woman had tears in her eyes and sobbed, "thank you for saving us! If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid Xiaobao and I would be locked up to death in that dark place, or like those sisters who were dragged out, I don't know where to send them At that time, I'm afraid that not only my life, but also my hard-earned child will suffer... "

With that, she pulled the arm of the little girl beside her and knelt down to the wheat and knocked heavily.

She said to the child, "thank you, sister nvxia!"

The little girl looked at her five or six-year-old face, dirty, with only one pair of eyes emitting dim light. She obediently kowtowed to Hemei, "thank you for saving me and my mother!"

Not only the mother and son, but also several other women and children knelt down one after another to thank Hemai and Zhong Xiangsi.

He Mai and Zhong Xiangsi feel very uncomfortable. Mu He has just been in their arms for more than a month, but sometimes it's just a moment's separation, which has made them unbearable, not to mention the mother and son who have experienced countless dark days and nights.

I'm afraid that fear of death is deeply buried in their hearts, and it will take a long time to let go.

He Mai and Zhong Xiangsi helped the women and children up one by one.

He Mai asked, "where are your hometown?"

One of the women wiped her tears and said, "my husband used to fight in Fengcheng, but later he died in the battle with Donglin. My child and I had no choice but to go back to our mother's home and go to relatives. Unexpectedly, we met the evil woman in this small village on the way. When she saw our orphans and widows, she began to be very enthusiastic to us I thought she was a kind-hearted elder sister. When she met a good person, she wanted to take her children here for two nights But once I came to this small village, I couldn't get out any more... "

He Mai sighed and said thoughtfully, "so, are you from Dazhou?"

The woman nodded, "yes, we are all from Dazhou, and most of these sisters are from Dazhou."

Another woman said, "since we came to this small village, we were dazed by overpowering drugs. When we woke up again, I was in the cellar. I've been locked up for seven or eight days I was going to see my seriously ill sister, but I'm afraid she's already... "

Before she finished, she was replaced by a cry.

Many of the women came home with their children only when they had something urgent to do at home. However, when they met someone who was not nice, they were obviously too anxious. When they met such a thing on the road, they were sad and angry, and began to cry one after another.

As he spoke to these women, LIULANG returned to the courtyard with a handful of firewood and a package of food.

He took the food from the carriage, but the look on his face was a little strange, and he hooked up with Hemai to ask her to come out.

"Dad should have been in the carriage just now." Liu Lang said in a deep voice to he Mai.

He Mai felt strange and asked, "since my father has just returned to the carriage, why is he missing now?"

LIULANG shook his head and said, "I only saw the carriage pass passively, but after looking around, I didn't see him. I don't know where he went."

He Mai frowned and was already a little restless.

Yan Xing has been away for so long without any reason. They make so much noise in the village that they don't see him. I'm afraid they have to leave.

However, at this time, they couldn't find the direction everywhere. Even if they wanted to find her whereabouts, they didn't know where to start.

He Mai couldn't help hesitating. At this time, he saw that the sky was bright and it was about to dawn, but Yan Xing didn't know where he was. What should they do!

The bell Acacia in the room obviously realized that what they said was for the sake of Yan Xing, and came frowning.

"Your father hasn't found it yet?" She asked.

LIULANG replied in a low voice, "not yet. Just now I saw the trace of dad coming by the carriage, but I didn't find his footprints again

"Where did the old man go at the critical moment! Doesn't he know there are pursuers behind us? We are fugitives now. He is no longer the general of the white night city. " Acacia can't help complaining.

She was really a little angry in her heart, and then she scolded her husband in front of the younger generation.

But he just complained, and then he slowed down and immediately realized something.

"I'm afraid your father found something and left. He is not the man who leaves without saying a word. Mai Er, Liu Lang, now pack up your bags and report to Mu He. We're on our way Zhong Xiangsi orders decisively.

He Mai was surprised. Everything was in a mess at the moment, and Yanxing didn't find it. Where can they go?"Niang, what about Dad..." He Mai asked with worry.

Miss Zhong shook her head and said, "don't worry. After so many years with your father, we always have our own set of secret signs. I'll make some marks in this village for a while. If he comes back, he will naturally know where we are going. If he goes along the direction and route, he will find us. Don't worry. "

He Mai took a long sigh of relief, hugged Mu He in his arms, and was about to go back to pack their bags.

Just as they were about to return to the house, they suddenly saw the figure of a man running to the entrance of the village.

The sound of footsteps was heard by Zhong Xiangsi. She suddenly turned her face, squinted at the man, and suddenly cried, "Yanxing, where are you dead?"

It was Yanxing who came back.

With a long sigh of relief, he Mai and Liu Lang finally let go.

It's better than anything to see Yanxing come back unscathed.

Regardless of the scolding of Acacia, Yanxing rushed to them.

When he came to them, he Mai saw the dignified and normal color on Yan Xing's face.

"Dad, how did you come?" He Mai asked.

Yan Xing didn't care to explain anything else. He just looked back in a hurry and said, "the pursuers are coming. Let's hide here as soon as possible!"

He Mai was surprised. Liu Lang also took a breath of cold air. "The pursuers are coming. How can they catch up?"

Yan Xing shook his head gravely. "I'm afraid it was exposed when we were entangled with the constable named song."

Zhong Xiangsi scolded: "I knew that song was not a good thing. At that time, it would be better to kick him to death."

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