Chen Neng said with a smile: "when I just came here, I had already sent someone to replace the utensils in the Fenghua hall. In fact, your majesty had to send someone to take care of the Fenghua hall a few days before the wedding, but later the state affairs were so busy that I forgot about it."

Xiao Wu said with a smile, "I won't bother Mr. Chen for a while. I'll wait on your majesty."

Chen Neng grinned, bowed his head and retreated.

Zhu Jiulong really fell asleep. Xiao Wufu was beside him. He was staring at his quiet face carefully for a while, but he didn't react.

She came out of her inner bed with a light hand and a light foot. She was waiting outside with a happy face.

"Niang Niang also has an early rest," wish Mammy to be overjoyed, hand over a piece of pure white handkerchief, "Niang Niang, this..."

Small five saw that PA son, at the beginning still don't understand, "what is this?"

Mother Zhu whispered in her ear, and Xiao Wu's face turned red.

"Mother Zhu, you..." She was a little embarrassed and annoyed. She tried to calm down and took the handkerchief. "Go down."

With a smile, mother Zhu left the bedroom with a group of maids.

Small five take that white PA, such as hot potato general, will it aside, and feel wrong, it hastily into the wardrobe.

Looking at Zhu Jiulong sleeping on the couch, Xiao Wu naturally has no idea to share the bed with him.

Although Zhu Jiulong was affectionate, gentle and considerate to her, she was used to seeing too many cool things in the palace when she was a child. The concubines who were suddenly favored were just like the butterflies that suddenly glowed. They got the favor and danced in full bloom in the harem, but then the concubines in the harem attacked them.

Even if they were lucky enough to keep their position in gongdou, with the decline of their appearance and the disappearance of the freshness of the emperor, they watched themselves turn from a butterfly into a dying moth.

There are so many beautiful ladies in the harem. There are so many beautiful ladies in the draft every year. It is impossible to get the emperor's long-term favor in this harem.

Xiaowu knows that there is nothing worthy of Zhu Jiulong's long-term nostalgia. He just hopes to have a quiet life and spend the rest of his life without any interest

From the beginning, I don't have any illusions about the emperor's favor, so I won't have the loss after great joy and sorrow That's what I think.

A sleepy attack, small five drag tired body to the bed, think about it, sat down on the soft carpet, lying on the edge of the bed, half lying.

Zhu Jiulong is still sleeping. There is a faint smell of wine and peace on his body. Xiao Wu thinks of the afternoon when he saw Zhu Jiulong ten years ago. It was clear and sunny.

Under the big locust tree in the inner lake of the Imperial Palace, the young and mature prince was out of place and went up to the tree. This action did not attract the attention of the eunuch and the palace maids. No one took care of him. Instead, he was happy.

Looking at Zhu Jiulong falling into the lake from the tree, Xiao Wu's heart is a little funny.

The stupid little prince became a drowned man. He couldn't even hear his cry for help, but he still had the book in his hand when he went up the tree.

Pull him up from the lake, Zhu Jiulong also seriously teaches her to call her elder brother Chenger.

Brother cheng'er

Small five remember for many years, when the name sounded in my mind, it is more funny memories.

Ten years passed quickly. Unexpectedly, the young man of the past became the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, and also the most troublesome enemy of her father and Emperor.

I'm afraid the emperor of Donglin didn't even think of marrying Xiao Wu to Zhu Jiulong. He inadvertently fulfilled Zhu Jiulong's idea and made the two countries friendly neighbors.

Small five lightly sighed a, the corner of the mouth surface a put on wry smile, a Cheng son elder brother, unconsciously overflowed from her mouth.

She fell into a deep sleep, but the people around her woke up from a false sleep.

Her soft and greasy face was at hand. Zhu Jiulong's fingers moved slightly, and then she met her stagnant face.

Infinite beauty and tenderness rushed out of his chest, and the young emperor once again showed a happy smile.

The girl he had been studying for ten years thought she would never meet again, but he didn't want to have her so easily!

His concubine, his little five

Zhu Jiulong sat up, leaned down and printed a kiss on Xiao Wu's forehead.

Then he took her to the bed.

For a moment, many irresistible thoughts came out of his mind. Zhu Jiulong's breath was heavy.

Once again, Zhu Jiulong gently kisses her eyes.

Xiao Wu suddenly woke up. Seeing her face magnified countless times in front of her, she almost screamed, "Your Majesty --"

"Shh --" Zhu Jiulong's fingers pressed on her soft lips, "Shh..."

Zhu Jiulong is in a state of confusion and obsession. He tosses around on Xiao Wu's lips like an attempt, and his mood is more and more agitated.

Small five a little flustered, want to push away Zhu Jiulong, but found the power gap between men and women."Little five..." Zhu Jiulong called in a low voice, "don't push me away..."

Clothes from the shoulder was peeling, small five seems to have nothing to stop.

The young body has never had such a carnival, Zhu Jiulong is almost infatuated, the body temperature is amazing hot

"Your Majesty..." Xiao Wu gave a timid cry.

"Well?" Zhu Jiulong's voice was extremely low.

Small five bite lip, "that, that..."


It's a foregone conclusion. I'm afraid she can't escape tonight.

Xiao Wu closed his eyes and pointed to the cabinet beside him.

Zhu Jiulong was puzzled, but looking at Xiao Wu's expression of refusing to let him go on, he had to bite his teeth and open the cupboard.

Xiao Wu ran down with his belly pocket, took the white handkerchief in the cupboard and went back to bed with a crimson face.

Zhu Jiulong looked at her in a daze, and suddenly with a smile, he hooked his lips and rushed to the bedside.

Outside the hall, a rapid birdsong awakens Xiao Wu from the complex silence!

Zhu jiulonghun doesn't care and repeats the gentle action just now.

Small five listened to this voice but can't sit still any more.

One after another, the shrill birdsong is particularly harsh in the palace at night. There is a trace of confusion in Zhu Jiulong's confused expression. "How can such birdsong suddenly ring in the middle of the night?"

"Xu and Xu are the birds returning to the south," said Xiao Wu, who felt that his smile was very stiff.

Zhu jiulonghun didn't care. He reached for her face and went on.

Small five ruthless, plucked up courage, touched a candlestick beside the bed, toward Zhu Jiulong's back brain knocked down.

Zhu Jiulong's body softened and he lost consciousness.

Pushing Zhu Jiulong's body away from him, Xiao Wu almost jumped out of bed.

She put on her clothes and went to the front of the hall. She took a deep breath and opened the door nervously.

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