Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 99 Mammoth, a big treasure that fell from the sky

It's far away from Ron's village.

Twenty miles away.

At this time, they are here, still reorganizing the team, and have not taken direct action.

For the villages nearby.

They don't have much interest either.

There is nothing that they like in this area. At most, they just look at someone who is interesting, shake it, and play with it.

Their real goal is not here.

"Boss, we have been searching for many days and many villages. Do we want to continue searching?"

At this time, among the team, a dark and thin guy with more than half of his face covered with black scales said to a strong man next to him who also had dark skin.

Now their team, to be honest.

Many people are already very depressed and their tempers are not very good.

At first, when they came out to search and arrest people, nothing happened, but as time went on, it became longer and longer.

The conflicts with various villages are getting bigger and bigger.

The people in the team were also a little dissatisfied.

Although they are not afraid of the people in those villages, there will still be casualties in a fight.

Who is willing to hold on after being full and willing to work hard to get nothing in the end? ?

"Shut your mouth, do you think I want to find them? If we can't find those guys, we will be killed when we go back. Now we only have this chance."

The big man was also grumpy at this time and directly slapped the skinny monkey-like man next to him on the head.

It's like patting a watermelon. It saves no effort at all and the patting is very loud.

Mammoth is the captain of the capture team in a city hundreds of kilometers away from here.

This time I came out to carry out the task of arresting people.

This time I have a mission, and I have given a death order. If I can't complete it, I can't go back.

At first, I could catch up with people, but now, they have disappeared.

They can only find other people to vent to along the way.

And there is nothing to do.


Others in the team heard this.

It can be regarded as accepting his boss's intention.

In the Kingdom of Emira, many times, one really cannot help oneself.

What do you actually want to do now?

They can't control themselves, so many times, many people will indulge themselves casually.

"It's almost time. Form the team and set off. Search the nearby villages as soon as possible."

Even if the people in the team are dissatisfied now, the boss does not intend to waste any time, and there is not much food carried in the team.

Fortunately, I had robbed a village of food and hunted some monsters.

Otherwise it won’t be enough.


I was originally thinking about what to drink.

However, before he could say anything, many people in the convoy heard it from the other side.

There is some movement approaching.

Moreover, he apparently directly attacked them.

"Dip, bang bang bang..."

"Bah bang bang..."

There was a hail of bullets, and all kinds of gunfire without saying a word, they directly attacked the convoy.

"Damn it, are they from those villages? Are they here to take revenge?"

Hearing the sound and the situation, the mammoth was furious. From their point of view, their previous attacks on the village were nothing.

Now these bastards dare to attack their convoy.

"Boss, what should I do?"

The sound of gunfire rang out on the other side. The reaction of the people in this convoy was still extraordinary, but not many people were injured. They all found a sheltered place to hide.

"Fuck them, don't be polite, fuck..."

Mammoth looked at the idiot next to him speechlessly.

Those bear eyes seemed to be saying to his little brother, are you mentally disabled?

"Go on, kill them, don't be polite."

As for fighting and other matters, Mammoth and his team are basically experienced in many battles.

In such a world, there is no fighting ability.

Where can I get it?

Originally, I was very proud and inflated, thinking that with their guns and ammunition, I could be the same as before.

Let the people in these nearby small villages honestly give them women to play with and food to eat.

They also sent guns and ammunition to fight them.

And soon, the Mammoth team felt that something was wrong.

It felt like many of the people on the other side were not afraid of the gunfire.

"What's going on?"

Everyone became angry, and only a few people in the team could tell what was going on.

In the team on the opposite side, there was a man who was very skilled. After approaching the Mammoth Team convoy, he stopped driving, abandoned the vehicle, and started to tell the action by himself.

Ordinary people simply can't get it right.

And from a long distance, even some guns and stray bullets accidentally hit them.

I didn't see anyone being hurt.

"Nian, are they all Nian capable?"

"Where did so many telepathic people come from?"

There were only a few people with telekinesis abilities in this convoy, and dozens of people with telekinesis abilities appeared on the other side.

I was confused all of a sudden and couldn't accept it. Although many people didn't seem to be very powerful, they were still telekinesis users.

At such a long distance, firearms simply cannot break through Nian.

Unless attacked at close range or with large guns.

Otherwise, the effect of thermal weapons will be difficult to take effect.

At close range, Mammoth thought of the Nen user in his team, and looked at the people on the other side.

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

He didn't think his ordinary subordinates would be opponents of Nen users.

He was still clear about the gap between ordinary people and ability users.

This ditch is not something that ordinary people can cross.

Maybe some people can really kill ability users with ordinary bodies, but this is definitely not something that everyone can do.

At least their team can't find such people.

"What is that?"

Before Mammoth thought about how to deal with and get rid of this team, he heard a shout from his subordinates next to him.

Originally, Mammoth thought about whether to give up and run away.

But when he heard this exclamation, he interrupted his thinking.

He looked in the direction. . .

Damn. .

Seeing that thing, Mammoth only wanted to curse.

"Shoot, shoot it to death."

A giant white and blue monster fell from the sky and smashed directly into their convoy.

In fact, there was no need for Mammoth to say anything.

Many people had already opened fire at the first moment.

And the big monster seemed to be completely immune to firearms.

It was not hurt at all by the gunfire.

There was no reaction at all.

When it fell on their convoy, it also hit several people directly, including them in its flesh.

And they also quickly saw this thing, what exactly was this strange monster.

"Slug? Slug?"

Someone in the Mammoth convoy exclaimed. When they saw this strange monster, they thought it was a terrifying existence.

Now they really saw a large slug?

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