Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 15 Let me free you! (I won’t do it next time)

"It looks like you guys have already discussed it, so I'll get started."

The slugs surrounding the crowd didn't care at all about the thirty or so people. Five very large slugs started talking at the same time. Usually, they also consumed a lot of Ron's mind energy and life source.

If you can't even handle these ordinary people, then you might as well just be a tool.

As he spoke, the pig advanced suddenly, its fat body arched forward, and was about to launch an attack.

"You damn bug, go to hell."

Before the slug attacked first, some of these "patients" had already launched an attack in advance. After all, the slug arched forward, and there was not much distance at all.

Moreover, they are all surrounded, and there is no other way out without taking action.

Many people who were close to the slug had already launched attacks on the slug, wanting to kill the little slug just like before.

But it's a pity that all their weapons and fists can't have any impact when they hit the slug's body.

When attacking a slug one by one, both the weapon and the body are dented. Even if the slug's body is punctured, the slug will recover in the next moment.

The energy contained in these bodies is not comparable to that of the previous little slugs.

Slug didn't care at all about ordinary people like these.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the attack ineffective?"

"Weak guys, in order to prevent you from dying instantly, I have to control my strength."

The slug was very disdainful of these people's attacks. How could such a soft attack hurt it?

But it was true that it was angry, that it was wasting its energy like this.

Slug has always cherished every bit of his own energy. Every bit of energy he had destroyed before was recorded on these people.

All will come back.

"Acid attack."

After diluting his own sticky acid so that the damage of the sticky acid would not be fatal and completely corroding the person, the slug could attack with confidence.

The bodies of the five slugs were like five water-spraying machines, spraying some white sticky acid liquid directly at the candidates who were surrounded by them before they had time to react.


"What is this? It hurts so much, my clothes, my flesh, my face."

"Ahhhh, it hurts."

The sticky acid shoots out, and whether it is the ground or people, whether it is clothes or meat, when it comes into contact with the slug's special sticky acid, there will be a corrosive feeling.

And indeed, it is normal for those who are touched by sticky acid to be corroded.

Although the slug controlled its strength, the large amount of sticky acid spray attacks were like taking a bath with sticky acid to these ordinary candidates.

Most people have no normal parts of their bodies. Most of their bodies have been corroded, and their flesh has become weird and feels rotten.

"Examiner, won't you stop me?"

On the other side, when the group of candidates next to the examiner saw the situation in front of them, many people showed surprise and unbearable expressions, and some of them asked Satz.

"I've said it before, I won't care about the fight between you."

Satz shook his head. Although he was a little dissatisfied with Ron's method, he said before that if you don't know how to do it, you won't do it. This is a matter of principle.

Moreover, in his opinion, he has already come here to take the hunter exam, and he still needs to have the awareness of death.

"Okay, ignore them, let's set off to the second exam venue."

After paying a little attention, Satz had determined that those thirty or so people were basically disabled. Even if they were rescued and had many parts of their bodies damaged, it was still normal.

Then after noticing that the white fog around him had almost dispersed, he had no intention of continuing to waste time here and spoke to the candidates who were still beside him.

After saying that, he took the lead and left, completely ignoring their thoughts.

"Is there really no one in charge of this?"

Among the candidates, Leorio Kurapika and others looked at Ron's situation and felt a little unbearable. In their opinion, this was a bit too much.

Although his strength was so strong and extraordinary, Leorio was a little confused as to why he would do such a thing.

"Okay, we can't control this matter."

Kurapika also knew the general story of what happened. He had no intention of doing anything. The only thing he wanted to do now was to pass the hunter exam.

"Let's go. The examiners are all gone. If we don't catch up, we'll lose sight of them."

Although the white mist has dispersed a lot, it is only a little better than before. If they keep waiting here, they might also be eliminated later.

"This guy, I really wish he was eliminated right here."

Before leaving, Leorio looked at the candidates who were standing in front of them, observing his masterpiece, and smiling happily. He could not understand such a twisted perversion at all.

I just hope that we won’t meet each other in the next exam.

Then there was no ink mark or anything, and they all set off.

"Examiner, save us..."

"I want to quit, examiner, help me."

"Please, help me."

Although their whole bodies were covered with corrosive acid, these candidates were not in particularly poor physical condition. At least they still had the strength to speak after suffering such an attack.

But it's a pity that no one paid attention to them, whether it was Satz or other ordinary candidates.

It's impossible to save them, mainly even if there are some kind-hearted people, they don't want to provoke Ron here.

"What a pity. From the looks of it, they have no intention of saving you."

"But don't worry. If others don't save you, let me save you. I will cure you, purify you, and let you be completely liberated."

Staring at the guys in front of him whose skin had been corroded by the sticky acid, Ron smiled with satisfaction and spoke.

"Please, go around me. I know I was wrong. Whatever you say is what it is."

"Please, go around me."

"No, it's not you who are wrong, it's me who's wrong. But since I'm wrong, I will change it. Come on, accept my treatment, and let me set you free."

Looking at the begging for mercy in front of him, Ron's mood did not waver at all.

"Little slug, let's collect the medical fees first. If the other party still doesn't accept it, then give the other party a bath."

Without concealing his tone of voice, Ron spoke directly to the slugs still around these candidates.

This is his main purpose. If he does something wrong, he needs to pay the price.

This is true everywhere.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

A loyal and honest executor, Slug has already begun to divide the little slug when he receives the task.

Small slugs began to run out of the five big slugs. These fist-sized slugs only had a trace of strength. They could restore their physical strength, treat minor injuries, etc.

Any ordinary person can kill them. In fact, they are just consuming their bodies.

new book,

Really need support.

As for Seedlings, you have to vote more and invest more before I can sign the contract.

Don’t keep talking about keeping it on your bookshelf, support it when you pass by.

At least let me sign the contract and keep him.

That's not like raising a dead book.

Does what I say make sense?

There is no cost to vote and invest more. Just vote when you see this.

Don’t be sure next time, what I want is this time.

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