Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 162 Golden light of golden light, super-electromagnetic cannon? Gun?

There are quite a few people hiding nearby.

There are also quite a few people with telepathic abilities.

It is just that it is not certain who these guys are, whether they were attracted here, or whether they are from Jin Guang or the Council of Elders.

Ron did not intend to investigate directly, anyway, he would know later.

Feeling the telepathic energy emanating from the slug, he knew that every second was the loss of the source of life.

Even if the slug did not use these telepathic energy, the telepathic energy on its body could not be retained at all.

It would continue to flow away and quickly disappear in this world.

The slug now entered the unrestricted violent state of life at the beginning.

It is normal for the telepathic energy to recover quickly when there is a lot of telepathic energy, but if the telepathic energy is not completely consumed, it will run away by itself.

This is also normal. In this state, a large amount of telepathic energy, and the impacts appear again and again, are completely out of control.

Now it can be said that the slug has countless life sources converted into telepathic energy and burst out every minute and every second.

In this situation, Ron was not willing to drag it on.

Since he couldn't get the information, forget it.

In this situation, Ron had tried it before, except that the initial explosion would volatilize a large amount of life essence to activate cell energy.

Every minute, 60 to 100 points of life essence would be consumed, which was already very terrifying.

A few dozen or a hundred points of life essence, although not much for Ron now, but think about what life essence is.

If it is based on the life essence of a normal person, this state is estimated to be less than a few minutes.

And this amount, if consumed for a long time, it would be terrible.

Ron's current life essence of more than 20,000 can't support a few hours at all.

"Slug, start moving."

There was no intention to continue reminiscing with the other party. After Ron spoke, the slug's main body directly left a clone on Ron.

Then, the main body began to move.

He remembered Jin Guang's ability.

In short, this ability is fast.

Transformation ability, every time it is attacked, it will turn into golden light.

Although it is not as fast as light, the speed is really unsatisfactory.

The huge body directly pounced and hit, and the whole ground was shaking. The slug's mind energy is very powerful.

And it has already been displayed.

There is no need to control such mind energy. Any movement is accompanied by powerful attack power.

Seeing the slug attack, the speed and power that burst out, Jin Guang's eyes condensed, and he did not mean to take it hard. The whole person moved quickly, as if he turned into a golden light and flashed away.

"Oh, you are still so bright."

Jin Guang is still very confident in his speed. At least it is not a problem to avoid the slug's attack.

This is why he is confident that he can stop Ron here and keep consuming the opponent's mind energy.

At the moment he dodged, he had just arrived at the new position and felt a strange wind whistling behind him, and then a strong mind energy burst out from behind him.

There was also a teasing voice.

"Golden light shield."

Without hesitation, almost at the same time as the other party's teasing, Jin Guang had already activated a golden light shield.

Directly blocked the opponent's punch.

But this punch was not an ordinary punch. Although it was not Ron's full-strength punch, it could be said to be his strongest blow after the explosion.

The shield shattered directly, and Jin Guang flew backwards.


"Zila la."

While Ron and Jin Guang were fighting in the distance, someone else also took action on the other side.

The little fat man and others in the Jin Guang team seemed to have seen a good opportunity for a sneak attack. A flash of electricity flashed and went straight through the air.

In the air, there was a burst of white and blue flowing light, followed by a burst of sound, the sound of the sound barrier blasting.


The bullet carrying the electric current directly penetrated Ron's arm, hit the ground directly and made a big hole.

It can be seen how terrible this terrifying attack is.

Feeling the dense feeling on his arm, Ron also looked at the other side with great interest.

"Super electromagnetic runner? Oh no, gun?"

The bullet plus the amplification of the electric current, and the characteristics of the sniper rifle that were obviously materialized, the bullet just now must have at least several times the speed of sound.

At this distance, it took less than a second to attack. It is really a very terrifying weapon for attacking.

The power is also very strong.

Even with the protection of the mind energy just now, Ron's right hand was directly blown up, blood and flesh fell on the ground, and the whole arm was missing.

"This ability can be developed later."

Ron muttered a little guess in his mind about the materialization system and the transformation system. He didn't care about the injury on his hand at all.

He had known about the attack from the other side for a long time, but he knew that he couldn't deal with it now.

So he simply ignored the other party, because he really had the capital and ability to ignore the other party.

It took less than a second for the other party to attack him.

Ron had a little more, half of his arm grew out, and it took about a second, just the blink of an eye. If you really look into it, it was less than a second.

In fact, the time was almost the same. When the opponent hit Ron, the slug with infinite mental energy had already restored his body.

It almost didn't give Jin Guang time to continue attacking, and it had already grown.

As if it was a demonstration, it also gestured to the position of the sniper. At a distance of several hundred meters, such a supersonic attack was really difficult to avoid in battle.

If you don't focus on them, it can almost be said that there is no possibility of avoidance.

Since you can't avoid it, there is no need to avoid it. Although it is not Ron himself who has lifted the restrictions, it is the healing ability of the slug.

It is impossible for Ron to suffer any fatal injuries.

Before the body knew that Ron was dead, he had already resurrected.

In fact, he had studied the human body before. Death does not mean that the breathing or heartbeat stops.

Instead, it is true that people will die when all organs of the body determine that they are dead.

As for Ron, before each organ of his body felt that it was dead, the terrifying and almost infinite energy of the slug would be infused into it and create everything.

Lost your hand? No problem, it will grow again directly.

Even if your head is gone, it is no problem, the structure will continue to recover.

As long as the recovery is fast enough, Ron can recover directly before the body is completely aware of its own death.

So, instant kills and assassinations do not exist.

On the other side, Jin Guang was originally repelled, and his mood was a little heavy. Facing the slug and Ron, even with his speed, he still felt a little pressure.

However, when he saw Ron being attacked, he was still a little excited.

But soon, he froze.

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