Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 183 Ron's Classification

Good or bad.

In the end, he managed to trick Maggie away.

"Maybe it's time to have some fun now."

The main reason for not letting the other party interfere is that it is not necessary. It is definitely not Ron's individualism or anything like that. In his opinion, only real interests are real.

As long as it can really solve the problem, it can really bring benefits.

As long as he is the final winner.

That's it.

It's just a matter of whether it's necessary to do it.

Like now, he has prepared everything in advance, so naturally there is no need for Maggie to do anything more.

You might even meet an acquaintance, how embarrassing that would be.

He also mentioned acquaintances before, maybe Chrollo and others have already made a decision.

"Slug, spread the split bodies out, lest someone comes and doesn't notice it, which would be embarrassing."

He quickly stopped worrying about this matter and continued to assign tasks to Slug and let him start taking action. There were no people in this area now.

After the previous battle, basically everything that should be moved has been moved.

In fact, there are not many outsiders left in this hotel now, only a few people who are unwilling to leave because of money.

People who support their families and need money.

"Sir Ron, I have made arrangements. Now there are clones of me in various areas here. If anyone enters, I will find out immediately."

Now here, no matter the streets, underground passages, etc., they all have slug bodies.

And since a slug is so small, even if someone notices something is wrong, it will be difficult to find anything.

They are small and there are so many of them that there is nothing you can do if you find them.

Slugs are not brainless guys. They will gather together and be killed, or even fight. It is not certain who will kill whom.

"Okay, inform Immortal of his plan to join the army. Also, Jin Guang and the others..."

Speaking of Jinguang and the others, Ron thought for a moment and finally did not kill them directly.

"Let them stay still, use Nian, and die."

Because of the existence of slugs, this golden light and the others were able to survive. Otherwise, according to Ron's character, he would have killed a few of them first.

To avoid being stabbed in the back during a fight.

Very quickly.

The immortal soldiers and Jin Guang's people have already reacted.

"Boss, are we just going to do nothing?"

"Maybe this time is an opportunity."

The people in golden light were watching the undead soldiers in action, secretly using their own secret gestures to communicate quietly, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the other people next to him, it was obvious that they had some ideas. Jin Guang actually took some action. If they found an opportunity, they could leave.

But then he thought of his missing arm and the previous battle.

In the end, he shook his head and said nothing more.

If there was no accident, he didn't want to get involved in this matter. As for the follow-up, whether he could survive or not depended on fate.

Jin Guang was also very open-minded about this. He had already had the awareness of death before.

If you are still alive now, you have already earned it.

Looking at Jin Guang's expression, the others didn't say anything in the end.

This time they were in trouble, they didn't accomplish anything, and they didn't get anything.

Several people have died. In addition, now that I have lost my freedom, I am not sure whether I will survive in the end.

When thinking of this, there are few people in the Golden Light Organization who are not excited.

I couldn't help but slap the table and chairs next to me.

I just thought that they were under surveillance now and had no plans to take action, so they had no choice but to be honest for the time being.

Hotel lobby.

A thousand people gathered, which was quite a lot.

"I have been practicing here for a long time. This should be the first time I have gathered you all together."

"One thousand people seems to be a good number, but not everyone is valuable. Next, there will be trouble soon. You need to show your strength and ability in this matter."

"Hope, don't let me down."

Without any more nonsense, Ron introduced the situation as he spoke.

And he really wanted to see what would happen in a battle involving a thousand telekinesis users.

There was no need to fight before, and the Immortal Congjun did not have the strength.

But it's different now. After a month of practice, everyone present can keep using their mind energy for more than ten minutes.

There are actually quite a few "outstanding ones" in twenty or thirty minutes.

In fact, to be honest, if you can maintain your practice to this level, you are considered a little master, and you are no longer proficient in practice.

Now, Ron can even mass-produce such people.

As long as his body is strong enough to withstand it, he can create such an ability user.

His hard work and efforts in developing this ability have paid off.

As for the rest, they need to practice hard. It is basically impossible to keep practicing for more than an hour once the ability is activated.

To that extent, you can truly be called a master, combined with the ability to read.

Basically wherever you go you have the power to fight.

Don't think too much about the later ones. Ron doesn't think for the time being that someone will be able to reach that point soon.

Those who can practice continuously for more than two or three hours have already mastered the skills and are considered to be top-level Nen masters.

Although they did not reach the peak, they are already pretty good.

If we follow Ron's own estimation.

If we use letters to calculate, ordinary people are not counted, from low to high.

The Nen level of a Nen user who has just activated his Nen should be around E, and it is good to be able to practice.

Those who can learn the basics and maintain it for more than 30 minutes are D.

Those who can practice for one hour and have mastered all the skills and developed Nen can be called C.

Most of the Nen users Ron has met before are at this level.

Although it is not ruled out that the application and development of abilities are particularly good, the ability is restrained or the IQ is suppressed, and they can fight across levels, but that is only a minority.

Ron's arrangement for the ability users is simply about the distribution of Nen and value.

Everyone has their own unique ability to predict strength, and Ron, of course, is the same. Based on his own experience, he helps the ability users allocate strength and level.

After an hour, in Ron's opinion, only those who can maintain the training for more than three hours and whose Nen ability has been initially perfected, and no longer a half-baked Nen ability, can be called B.

B-level Nen users can be regarded as the middle pillar in this world. Many Nen users that Ron met before are actually at this level.

C-level and B-level are actually quite good, and can be regarded as masters.

Especially those who have developed some special abilities.

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