Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 227 Zhixi

Winning the first match was nothing to Ron.

On the way to the stairs from the ring.

Ron saw the guy with the cloth tied on his fist again.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ron always felt that the other party was a little flustered and embarrassed.

"You look like you just came back from peeping."

Looking at the other party, Ron thought for a while and didn't waste any time on him.

Ron didn't care about the specific situation of the boxing champion. He just thought about whether he could fight directly in the next game, as if he had a residence on the 100th floor.

"Hehehe, Mr. Ron is joking,"

The boxing champion listened to Ron's words, thought of his cold sweat before, and smiled awkwardly.

And randomly watched Ron go to the next floor without any care.

He hurriedly followed him. He wanted to see if he could reach the opponent's limit, and by the way, make a little money.

It was too fast on the first floor before, and no one bet.

So he didn't react. Now that he is prepared, he can make more money even if the odds are low.

Ron, who was walking in front and just entered the elevator, never thought that he would become someone else's money-making machine.

"Ding, please go slowly."

The 80th floor, with the greeting of the beautiful elevator girl.

Ron stepped out of the elevator and came to the sky arena on the 80th floor.

After finding the registration place, he started to register. For more than 100 rings, he just threw them away without looking at them.

He even disliked putting them on his body.

"Shall we arrange the next battle for you now?"

On the 80th floor, the registration staff was polite.

Ron didn't waste time.

"Now, arrange it as soon as possible."

"Okay, no problem, please wait in the preparation area, and go there."

After the registration girl helped Ron register, she helped point the direction of the preparation area.

Maybe it was because Ron was handsome and not as rough as the fighters here, the girl's smile was always good.

Unfortunately, although the other party is very beautiful, he doesn't feel anything, and Ron doesn't have any idea of ​​flirting. Now his mind is on business.

He plans to solve the things and situations here as soon as possible.

Preparation area.

There are many people in the preparation area on the 80th floor.

However, it is still the same, the level is just average, although he has indeed won many games in this sky arena.

It can even be said that one person can beat more than a dozen ordinary people without any problem when pulled out.

But such a person is too ordinary for Ron.

This time, he didn't attract anyone's attention or hatred in this preparation area. Perhaps the people here know that people who come here have more or less strength.

Unlike on the first floor, many people just come to join in the fun and have no strength.

They are just here for fun.

"Player No. 2666, please go to the No. 13 ring."

It's fate again, and it's the No. 13 ring. Ron heard his number and didn't waste any time and went directly to the ring area.

When I walked in here, I saw the figure of the boxing champion. He was obviously already a 200-level master, but he was still here to join in the fun.

Isn't this just because he's full??

"Contestant Ron VS Contestant He Zhixi~"

"Please get ready."

Only when he stood on the ring did Ron see the dwarf in front of him.

He had big eyes, thick eyebrows, and a white martial arts uniform. Although he was a little kid, he looked very serious.

He looked like a martial arts school.

Moreover, he had a mental energy.

Although he had very little mental energy, it was good to have this level at this age.

"Old man."

"Please give me more advice."

Watching Ron go on stage, the contestant Zhixi directly gave Ron a move, using the understanding of the martial arts school.

And Ron was also very clear about this understanding.

"Heart source flow?"

Having seen the old man not know how to say more and what to say, Ron naturally knew the other party's style.

The old man was not a rule-abiding person, and he did not expect that the school he created would be so ‘serious’.


Seeing that Ron was ready to go on the field, Zhixi did not expect that he would talk to him just by bowing out of habit.

He had bowed many times before, but few people really paid attention to him.

“Yes, I am a martial artist who inherited the Xinyuan style.”

“Of course, I am just learning, I am a novice.”

Zhixi said very seriously that he was a martial artist, but perhaps thinking of his own strength, he touched his head and smiled awkwardly.

“Well, a newcomer, he seems to have good talent.”

Looking at Zhixi, Ron thought for a while, this guy seemed to have appeared in the role he knew.

Just like, Xiaojie and others who had met before.

He has been in this world for a long time, and if he hadn’t recalled it carefully, he would have almost forgotten it.

This guy is here, it seems that, if you calculate the timeline, it seems to be about the same.

"Thank you for the compliment, I'm still far from it."

Jixi smiled shyly when she heard others compliment her.

After all, she is still a child, and it is easy for her to feel uncomfortable when others compliment her, and then feel embarrassed.

"Indeed, that's not wrong."

"Referee, let's start."

Nodding without denying the other party's words, he turned to look at the referee next to him.

The guy looked at them talking before and didn't announce the start.

"Well~ the game starts."

The referee Yuan Ben also had this idea.

Seeing Ron say this, he didn't waste time and directly announced the start of the game.

And Zhixi, still a little bit unresponsive.

How did it change so quickly.

Isn't it a matter of the style itself?

However, when the referee said the start, he still reacted.

The whole person took a stance and was about to attack.

"Come on, don't be polite."

Looking at the little brat waiting for him to attack, Ron shook his head.

He greeted the other party.

He has no chance to attack, so this gives you a chance to attack.

"Oh, Huo."

Hearing this, Zhixi instinctively felt uncomfortable.

At the beginning, after Ron came on the court, Zhixi just felt a lot of pressure, knowing very well that this was a very strong opponent.

And later.

From the moment the referee announced the start, he felt an uncomfortable feeling from the opponent.

He was still alert, worried that the opponent would attack him.

He didn't expect the opponent to stand there lazily, waiting for him to attack.

Even so, Zhixi did not relax his vigilance.

He attacked with all his strength, his little feet stepped on the floor, and walked towards Ron with steady steps.

Then, he punched, a straight punch.

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