Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 23 Netero: I'll give you the position of the president

"Is this Toadhu Mountain?"

"There's not even a blade of grass. It's so bald."

"We are going to take a test here next? What is the test? One-on-one? Where are the eggs?"

A group of people took the Hunter Association's airship to the top of a mountain. After getting off the airship, looking at the surrounding scene, some people raised questions.

Many people have already begun to speculate.

It is really rare to see a bare cliff without a single tree.

The most special thing is that there is a bottomless ravine in the middle of Toadhu Mountain. Coupled with the white fog in the canyon, it is really difficult to see directly through it, no matter how good your eyesight is. No.

"Okay, everyone, come here and take a look at what's going on down here."

As if with some bad taste, or to prove something, under the leadership of Menqi, many candidates waited for her to stand on the edge of the cliff of Toahu Mountain, looking down at the situation below.

"My dear, it's so deep. You can't see down at all, but there seems to be something there."

"What? It seems like spider silk? No, there are some eggs?"

Under Menqi's guidance, everyone had discovered the target. When they saw the eggs, some people's expressions were already grim, as if they had thought of something.

"Should we just go get the eggs down there?"

"Are you kidding me? Isn't this a way to die?"

Looking at the canyon where the bottom is completely invisible, there are really not many people who have the courage to try it.

"Hey, I didn't expect someone to have guessed it. Our experiment this time is to use the eggs of the grape spiders down here to make boiled eggs. In order to avoid any dissatisfaction of the candidates this time, I will perform it for you first. How to get the eggs here."

Seeing that many candidates around him were already panicking, Menqi didn't care and jumped down while speaking.

She jumped down the canyon with a leap. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was no different from committing suicide. However, her operation made her aware of how to get the grape spider's eggs.


Watching Menqi being sent back to the top of the mountain by the air current at the bottom, Ron looked at it thoughtfully. This nature is really wonderful.

"Okay, it's that simple. Now it's your turn. If you don't dare, just give up and come back next year."

After the demonstration, Menqi looked around provocatively, and in her hand was the grape spider egg she had just obtained from the cliff.

"How is this possible? In a place like this, how could someone just jump off casually?"

"Go ahead and try your trick and get some eggs."

Ignoring those who were already fearful, Ron sat on the edge of the cliff and looked down, commanding the slug to get the grape spider eggs under the cliff.

"Yes, Lord Ron,"

The slug didn't have any words to say. It had already taken action when Ron gave the order. Its whole body fell to the ground and began to deform strangely.

It originally grew up into a big slug, but then changed rapidly, and most of its body condensed into something in the shape of an arm.

The body of about ten meters long was half resting on the edge of the cliff, stretched out, and then retracted. It was so simple, and the grape spider's egg was already in hand.

"Sir Ron, here it is."

After completing the task, the slug began to return to its original state. The operation just now is simple to say, and it is not particularly troublesome to do. The slug itself has the ability to split and reorganize, that is, as long as he controls it fast enough and in sufficient numbers.

This is enough to transform into other forms and body shapes, and it is also possible. This move also took Slug some time to master.

It's still a bit difficult. It's like a person who has always walked on two legs. If he is suddenly asked to use four limbs, it will be weird if he can get used to it.

Or if you are a right-handed person, if you have to make the person use his left hand, he will definitely be slow.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Seeing the slug that had returned to him, Ron took the egg with one hand and stroked the little slug that turned into a small man again with the other hand.

Easy to pass.

The candidates around who were still thinking about going down the cliff to get the eggs were a little stunned at this time.

"What are you doing standing still? Are you giving up?"

At this time, Menqi shouted angrily, waking up the candidates who were still in a daze and making them take action quickly.

Although she was a little surprised by Ron's method just now, she was just surprised and didn't pay too much attention to it.

She often hunts monsters and makes delicious food, and she has also seen very strange things. As for Ron's slug, she just saw it and had only one comment.

【Cannot eat】

Menqi was rarely interested in things that were inedible.

"President Netero."

Originally, Menqi was a little satisfied when he saw that many candidates had already taken action, but when he saw President Nitro next to him, he actually took action.

She quickly followed and followed.

"Hohohoho, I really didn't expect to meet you here. What is your identity now? Should I call you Ron the Strange Doctor, Ron the Immortal, or Ron the God of Death?"

Ron, who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, was about to get up and go back to pass the exam. But just as he made a move, he heard a slightly familiar voice coming from beside him.

That bad old man Nitro.

Although he had only met him a few times, Ron was still very impressed with this old man. After all, he was one of the few people who had ever beaten him.

And it was a rare one-sided beating.

"What do you mean you didn't expect me to be here? Didn't you pretend you didn't notice me?"

Ron grinned and exposed the other party's lie without any politeness. He had spoken at the manor before, and he didn't believe that the other party didn't hear it. .

"I thought you were feeling guilty for bullying a promising young man like me and didn't dare to say hello?"

"Or maybe it's because I'm seducing a beautiful young examiner and I don't have time to talk. I can't even hear when I'm scolded."

His tone of voice was very impolite, and he was not at all afraid of the other party's identity and strength.

Hearing these words, the examiners beside Nitro shifted their attention to Ron. After all, there were not many people who would talk to Nitro like this.

"A promising young man? Hey, let him let go of the past and don't talk about it anymore."

Hearing Ron's words, Nitro didn't feel embarrassed at all. Indeed, at their level, there were really very few things that could move their minds.

He rolled his eyes, then smiled and changed the subject.

"How about it? Now that you are here, are you interested in actually joining the Hunter Association? I can take any position you want, including the position of president, how about it."

Just like the previous invitation, Nitro invited with some sincerity.

This is actually not the first time that Nitro has said this. He mentioned it once during the previous encounter between Ron and Nitro, but Ron refused unceremoniously.

It is impossible to join the Hunter Association. It is completely impossible. The Hunter Association is not something that just one person can take charge of.

Obtaining a hunter's license and actually joining the Hunters Association are two different things. One is just for convenience and registration, and the other is to truly have real power and mobilize the real power of the Hunters Association.

These are two completely different concepts.

And although Nitro's words were very sincere, Ron regarded his words as farts.

He didn't know the rest, but this bad old man was very bad, and nothing good would come of it.

In general, he also wanted to know that if he truly entered the Hunter Association, apart from being restrained, if he wanted to get any other benefits, there was no need to think about it. This Hunter Association was not Nitro's one-word hall.

How could he casually give him the position of president? Then he would have to deal with the association's troubles all day long, deal with various people's affairs, and even the trouble caused by Nitro itself.

Where does he have so much time? The Presbyterian Council dealing with Meteor Street is already in trouble.

Another bleak day.

I ask for investment and recommendation votes every day. Let me see how many people are optimistic about it?

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