Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 254 Gon and Killua's Conditions

"The winner is Ron."

"After winning this game, Ron can go to the battle area on the 200th floor to compete for the throne of our building owner."


Listening to the host who was warming up next to him start to brag, Ron didn't care.

After watching the referee confirm that the guy was unconscious, he got the ticket to the 200th floor.

In the future, he only needs to win ten games.

Win ten games to find the building owner, and then find a way to get rid of the opponent.

"Sorry for the wait."

As soon as he got off the ring, he saw Maggie waiting, and he immediately smiled and approached her.

Although Maggie looked disgusted, Ron didn't care.

They are all people who have played together since childhood, doesn't he know what kind of personality he has?

Cold and arrogant.

If he doesn't have a little shame, he probably won't have anything.

"I didn't expect you to come here to bully such a weak person."

Looking at Ron, Maggie looked disgusted.

As for Ron's interest in the money here, Maggie didn't believe it.

There's not much money here after a round of fighting. One or two hundred million, they have plenty of ways to earn it.

She can do it, not to mention Ron.

Although there are formal and informal ways to make money, for them, it's all the same, as long as they can make money.

"Hehe, I'm not here to bully people."

Ron didn't hide anything.

He explained it directly.

The general purpose of his coming here, looking at the other party's current situation, obviously wanted to know, but he didn't say it.

"Can you learn so many abilities? And Pike."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm a genius, and this is not me learning, I'm letting others learn..."

"Don't worry about these."

Maggie actually only has a half-understanding of her own abilities, mainly because many of her abilities were only developed halfway, and only recently.

Ron didn't explain it for the time being.

Let's talk about it later.

Some things should be said, just say it directly, there is nothing to hide.

As for some things that cannot be said for the time being, Ron naturally won't say more.

It's not about trust or not. The main thing is that there are too many dangerous abilities in this world. Not to mention the far ones, there are even in the Phantom Troupe. .

Maggie's memory can be read at any time.

And in their troupe, Ron doesn't get along with everyone.

At least now, before Maggie really leaves the troupe, he won't tell her everything.

And it will take some time before Maggie leaves the troupe.

At least, he should repay all the favors in the past.

The two just left the battle area.


Ron met familiar people again. It hasn't been long since he came here, but there are quite a lot of familiar people.

"Hey, Xiaojie and Killua, I didn't expect to meet you again. You are inseparable, just like a couple."

Looking at Killua and Xiaojie who were blocking them and looked like they were looking for him, Ron said teasingly.

"What do you mean by being like a married couple? We are both men, okay? But you..."

"What do I have? At my age, it's not abnormal to have a girlfriend with me, right?"

Ron leaned against Maggie and kissed her, as if provoking something.

"You guys might as well try kissing each other, maybe the door to a new world will open later, remember to thank me then."

Looking at the two people standing very close, Ron continued to tease.

Although Maggie wanted to do something, at least she wouldn't say much in front of the two people now.

She just took note of Ron fiercely, no matter if he was a masochist or not, she would definitely deal with him later.

"What door to a new world?"

The innocent Gon didn't quite understand what it meant, and Killua on the other side was already unhappy.

"Only people like you who have such crooked thoughts would have so many ideas."

'"Gon and I are friends..."

"Yes, yes, yes, I didn't say you are not friends, I just said that your relationship can actually be better, like a super-friendship or something like that."

Looking at Killua's look, Ron continued to stimulate him.

It was like teasing a cat.

Provoking the other party to get angry.

"Killa and I are good friends, super friendship, yeah."

And Gon didn't quite understand why Killua was so excited. They had come here to say something, but they didn't have time to say it.

Now this matter and the situation are disrupted.

In addition, Killua, who was about to speak, stopped directly after hearing what Gon said.

After hearing what Gon said, he widened his eyes a little, looked at Gon, and then realized that the other party didn't know what it meant.

Then he could only remain silent and pretend that nothing happened.

Super friendship, so be it super friendship.

"Yes, yes, you are super friendly, beyond ordinary friends..."

Looking at Gon and Killua, Ron deliberately teased Killua.

Killer's beautiful sapphire eyes stared at Ron, and he exuded disgust, as if he was going to pounce on him and teach him a lesson.

"Okay, okay, why are you so excited? You can't beat me, just tell me what you want to talk to me about..."

"Do you have any ideas?"

Looking at Killua's appearance, Ron grinned and treated the two children in front of him as if he were a child.

Xiaojie didn't care, but Killua was very unhappy.

If it weren't for his education since childhood and his calmness, he would definitely want to deal with Ron directly.

"Don't get excited, let me tell you."

Xiaojie and Killua always complement each other. Although most of the time, Xiaojie is reckless and impulsive, there are times when Killua is impulsive or very angry.

Xiaojie is still very calm and has brains.

"Mr. Ron, we have thought about the conditions you mentioned before, and we have seen your battle today, but we can't see anything at all."

"So what?"

Looking at Xiaojie's words in front of him, Ron already knew what the other party was going to say.

But he didn't care. It was just a matter of convenience. As for what happened later, it had nothing to do with him.

In this situation, he needs to get ahead of Yungu.

Get the favors of these two little guys.

"You can go up to the 200th floor now, right? We will go to watch your fight later."

"As long as you show more strength than others, much stronger, then we will agree to your request."

In fact, when Xiaojie said this, he was very mysterious. He himself was not sure whether their own value was worth Ron's work.

Anyway, this was their own analysis.

"Anyway, after you go up, you will also fight in the ring."

Adding the last sentence, it was as if he was explaining the situation to Ron.

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