Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 264 Go and call Xi Suohua Shi Doulang

The idea of ​​running away.

The three people here are not without this idea.

It can even be said that they all have it.

However, they are not interested in implementing it. They also have a lot of manpower and means to make money here. Because of these and their current status, they live a comfortable life.

If they don’t have these, it’s not certain in the future.

Although they can choose to find a place to be a rich man, the money will always run out. It’s okay for them to spend money, but they won’t do business.

For these guys, they have been accustomed to the life of the upper class. It is completely impossible for them to live a frugal life for a while.

And without new money coming in, with their current capital, even if everyone has hundreds of billions or hundreds of billions, they actually know that they can’t stop spending.

Each of them is very generous, and it is estimated that they will spend it all in a few years.

Unless they live frugally, they may be able to use it for a lifetime.

"The solution now is almost the same. Just run away, give up the things here, leave directly, and hide. Given the situation of the other party, they should not be interested in hunting us down."

"In addition, negotiate, negotiate with the other party, we choose to admit our mistakes and compensate, but you are also aware of this situation. If the other party disagrees or we cannot satisfy the other party, then what the outcome will be is uncertain."

"In addition to these two methods, the last one is that we continue to act. After one road is reached, we can catch someone or find someone, find the opponent's weakness, and kill him."

The strong man who spoke last among the three actually had a lot of ideas, and the three precautions were directly in the minds of the two people in front.

And the actual situation is indeed almost like this, which is similar to what they worried about.

"Find someone? Do you have any candidates?"

"Weakness, we don't have his information, this weakness is not easy to find."

The two people in front instinctively chose the third method, but they began to struggle with finding weaknesses and finding people.

Finding someone is easy to say, and it is easy to find ordinary people, but ordinary people probably dare not even face Ron.

What they need to find is someone who is stronger than them.

Someone who can win consecutive games on the 200th floor, or even someone who needs to be a building owner.

"I have a target, Xi Suo, he likes strong people very much, if we spend more money to invite him, he may be interested."

"I also have a target, although he is not a building owner, but he has won many games in a row before, it should be possible to find him to help."

"Hua Shi Dou Lang, that guy is also very strong, and now he has won many games in a row, and he may be promoted to building owner directly later, but the relationship between him and Xi Suo seems to be a bit problematic."

"If we can talk to these people, there may be no problem."

"As for the weakness, isn't there a woman next to that guy? They are often inseparable, so they must have a good relationship. We can find an opportunity to do something."

The three people began to study Ron, one by one reported the name and the target, and as for Ron and Maggie, they also targeted Maggie.

"Ron will have another competition later. We can take advantage of him to find the woman. She is quite delicate, but a little small, hehe~~"

"I don't know which unlucky guy met that guy later. We have a chance, but I don't know how long the other party will be delayed. If he is still killed in seconds, our chance will be very short."

"We still need to determine the other party's situation."

"According to my idea, we'd better give in first and let the other party relax. The second and third methods will work together to find someone to admit defeat and admit mistakes. Then we will start looking for people here, as many as we can find, and then work together to capture the woman."

"This can also lower the other party's psychological defense. At that time, we will take advantage of the other party's action when he is on the ring and force him to come over later."

"I'm just not sure what the relationship between them is like."

The group muttered and started to discuss enthusiastically. Now it seems that it is a bit like that. They started to discuss how to deal with Ron's strength.

There are quite a lot of ideas, and there is already a general process, but it is still a bit difficult to do it specifically.

"You go find them, you go find Hua Shi Dou Lang, I'll go find Xi Suo, and by the way, let someone pass the message to Ron, we admit defeat in the evening competition."

"Whether we can find people or not, gather at 6 pm, and there will be as many people as possible at that time. In addition, I will ask those intelligence dealers to see if I can get some information about the other party."

"It's bad luck for us to offend such a guy this time, but we still need to deal with it."

There are three people in a team, originally four people, but after one person died, it made them more cohesive, after all, this was the trouble they had caused before.

In addition, they worked together before, and now, this crisis has come to each of them, which must be even more different.

And now, everyone has their own ideas.

There is no need to say anything later.

"I know, I have no problem."

"Then I have no problem either, I will go find someone now."

"Leave Xi Suo and the intelligence to me, now I will let someone pass the message to Ron."

Each of them had a clear division of labor, and then they quickly started to act, planning to start looking for Xi Suo, Hua Shi Dou Lang and others, and then launched a hunt for Ron and Maggie.

The three people also acted very quickly. Coercion and inducement would definitely not work at this time. Basically, it was all inducement. The person who went to find Hua Shi Dou Lang alone at the beginning was not interested at all.

He was not a person who liked to cooperate with others to kill people. He was not interested in their tricks. He looked down on those who only killed people in secret.

"We still have someone to look for Xi Suo. Don't you plan to see how strong Xi Suo is now?"

"He doesn't have many games in the ring here now. If he wins a few more games, he will soon play the host competition."

"This is an opportunity."

Seeing Hua Shi Dou Lang's refusal, the muscular man was naturally anxious. In a hurry, he even took Xi Suo's sign directly.

"Hisoka? He would do such a boring thing with you guys?"

"Really boring?"

The originally indifferent Hua Shi Dou Lang did have some reaction when he heard about Hisoka, but he was still unhappy with the muscular man, because this guy had proposed to play a fake match before.

Is he the kind of person who would play a fake match?

And now, Hisoka made him hesitate. If the other party would also take action, this might be a chance for him to observe Hisoka's strength.

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