Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 27: The route to the next level

"Is this the clue?"

Seeing the writing board and the dense handwriting, it was obvious that some information was left. Ron moved forward and walked to the writing board.

Stone pillars, bracelets, very obvious props.

Ron ignored it. At this time, he was attracted by the writing board in front of him.

"Rules? Route selection, level-breaking game? It looks really interesting."

Looking at the rules introduced on it, Ron grinned, as if he had encountered something interesting, and didn't think that he was taking an exam.

"Moshimoshi, hello, this candidate."

When Ron looked at the bracelet in front of him, he was thinking about whether to wear it and start the third test. After all, according to the introduction on it, only when you wear this bracelet, the game will start.

A speaker rang on the wall behind them.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Liber, the warden of this trap tower and the examiner of this third test."

"Liber? Warden?"

He spoke in confusion. This title is a bit strange.

The examiner of the third test mentioned by the other party at the end was much simpler, and Ron immediately understood the other party's identity.

Warden? Examiner? In other words, this is a prison? ?

When he thought of this, Ron had an even stronger urge to have some fun.

"Yes, I am the warden and examiner of this trap tower."

"There are many routes prepared in this tower. You have also read the rules. You choose a route to break through the level. Next, you will face traps and enemies. You can choose the route freely. Generally, there will be a safe route and a dangerous route."

"Choose carefully, it is very important for you. What will be waiting for you after choosing the route will test your luck. In short, if you are lucky, you can even walk all the way to the bottom of the tower safely."

"Here is a tip for you. If it really doesn't work, just honestly announce that you have given up the test. Remember this sentence, maybe it will save your life later. Okay, this is the rule. I wish you good luck next."

He said a lot of things in a crackling manner, and didn't give Ron any time to ask anything.

The warden looked very busy and hung up the call right after he finished speaking.

The speaker did not make any sound again.

It was obvious that the other party was not going to answer any of their questions.

"Are all the people in the Hunter Association of this character?"

It seemed that the little green bean man just now was also like this. He announced the rules and ran away directly.

He didn't ask any questions.

"Boom boom boom..."

"It looks quite smart."

Ron was only interested in your examiner's idea for a short while, and soon, when he picked up the bracelet and put it on, a wall next to him opened directly.

"Choose to open the door or not? Are you stupid?"

Looking at the question that appeared on the bracelet, Ron chose OO without hesitation.

"Click", "Click\

,"Ron felt something was wrong just after the small steel door was opened. He left the place instantly and did not stand where he was facing the door before.

And this fact proved that his choice was also correct.


When he just left the place, several bursts of air-breaking sounds directly cut through the air and finally pierced the stone wall behind him.

"Is this a greeting to me?"

After looking left and right, he found no other mechanical phenomena, so Ron stuck his head out to check the situation outside the door.

"Is this a trap?"

Looking at the mechanical crossbow in front of him, it can be seen that its power is extraordinary, definitely much stronger than firearms. Ordinary telekinesis can't defend against this crossbow by just relying on entanglement.

"This guy is really insidious. This ordinary ability user would probably be killed if he was careless."

Seeing this mechanism at this time, Ron put away a little contempt for this trap tower. He can be sure that the owner of this trap tower must be a master who kills people without paying for his life.

However, the other party doesn't want other people's lives very much. He just heard clearly that when this mechanism was activated, it actually made some sounds.

Basically, anyone with a little reaction can avoid it and still keep a way to survive. If you are hit by such a mechanism, you can only say that you are too useless.

After checking the mechanical crossbow, Ron was sure that this originally fierce mechanism had been made into a toy-like prop.

Of course, it could also kill people, but toys were only for Ron.

"Let's go, little slug."

A small passage was not big, and it didn't take much time. Ron quickly determined that there was no danger in it, and then started to act.

Stepped into it.

At this time, Ron was already a little impatient to see the next experiment.

In addition, he had another idea.

If this trap tower was to guard someone, there must be a prisoner, so could he do something?

Thinking that he might get something, he couldn't help showing a strange smile at the corner of his mouth. Ron's pace was a little faster, and he was looking forward to the moment of meeting those people.

"Left or right?"

Going straight forward, he soon encountered a fork, and Ron was a little entangled at this time.

Which road is more likely to encounter traps and prisoners?

"Just pick one."

After hesitating for only a short while, Ron quickly chose OO without wasting any time.

At this time, he had made up his mind. If he encountered the problem of choosing a route, he would just keep OO.

If nothing happened, he would not change.

As long as he kept OO, he would definitely encounter some prisoners.

"Boom boom boom..."

When this route was just opened, nothing happened. Ron walked a short distance. Later, when he reached the intersection where he could almost turn.

A rumbling sound suddenly came from above. It was obvious that something was rolling. Ron didn't have time to look up to confirm what was going on, and he felt something falling from above.


"Boom boom boom..."


With a loud noise, Ron saw the target very clearly.

After a moment of surprise, a round boulder fell from the sky. It was obviously specially designed. It just fell to the ground and started rolling again.

This place is a slope, and even the ground and the boulder are specially made.

"This is too fun."

The boulder came towards him with a terrifying and overwhelming momentum. Ron didn't worry at all. This thing was too slow. He ran a few steps quickly, stepped on the wall during the process, and turned away directly.

To be honest recently.

This is a bit complicated, but it seems to have nothing to do with me.

I said before that if there is no accident when I come to the station, I will finish writing.

This, I will work hard.

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