Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 293 Kanaz leaves

In the ward.

After the slug released bursts of energy that ordinary people could not observe.

Lulusi, who was lying on the hospital bed, began to react.

"It feels so strange, something seems to be moving in my eyes."

"It hurts a little, it itches, it's recovered, it seems a little brighter."

The arms began to grow gradually, and the eyes moved faster. The speed was even a little beyond Lu Lusi's expectations. There was excitement and a little stimulation on her face.

It seemed like I had thought of something that I was eager to try.

The eyes that had disappeared from the darkness condensed and appeared again. The flesh-and-blood eyes appeared in an extremely weird way and were directly created.

In fact, this is also true.

The arms slowly grew, just like last time.

In fact, this speed is not too slow, but it is indeed a bit slower than this eyeball.

Maybe it's because this thing is relatively large.

After all, the eyes are just a little bit small.

Seeing the cry of the treasure girl in front of him, Ron was a little speechless. People who didn't know it thought something had happened, and silently watched the slug in front of him exert his strength to finish the treatment.

The damage on the opponent's surface can be regarded as being dealt with directly.

As for whether there was any mental damage or other circumstances, it still needs to be clarified.

"I, thank you very much Mr. Ron."

On the side, Kanaz, who had always been very excited, spoke. Although he had always been very excited before, this was only the beginning and now.

Especially now, I am really excited.

"Father, please don't cry, okay?" Lulusi looked at her father who was crying with excitement and comforted him.

It made her want to cry a little bit.

Now that she is well, it means she understands that he may leave his father's side in the future.

Perhaps, this is also a good thing for them.

After all, these are all predicted results, and these are all destiny.

"Well, indeed, it's my fault, it's all my fault." Karnaz forced himself to smile, which was a bit ugly.

Ron stood aside and didn't interrupt them to continue performing romantic dramas or anything like that.

Now that the time has come, it doesn't matter if he waits a little longer.

Afterwards, I looked at the excitement of the father and daughter.

Later, they had a meal together, and then Karnaz was chased away by his daughter.

It is said that it has been many days since the other party gave up business and came here, and it is normal for him to need to go back now.

Ron hesitated and placed a small slug on the other side, telling him directly that this thing would spy on him, and if he didn't want to be spied on, he should put it away.

If there is any trouble and you can't get in touch, you can ask Slug to contact him.

This is already a benefit that Ron gives to the other party. However, the specific details still need to be determined by the other party's thoughts. After all, Slug is controlled by Ron. If Kanaz has any secrets or something.

There is certainly no escape from that.

Kanaz's men behind him said they would take them with him, but Ron didn't care.

The group of people sent him away directly.



"Thanks for the slug."

Lulusi played with the little slug in her hand, looking very interested in it. Maybe it was because she was cured by this little guy, at least in her opinion.

And now, when he said this, he might not only be thanking her slug, but also Kanaz's.

"Oh." Ron shook his head and didn't say much.

Instead, I was thinking about how to settle this guy.

Perhaps, you can give it a try to truly activate the other party's ability and let the other party become a real ability user.

Can this half-baked body be able to support it?

"Are you thinking about how to settle me?" Lulusi looked at Ron pitifully, which made people feel a little pitiful.

However, this was too pretentious and cute, and was ignored by Ron.

Such moves are of no use to him.


Ron replied while looking at Maggie next to him.

"I have a mission later."

Maybe she already knew what Ron was going to say, so Maggie gave an indifferent answer.

Ron smiled, is this guy angry?

Lu Lusi on the side also looked at this with a smile. Growing up, she had been in contact with very few people, basically family members and servants.

As for the other people, they are basically strangers, and none of them can be considered friends.

Those people, apart from being needed for business, are also involved in various things and cannot be considered friends at all.

She also saw it very clearly.

But now, it seems that he is not a friend, but a boss, a boss. This feeling makes Lu Lusi feel fresh and interesting.

Especially when she saw Ron ignoring her all the time, and then acting a little afraid of 'women'.

While Ron was thinking, Lulusi was already paying attention to Maggie and herself, making sure that she would have any advantages in the follow-up.

"Think about it, you'd better improve your physique first."

"You're in terrible shape."

While Lulusi was thinking wildly, Ron had already made a decision and looked at the girl next to him.

"Physique? How to improve it?" Lu Lusi looked confused.

Shouldn't she be asked to study her abilities?

How did this become physical?

"Practice, I'll think about whether there is anyone who can help you with the training later." Ron thought while thinking.

"Wait, is the training you mentioned the kind I think of? Shouldn't it be about ability?" Lulu seemed to have thought of something, and she had a rare bitter face.

She looked weak, just like a girl who was completely powerless.

She was truly powerless, unlike Maggie, a (pseudo) weak girl who could kill a cow with one punch.

"Yes, it's the kind you think of, physical training." Ron directly broke the other party's fantasy. If the body is too weak, what ability can be developed.

"I, can I not do it?" Lulu said cutely, what physical training, this feels like it will kill her.

Although she is not spoiled and knows nothing, Lulu was also served and raised.

She learned some arts and crafts, and physical training was something she didn't like since she was a child, and she didn't think it was useful, and she didn't need to fight with others.

The main thing is that she can't fight even if she learns, which is even more miserable.

Besides, it's so tiring. .

For someone who can't even run a kilometer, Lulu said that physical training is too scary.

"No, you have to do it. You're too weak." Shaking her head, Lulu's attitude made Ron more determined to catch the other party and train him first.

At least he needs to have a certain amount of physical strength first, otherwise, if something goes wrong, he might be gone.

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