Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 306 Personnel Screening

A warrior team like them.

It is not so easy to join a certain force together. Some forces that are not confident will not be happy or will divide them.

And this, so far, I have not heard any conditions, which is good news for them.

If they can enter a force together, it is also good news for them.

In that case, they can form a small group in the force, which should not be a big deal.

What kind of organization, what kind of force, as long as it is big, such things will happen.

Various small groups, small teams.

There will even be conflicts, which cannot be avoided.

"Since you all know the news, I won't talk nonsense."

"Start the test now. After all, that adult is not wanted by everyone."

"Next, you just stand here for 30 seconds." Although some people are going to continue to ask something, the boxing king has no mood to answer.

Intend to confirm first, and then talk about the qualified people.

After this batch, there are three more batches of people.

The boxing king plans to sort out a group of people today and send them to Ron.

"Thirty seconds."

"That's a bit disrespectful."

"Don't say thirty seconds, thirty minutes is no problem."

"Is it starting now?"

The boxing champion stood on the ring, looking at the people below the ring. He didn't think there was anything wrong with their attitude.

Frog in the well.

This is a problem caused by different worldviews.

There's nothing to laugh at.

The boxing champion thought he had some knowledge, but he didn't dare to say he knew everything. Perhaps in the eyes of some people, he was just a frog in the well.

"Is it clear now?"

"Then I'll start."

"Three, two, one, the countdown begins." The boxing champion made a stopwatch and enlarged it in front so that many people could see it.

It was turned on after three countdowns.

The thirty seconds inside had already started counting.

But the people below the ring didn't feel anything, which made them a little indifferent. Only a few people felt something was wrong and were a little alert.

Looking at the different reactions of the people below the stage, the boxing champion also had some ideas in his mind, then smiled and started to act, after all, he had wasted one or two seconds.

Malice, mindfulness.

The thought energy mixed with malice swept out.

The fighters under the ring instinctively felt cold all over and felt something was wrong.

Everyone began to tremble and sweat all over.

Many people couldn't even raise their heads and couldn't look at the boxing champion. At that time, they couldn't see clearly.

That is, the people on the scene were quite strong and were all high-level fighters in the sky arena.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the boxing champion could make the people around him lie down in an instant.

"What is this?"

"Is this the power above the 200th floor?" Many people originally thought that the final test was also a fight or something like that.

But now it has gone beyond their imagination.

This power made them panic, and also made them very excited and very interested.

New world, new power.

Some people have heard of this legendary power before, but they couldn't find it no matter how hard they looked.

After all, among ordinary people, things like thought ability simply do not exist.

Excitement, panic, and uneasiness.

Various emotions are mixed in the crowd.

As time passed, some people began to fall.

But not many, after all, the people here were already selected by the boxing champion.

If a large number of people fell, the boxing champion would really have to reflect on himself and determine if there was something wrong with him.

As time went by, a few more people fell, but it was not too many. Among hundreds of people, only a dozen or twenty fell.

The failure rate was about one-fifth.

It was still acceptable.

Thirty seconds, for most people, is nothing at all. If it were normal, most people would even think it was too little.

And the people here felt like they were suffocating in these thirty seconds, as if they were in a place without oxygen, as if they had entered hell.

That malice was completely carried by will and faith.

In addition to their good physical fitness, they could barely hold on.

"Okay, the test is over. Those who are standing have succeeded. Those who are lying down will leave by themselves. Those who are unconscious will also wait for them to wake up and leave."

Some people just lay down, and some people fainted directly. The boxing champion didn't care and announced the results directly.

Many people who were lying down and not unconscious felt embarrassed.

They were so confident, but now they are like this? ?

And there are people in this crowd who passed the test easily, after all, they are masters.

They have reached this level, even if they have not seen the mind, they are not bad.

If they have the opportunity to learn, they can get started quickly. Such people are considered good talents everywhere.

"Boxing champion, will we have another chance later?" After seeing the power of the boxing champion, some people are unwilling to leave like this.

If they have not seen it, maybe they just come to take a look.

But now, they are a little reluctant to let them leave.

"Maybe, but not now. The details depend on the adult. I'm just here to help." The boxing champion waved his hand, but did not refuse directly.

After all, Ron had no such request.

Even now this rule is customized by him.

As long as he can pass the test later, there will still be a chance before Ron wants someone else.

"I understand." The person who asked the question did not continue to talk nonsense.

He was almost there in the first place, but after this experience, he felt that he would definitely succeed next time.

After experiencing this feeling once, he became much more confident.

And the reality is the same. Experiencing this kind of malicious impact of thoughts all the time will make people feel a little bad mentally and physically uncomfortable, as if they have been hollowed out.

However, it does make people more resistant to reading.

There is also the possibility of awakening thoughts.

In itself, Nian Qi is something that every human body has, they just can't control it.

Even some people just can't take the initiative to control it. They themselves may instinctively control it and explode, but they can't be sure and don't know what the situation is.

Such situations may happen.

"Okay, I remember your appearance. Go over there, and I will take you to see the adult later." The losers were asked to leave directly, and the boxing champion called those who passed the test to the other side of the ring.

There will be others next.

"Yes." There was no nonsense. I heard that the boxing champion would take them to see the poster later.

Everyone was a little nervous and excited, and then started to move to the other side.

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